Second Life's Revenge

Chapter 64: Pierced II

"How is he?" Laura asked, walking towards the doctor.

The doctor calmly answered, "His Grace is in a bad state right now. I've given him medicine. But with the amount of blood he lost, I don't know when he'll wake up."

"It's alright," Laura shook her head, and her legs fell onto the ground.

"Are you alright, Miss?" The doctor asked worriedly, and his eyes widened, seeing Laura's hair.

The fact that someone you know was wounded badly pained Laura. She grabbed her hair and screamed internally. The thought of Erwin dying entered her head, and it scared her very much.

The doctor continued looking, speechlessly at Laura as she continued to expose her black hair. Never in his life has he saw someone with black hair, and it was utterly surprising. 

"Miss...your hair is exposing," The doctor fretted, eagerly, waiting for Laura to answer.

Laura didn't know what to do. Her soul left her body, and her mind wasn't working at all. Nothing could distract her from her devastation. She wondered if she could see him.

"Doctor, can I see him?" Laura asked as her voice trembled. 

"Yes, you may. But please take your rest. It seems you had a long day today," The doctor answered, rubbing his nape.

"Thank you," Laura muttered under her breath and stood up as her legs trembled.

Without answering the doctor's question, Laura went to enter the room, but she hesitated as she was about to open the door. Her hand held the knob, but her mind was telling her not to turn it. Laura removed her hand off the knob and took a step back. She couldn't bring herself to turn the knob and feared that he'd hate her once he saw her.

Laura took a few more steps backward, and as her back hit the wall, she drowned herself to the ground and hugged her knees. Many thoughts flooded into her head, and her head started to ache. 

Laura's head ached because she was tired, but at some point, she felt restless. She was looking at the door that would lead her to Erwin, but she didn't know how to face him.

The thought of seeing his lifeless face horrified her. She didn't want to see him dead as there were many things that she wanted to tell him. Without realizing, her nails dug into her skin, and slowly blood came out of the wound.

Laura brushed her hair while gulping and leaned her head onto the wall. She felt herself going crazy as she continued to debate whether to enter to room or not. A part of her is telling her to go in, and another part tells her not to. Laura frustratedly asked herself why she was making the situation so complicated.

At some point, she wanted to let her tears out, and cry out all her frustrations. But her tears wouldn't flow out of her eyes. It didn't want to as if her mind was saying she had no right to feel that way.

Even if she had experienced real pain before, this pain was different. Instead of hatred pain, it was more of a concerning pain. Every time an image of Erwin smiling flashed into Laura's head, it made her flustered. But this time, it made her stomach sink deep.

If Erwin knew how Laura looked right, he would be devasted by what he was seeing. Seeing the woman he loves, tremble, and fall into the darkness. It was the last thing he had hope that would happen.

At some point, Laura gathered her last few energy to walk to the door and held the knob once again. With the fear that swamped her, negative thoughts entered her, she didn't want to go in. But still, she wanted to see him. At least one more time, at least for the last time.

Laura twisted the knob and felt a cool breeze pressing onto her skin as she entered the room. On the bed laid the unconscious Erwin, who was in a deep sleep. Laura's chest tightened as she saw his face.

Laura shut the door quietly and gently as possible and carried a chair by the bedside. Her gloomy purple eyes watched the snoozing Erwin, and slowly her hands crawled onto his. 

Feeling Erwin's cold hands, Laura bit her lip, and her head dropped onto the bed. This warm hand just held hers earlier, and now it was freezing. The results of blood loss were far extreme than what Laura had thought.

Laura remembered the rough texture on his hands, which was the result of his hard training. Her heart skipped a beat, and her other clenched onto the sheets. She didn't want him to die at all. 

"Somehow, I just beg you. Please don't die on me," Laura cried, as finally, a tear dropped off her eye.

Laura blamed herself for what had happened. How could she have let this happen?

A few hours earlier

Laura turned her back and saw the sword that pierced into Erwin out of him. Erwin's blood flowed out of his abdomen, and his legs fell onto the floor, leaving him in a kneeling position.

Laura ran towards Erwin, supporting his body and didn't care about the blood staining onto her cloak. She placed his arm around her neck and pulled Erwin up, who groaned out loud as she tried standing onto one foot.

"Just hold on for a bit more," Laura panicked as she held Erwin's arm, walking into a forest even without knowing where the exit was.

Blood dripped onto the floor as Laura struggled to walk as Erwin couldn't bring himself to walk any further. Exhausted as she was, Laura gently dropped Erwin onto the ground, wiping her sweat away.

Seeing the continuous blood flowing, Laura ripped a part of her cloak and used it to stop the blood from flowing out. It was cold at night, and when she touched Erwin's cheek, it felt cold.

Erwin couldn't continue any further, and by now, his eyes were fully closed. Laura called out Erwin's name, begging him to open his eyes. The last thing Erwin could hear was the cries of Laura. He couldn't feel his body and felt light-headed. 

Just for a while, he thought he would shut his eyes. But what he didn't know was that he ended up unconscious. Laura touched Erwin's cold face while panicking. She looked around her surroundings, and because of the mist, she couldn't see well.

Her eyes wavered as she looked at the cloth being drenched with Erwin's blood. She was losing herself and didn't know what to do anymore. There was not much that she could do. 

The blood wouldn't stop coming out and Erwin's face turned pale. Feeling hopeless, she placed her hands on his built chest and shut her eyes tightly. Not until she felt something warm on her hands.

Laura opened her eyes, seeing a golden light surrounding her hands and was shocked. What is this? She thought. The golden light faded, and she noticed that the bleeding had stopped.

Without any hesitation, she unbuttoned Erwin's top and saw the wound was completely healed. She looked at her two hands as it trembled and shook her head as her priority is to find someone to shelter for them.contemporary romance

With the wound healed, Laura had a bit of hope in her that he'll be alive. However, there was one thing that lingered in her. 

"I will be back," Laura agonized, releasing her hands off Erwin's face.

Laura ran with all her might and squinted, seeing a road in front of her eyes. Her eyes widened as she saw a figure of the man and yelled out for him. Hearing Laura's voice, the man turned his back and widened his eyes.

In front of his eyes was a girl wearing a black cloak begged for his help. A part of her cloak was ripped, and a familiar rustic smell reached his nose. Luckily the man was a doctor who was going back from work.

"I am a doctor. I can help you, but you don't seem wounded, is it your companion?" The old man asked, and Laura desperately nodded.

As if Laura never drank water, her voice was coarse as she spoke, "He's the Duke. Please save him no matter what happens."

"Please, bring me to him, and I'll see what I can do for you," The doctor spoke, and Laura immediately walked to where Erwin was.

With the doctor's help, Erwin managed to survive despite the amount of blood he had lost. It was luck that saved Erwin, and he was lucky that Laura was by his side the whole time.

If it were any ordinary stranger for sure, he would be left to rot. But it wasn't for that case. Laura was there by her side, and that's all that he needed. A person who could comfort him till his death.

Back to the present time

Laura opened her eyes and felt her back aching as she slept in a weird position. She flinched when she straightened her back. She realized that it was morning as she heard the birds singing outside the window, and a new day had broke.

Right in front of her, a man snored peacefully and later on realized she was still holding his hand. Her face burned a bit, and she walked to the window and pushed the curtains aside. 

A new morning, a beginning is what Sister Abby had always told her. Laura sniffed and frowned when she realized that she smelled horrible. It was because of the blood that had dried out.

From the window, Laura looked at Erwin and continued to frown. She hoped for him to be awake. Laura covered her mouth as she yawned out loud, stretching her arms up the air.

Only if she didn't bring Erwin with her, then he wouldn't have gotten badly injured. At the same time, she was grateful that he went. Otherwise, there would be no way of communicating with Angelo. She frowned, thinking about the fact that she didn't know if Zeke or J were still alive.

Laura shuddered and bumped her head onto the wall. She shut her eyes tightly and prayed that they were all safe.

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