Second Life's Revenge

Chapter 66: The Elf King And The Merchant

When Re told Laura that they were in the elf village, she didn't believe it. The elf village is one of the most hidden places in the world. But not once have the people heard about humans and elves residing with each other.

Elves are small creatures to the point where they could be crushed or killed if a human stepped on them. But that doesn't make them weak, as they are born with mana. 

However, it was suspicious enough to see humans living with elves because humans are greedy beings, wanting to use elves for their own personal needs. 

Laura rubbed her chin and didn't understand the situation here. Is there something that the elves are hiding from the humans? 

"Re...why are there humans here?" Laura asked, turning at Re, whose face turned pale. "Don't hide it from me, Re."

"What? Me hiding no, never!" Re stuttered, and out of nervousness, he played with his fingers. At the same time, Laura didn't take the bait at all. 

Seeing the unconvinced face of Laura, Re turned his back to her, as a way of avoiding to meet Laura's eyes. Of all people he tried to fool, it happened to be Laura. There was no way a clever lady like Laura would fall a lie. 

Re bit his lip and sat on the floor, mumbling about how dumb he was to spill the beans. Sometimes he wished to be as quiet as Do and hoped for someone to get him out of the situation. But in the end, he raised a white flag, because he could no longer hide it anymore, and so he turned back to Laura and sighed.

"It slipped out of my tongue. It's supposed to be a secret amongst the people who lived here and the elves. But because I can trust you, I will tell you!" Re huffed, and his gleaming eyes changed into a serious one.

This is the story most of the people knew while growing up. Why elves were always scared of humans and how it is against the law to kill or force elves to work for you. It started 100 years ago when the world was still unpeaceful.

A merchant was on his way to the empire's main town and out of nowhere, found a wounded elf on the road. The merchant picked the elf up and was confused about what this small creature was.

The merchant could not bear to leave the wounded elf on the road and brought him back to his house. He tended to the elves' wounds and nursed him all day long. And finally, the elf opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was the merchant.

The elf was scared initially, but somehow, he felt that everything would be alright when he looked into the merchant's gentle and kind eyes. He wanted to repay the merchant, and so he asked him, "What is that you desire?"

The merchant answered, "Well, if there was something I could wish for, it would to be for my business to sail, but what can you do?"

What the merchant did not know was that the elf was someone of importance in the elf world. He was the King of Elves and it was said that his mana could grant anything except for the revival of someone.

"In two days' time, a wealthy young noble will come to you and buy all your products," The elf spoke.

The merchant didn't believe what the elf said and continued to doubt him. Two days passed, and just like what the elf had said, a wealthy young man came to him buying all his products, thus making the merchant rich.

The merchant couldn't believe that the elf granted his wish and wanted more. He went back to the place where he saved the elf and called out for him. Surprisingly the elf showed himself and asked, "What is it, human?"

"I want more. Give me more wealth," The merchant begged while the elf felt disgusted with his actions.

The elf shook his head and sighed in disappointment. The gentle and kind eyes of the merchant were gone. Instead, greed filled his eyes. The elf answered, "I cannot accept it. Two days had passed, and your eyes became tinted with desire. I am sorry."

"Then this leaves me no choice," The merchant said, and harshly grabbed the elf with his big hands. 

"Put me down!" The elf shouted in pain, struggling in the merchant's palms.

"I will not release you, not until you fulfill my wish!" The merchant yelled as spit flew out of his mouth.

"I will not fulfill your wish, you greedy human," The elf answered back.

The elf used his mana, releasing himself of the merchant's grip. He then proceeded to run back into the forest and since then, has never come back. The merchant didn't follow the elf and instead sent out hunters to hunt for elves.

Just within a few months, the merchant found the land where elves resided and raided them. His eyes gleamed when he saw the number of elves that he had captured, but none of the captured elves resemble the elf he was looking for in the first place.

One by one, the merchant questioned and threatened the elves to tell him where the elf that could grant people's wishes were. None of the elves answered as they knew that he was finding their king.

However, the merchant grew impatient and started to kill the elves one by one. Not until one elf answered as he was frightened to die.

"The elf you're looking for is the King! We do not know where he is, but for sure, he will ruin your life!" The elf spoke, angering the merchant and was crushed.

The merchant didn't release the elves and announced to the town that if they find the King of Elves, they will be reward with an immense amount of gold. The people and nobles hunted for the king of elf, and a huge amount of blood was shed.contemporary romance

After years of hunting for the Elf King came to an end when the Emperor found out about the bloodshed. It was a disgrace to hunt for other creatures to use their powers, and it was unacceptable.

The Emperor decided to end the hunt for the King of Elf and made a law stating that no one should harm or use elves for their purposes. If caught, they will be executed immediately.

There were no exceptions for the merchant. The Emperor called the merchant a greedy man and killed him instantly. Since then, the elves hid deep in the forest and used their mana to make a barrier that hides them from humans.

Still to this day, many nobles hunted for the elf king, and that is why the underground market existed. 

No one knew of what happened to the Elf King, but one thing they were sure about was that the elf kingdom was safe away from humans.

Re took a deep breath and said, "The Elf King died, but the Princess did survive."

"Princess?" Laura tilted her head, wanting to know more about it.

"She's the master who gave you the hand watch!" Re smiled.

"Then that makes her the Queen," Laura gasped while Re proudly nodded his head.

"The Queen's father loved humans and didn't want us to resent them, and so to build trust with humans, our Queen decided to choose some pure, kind, and gentle human beings who promised not to reveal their location," Re continued.

"Elves are such kind and precious creatures. While us humans are foolish beings wanting wealth only," Laura frowned and slightly lowered her head.

"It's alright!" Re said, crawling onto Laura's dress and continued, "Laura is different!"

Laura's chest tightened, seeing a small creature cheering for her. She turned her head, looking at the unconscious Erwin and hoped for him to wake up soon. Then something came into Laura's head.

" said earlier that I had mana am I right?" Laura asked as Re sat on her lap, tilting his head after.

"I felt it yesterday, but today it's gone," Re answered.

"The light surrounding my hands were gold yesterday. Why?" Laura questioned, looking at her hands.

"Gold? Just like our Queen?" Re doubted as his eyes widened.

"I don't know. I'm confused too. I don't have mana to begin. Not a single hint as I was growing up," Laura shuddered.

"It's alright, Laura! We can go to the Queen and ask," Re reassured, touching Laura's fingers.

Laura painfully gave a smile and nodded her head. It was all confusing that she had mana in her. This whole time, she thought that the thought the mana came from the journal, but she was wrong.

Maybe when she went back into time, Septus intentionally gave her mana, which is almost impossible if you think about it. Or maybe her mana just never woke up in her first life.

Re looked at Laura's unsure face and was worried. Then suddenly, the sound of a soft groan had erupted from the side, which Laura didn't hear at all. Re looked at Erwin, whose eyes were slowly fluttering open.

"Laura! He's waking up," Re tapped Laura's fingers with excitement.

Laura turned her head at Erwin and immediately stood up as she looked at Erwin. She covered her mouth and held in her tears, telling herself that it wasn't time to cry. Laura lowered her hand as her mouth formed a smile, and cheerfully said.

"You're finally awake."

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