Second Life's Revenge

Chapter 68: The Queen of Elves, Selphie

"Just a few more steps and we're almost there," Re cheered, hanging on Laura's shoulder.

Right now, Laura was on her way to visit the Queen of Elves, and she did expect it to be far as she needed to walk up a hill. Her stamina wasn't the strongest, and so it took a while getting to the Queen's garden.

The Queen's garden is where the Queen resides. It is said to be the second holiest place in the empire. But because the location was unknown and restricted, the people gave up, and quietly it became forgotten.

Laura's eyes widen in anticipation as the rocky path that she had been walking on changed. Her surroundings weren't leaves that hovered on her head, but she saw the clouds.

Finally, Laura arrived in the Queen's garden, and what more can she expect about the garden. If you look from the top, the high bushes barricaded the garden in a circle, adding vibrant into the garden each flower was grown beautifully. 

Laura took a step forward, not until a group of elves in soldier costumes stopped her. Re hopped of Laura's shoulder and talked conversed with the soldiers; however, one of the elf soldiers pushed him onto the floor.

"Re!" Laura anguishedly called as she picked Re-up onto her hand. She turned her head, looking down at the elves who seemed unbothered with the situation. Laura furrowed her brow and said, "And you will push down anyone who's on your way?"

One of the elves, whose appearance seemed different from the others, walked towards Laura and spoke, "We do not allow any to enter the Queen's garden. Special or not."

"Re was just asking. You didn't need to push him," Laura argued, thinking that the soldier elves were rude.

"We were ordered to do so," The elf answered back.

"And the Queen allowed it?" Laura indented, crossing her arms together. 

The elf soldier scoffed and walked back to his original position. Just because they served the Queen doesn't mean they need to be so rude to others. But at the same time, Laura understood why they went to the extreme.

Laura was human, and of course, the elves would be warier about her. Who would want to believe in humans after they did something cruel to their previous king? It was hopeless. Laura knew that, but she didn't want to give up.

The Queen was the one who led her here, and it would not make any sense if she doesn't show herself to Laura. She wanted to thank the Queen for saving their lives. If not, they might have been dead eaten alive by wolves.

"Let her in," said a soft voice.

Like an angel bestowed into the earth, her skin was white as milk, eyes like the forest, and hair like the sun's radiance. If the Queen were to be a noble or a commoner for sure, many ladies would be jealous of her beauty.

The Queen didn't have an elf-like body, and instead, she had a human body. This is probably one of her magic. Without any hesitation to ask who she was, Laura bowed and greeted, "It is an honor to meet you."

With the beauty and graceful move from the lady that stood behind the guards, there was no doubt that she was the Queen of elves, Selphie.

"So, you are the rumored lady?" The Queen gently smiled.

"Rumored?" Laura asked, tilting her head.

"Let her enter," The Queen said, and the elves soldiers followed. "There must be so many questions you want to ask me."

"There are, and it might take the whole day just to answer them," Laura giggled as she walked passed the guards.

When Laura passed through the guards, she felt the cold wind sticking onto her skin, and she froze, as the Queen's garden didn't look like it was the same from the outside.

There was a barrier that illusioned humans from seeing what's inside. Indeed the defensive and protection of the Queen's garden were high. 

The Queen's garden was much more different than what Laura thought. It was a land paradise for mana users. Every elf had mana, but they only have one specific kind, just, for example, like, Do who has healing powers.

Laura walked behind the Queen as they entered into her palace. More of a garden than a palace, even the palace's inner place was outdoors—fountains made out of gold, pillars made out of marble. It was a luxurious place, more prosperous than the Emperor's palace.contemporary romance

Laura's legs felt tired as they continued to walk inside the palace. Almost every corner they turned had a door, probably leading into a room. It was weird why the Queen didn't just enter a random room but kept walking somewhere else.

Laura sharply exhaled, seeing the stairs that laid in front of her. Her legs wouldn't last any longer, just why does this place need to be so complicated?

The Queen turned her back and giggled, seeing the exhausted face of Laura. Though Laura tried to hide her exhaustiveness, it was written all over her face that she didn't want to climb up the stairs.

With one wave from the Queen, a leaf appeared on her hands and grew big enough for two people to get on. The Queen carefully got on the leaf, asking Laura to get on.

Unsure of what she was seeing, Laura hesitated, and the Queen assured, "It's safe. I can jump on it if you want."

"N-no, it's alright I'll get on," Laura stuttered and hopped onto the leaf.

Without warning, the leaf suddenly floated up, carrying Laura and the Queen up the tower. Laura softly shrieked as she coincidentally looked down and felt her stomach sinking as the leaf continued to raise.

"Do not worry. I'm not going to drop you," The Queen joked, and Laura awkwardly smiled.

Just in a few minutes, they arrived at the top of the tower, seeing the elf village and the garden. It was very pleasing in the eyes to see how the surroundings looked and never had thought to see the beauty of the world.

Laura followed the Queen, who sat under a pergola and invited Laura to sit. Unsure what do, Laura followed and sat on the chair, fidgeting her fingers. 

"Don't be so stiff around me. Treat me like any other humans," The Queen insisted, flashing an irresistible smile at Laura.

Cheater, Laura thought. The Queen's beauty was enough to persuade Laura, and yet her smile made it much more irresistible not to decline. But she remembered what she must do and proceed to ask.

"If you insist. Then I won't hold back talking informally to you," Laura checked, and the Queen nodded her head. "You brought me here. Why?"

"I sensed that you were in trouble, and not only that, I felt the mana in you awakened," The Queen answered without hesitation.

"I don't have any mana in me. It's...impossible," Laura said as her face turned sour.

"It is not impossible. You are special, and so that man you saved," The Queen calmly answered and snapped her fingers once. 

Laura shook her head, declining. She didn't want to believe in herself though it was mostly her pride that didn't allow it. Erwin is exceptional, and Laura knew that, born of royalty, a child of Septus, and mana stronger than others. What could not be special about him? He's perfect in almost every aspect.

"I understand about Erwin but me? I'm just a girl who wants to live a better life and to take my revenge," Laura answered, holding a hand onto her arm.

"What makes that different from the man? A child of Septus and a power not fully awakened yet. Why do you not trust yourself?"

Laura stayed silent, thinking about what to say next, but her lips were frozen, and she felt a pang in her chest. The Queen was right Laura is a strong, beautiful, and wonderful lady. If only Laura had more courage in her, she would fully accept who she is.

"It's not that I don't trust myself," Laura answered, taking deep breaths before continuing. "I just act strong in front of the people so that I wouldn't fall into darkness again."

"That is why you hide your heart away from the people you love. You find it hard to trust," The Queen answered back while Laura stood up, looking up the sky. "And your heart is tainted to get revenge."

"Isn't that the reason why I'm alive again?" Laura sorrowfully laughed. "I...don't need to love someone and because by the end of the day I'll just hurt them. Just like what I did to Erwin."

"And you're not going to question me why I know so much about you?" The Queen asked.

"You're just like Septus. What is there to hide from someone who already knew me from the beginning?" Laura sarcastically said. "I'm not here to talk about myself. I'm here to thank you for saving us."

The Queen shook her head and sighed. There was nothing she could do as a woman's heart is hard to change. "You saved my people, and this is what I can do to repay you."

"I hope you don't bring the topic about my life ever again," Laura coldly said, and the Queen stayed silent.

"Stay here for the night as an apology for being rude to you," The Queen said as she called one of her servants to guide Laura. "Also, don't call me Queen. Call me Selphie."

"Yes, Miss Selphie," Laura slightly bowed as she watched the Queen walk away.

Just how much does Selphie know? Of course she would know almost everything since she's almost a hundred years old. What now? Laura thought as she sat back on the chair.

It was a good thing Laura forced Erwin to not go with her. If Erwin knew that she kept some secret about herself he might not stop pestering Laura about it. Even if they weren't awkward around each other anymore. There was slight hesitation with the both to open up.

But that's not the only reason why, but he just woke up and needs more rest. Royal or not he's still a human being, just not average like other people.

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