Second Life's Revenge

Chapter 78: Exposed

It was noon but Laura didn't notice it at all. She was distracted with many thoughts and couldn't bring herself to be composed.

"Miss Laura, I am here to inform you that Marquess Rogen's son is here along with Miss Viola. They are in the dining hall right now. Will you join them for lunch?" Lester asked.

Laura turned her to look at Lester and asked, "It will be rude not to greet the guests won't it?"

Lester's lips slightly raised and silently he nodded his head. He did not doubt the master he was serving. Despite looking unwell and not being in her right mind, Laura still stood tall against her enemy.

They continued to walk the hallway and after a while, reached the dining hall. Laura honestly didn't want to see Tine and her friends but she can't do anything since it would end up looking like she's running away from them.

The door opened, and the laughter that filled the room went silent. The smiles on their faces were wiped with a piece of cloth not welcoming the lady who came to interfere with their discussion. Laura walked into the room with confidence, putting her usual smiling face on.

"S-sister! You're here," Tine stuttered, pretending to look uncomfortable around Laura. "I heard from the maids that you were unwell."

"Yes, however it is rude not to greet the guests," Laura said and slightly bowed seeing Louis. "My name is Laura Alvarado. Please call me Laura. It's also nice to see you, Miss Viola."

"It's nice to meet you, Miss Laura," Louis greeted back. "My name is Louis. It's nice to make an acquaintance."

"I-it's been a while," Viola softly said avoiding Laura's eyes.

Louis Yltra the son of Marquess Rogen. When can things not go interesting in life? To think that the son decided to help Tine with her plans and on the other hand, is he not aware that Tine is already engaged? Why is he sitting so close next to her?

Speaking about Tine and Prince Winston's engagement, it wasn't a lie at all. The people were all rejoicing hearing that news because they were called a 'perfect couple' and 'a match made in heaven' just because she was a priestess or rather a fake one.

"I want to congratulate your engagement with Prince Winston," Laura said as she took her seat.

"Yes, I never expected His Highness to propose to me. I am flattered," Tine giggled.

"You call His Highness by his name? Can't you see that his fiancée is here?" Viola interrupted, crossing her arms together.

Bingo. It was a bait Laura made just now. But what can do if she says that Prince Winston was the one who told her to use his name? Of course, they wouldn't be able to answer if she says that.

"But Prince Winston insisted me calling him in that name. He considered me as one of his close friends. Did you not know?" Laura lied. The prince never called Laura a close friend of his.

But naive as the two ladies who sat across her was, they fell for it. Laura didn't like that Tine got engaged to Prince Winston that's one. But what she didn't like even more was that her friend, who liked him, was not able to do anything.

Poor Serena, if only she made a move earlier on Prince Winston they might be together by now.

Tine glared at Laura but still was composed since she didn't want to ruin the image in front of her guest. Laura, on the other hand, was satisfied to annoy Tine and her job for the day was done. Because she was still tried she wanted to get some rest.

"If you don't mind I want to take some rest now," Laura stood up and faked coughed.

"Are you alright, Miss?" Lester worriedly asked, acting along with Laura.

"You should take some rest," Louis agreed and escorted Laura out of the dining hall.

"Thank you, Sir Louis," Laura flashed a smiling that made his heart skip a beat.

"Y-you're welcome," Louis stuttered, covering his mouth with a hand.

For some reason, Louis' vision was in slow motion. The black straight hair of Laura stayed on the air for a while before it touched her back. Laura intentionally gave him a smile as if she was interested in him.

Lester who stood by Laura's side shook his head disappointedly while Laura giggled knowing that Lester didn't like the way she acted. She was like a lady desperate to find a man.

"I wonder what His Grace will say if he sees this," Lester blurted.

"Don't mention his name," Laura ordered. "It's not like we are a couple."

Since Laura came back from the underground market Lester and Mary had been teasing her with Erwin. They think that their bond became stronger to the point where Erwin will propose to her.

Since Laura's in the age where men would ask for her hand. But who will ask for the black-haired monster's hand? Well, that leads to one person who is the duke.

"If he proposes to you one day will you accept it?" Lester boldly asked.

"I…might," Laura muttered as her pace went faster. "Don't you dare talk about him again."

Every time someone talks about Erwin, Laura would always anticipate hearing more about him. Not only that but at night she remembers the warmth that was left by Erwin's huge hand and for some reason, this helps her fall asleep.contemporary romance

Lester opened the door for Laura and she went in. Every time she enters her own room the ladylike side of her disappears. It makes her tired acting gracefully each day and she didn't mind Mary or Lester seeing her in that state.

Back to Louis, for sure Marquess Rogen and Tine are planning something. Though Laura wasn't that worried about it because soon he'll be exposed, leaving Tine to lose a big supporter. Though she had two more big supporters. The royal family and the church.

But Laura wasn't scared of the church because she knows the High Priest, who isn't convinced Tine being a priestess. Let's just say that Laura is lucky to have an acquaintance in the church. Out of nowhere, the door banged open, seeing Mary trying to catch her breath.

"Mary, what's wrong?" Laura questioned.

"Miss! There are guards entering the estate. They said they're here to pick Sir Louis up," Mary said.

Laura's lips raised and thought this is it. Marquess Rogen finally will be captured and Tine will now lose him. Then that means that Erwin's revenge is over. Out of excitement, Laura gave Mary a hug while jumping.

"He did it!" Laura squealed.

"Did what?" Mary asked in confusion who then looked at Lester who was in the same position as she was.

Even if her problem with Tine wasn't over she simply needed to congratulate Erwin for his hard work. Simply having the proofs and other information wouldn't necessarily mean that you will be able to expose this certain person.

It is harder than you think.

Not only that for those who suffered because of Marquess Rogen. They are now free. Without Zeke and J's help, they wouldn't be able to expose him. There will be a day when Laura will visit their grave. However, not yet. She will only do it once Tine is gone.

"Mary, bring me a piece of paper and envelope," Laura ordered, walking to her desk.

Lester and Mary looked at each other, smiling. They already knew who it was for because who else does she write for asides Erwin?

"Now that they are free they must be happy am I right? Thank you for everything. Now that your battle is over I have to finish mines as soon as possible. I wish you luck and hope to hear from you soon."

Though the letter was short there was a lot of meaning to it.

"That fast?" Mary titled her head.

"Yes, send this letter out now."

Mary nodded her head and walked out of the room. Lester, on the other hand, saw the smile on Laura's face and he didn't care anymore. All he wanted is to see his master smile and not worry. Lester hopes that this would live her burden a bit.

"You're face is showing," Lester commented.

"I don't care," Laura hummed, touching the necklace Erwin gave her.

"I see. I'm sure that's from His Grace," Lester said.

"Didn't I tell you earlier not to mention him?"

"But your face says it all so I don't remember you saying it at all," Lester argued.

"Who is your master?" Laura complained.

"Of course it's Count Harrison. You expected it to be you right?" Lester grinned.

Laura held her laughter in and in the end, she let it all out. She hasn't been smiling or laughing and thanks to Lester the heavy feeling in her chest was lifted. It's nice to have someone by your side.

"Thank you, Lester."

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