Second Life's Revenge

Chapter 53: Grand Party IV

"Have you calmed down?" Erwin asked, kneeling on one knee, smiling softly at her.

Laura nodded her head and sniffled as her eyes gazed away from Erwin's eyes. She didn't hate the fact someone was by her side to comfort her. It was like half of the burdens went to him. But it was quite embarrassing to cry in front of Erwin.

"What's wrong?" Erwin asked, still kneeling on one knee, looking at Laura from below.

Still, in embarrassment, Laura didn't answer and drew her face away from him. Her eyes were red and puffy, and she had a runny nose—a perfect match to embarrass herself.

"What... don't tell me you're embarrassed about crying in front of me," Erwin paused, blinking twice and slightly smiled.contemporary romance

Laura pushed Erwin's shoulder softly, making him fall onto his butt. The more Erwin provoked her, the more she got annoyed with him. Well, at least that makes them both equal now.

But before Laura took another step, she noticed the unfamiliar surroundings. 

From behind, Erwin stood up, dusting his pants and laughed upon seeing her confused face. He, on the other hand, was one of the few people who knew the palace well. So this wasn't a problem for them.

"Stop laughing," Laura said, turning her head, looking at Erwin.

"Sorry," Erwin apologized with a small smile.

"Where are we?"

"In the garden."

Laura raised her brow and crossed her arms. It was evident that they were in the garden, and she knew Erwin was playing around. But knowing the personality of Erwin, she gave up on asking and sat back again.

"The garden where only royalty can only enter," Erwin said.

"Then why am I here? I need to get out. It'll be bad if I get caught," Laura panicked and frantically stood up to leave.

But before Laura took a step, she felt a pair of hands on her shoulder, restricting her movements. She turned her head and looked at Erwin, who didn't seem bothered at all.

Laura slowly removed Erwin's hands off her shoulders and took two steps back. Is this man in his right mind? How can he stay calm and composed after bringing a stranger into the garden?

"I can't be here," Laura stuttered.

"It's alright. A friend of royalty is welcome to be in here," Erwin said.

"Still. I can't enter without the Emperor's permission," Laura insisted.

"Laura, do you trust me?" Erwin asked.

Now thinking about it, Laura wasn't sure of what to do or say at all. Did she trust this man who suddenly entered into her life? Before answering his question, Laura clenched onto her dress and looked away.

"I...don't know."

Even though it felt like an arrow had pierced into Erwin's chest, he shrugged it with a smile. He expected this answer and was ready to face it, but he couldn't hide the face he made.

A painful smile.

Two people stood under the moon—a night where they both couldn't hide what they felt. One was confused about accepting her trust, and the other just wanted to be trusted by the person he was interested in.

With the awkward and weird air surrounding them, Laura excused herself even though she didn't know where she could go. While the wind passed Erwin, his icy eyes appeared, and his mouth formed a frown.

Erwin brushed his hair and loosened his tie. He sighed out loud, feeling down. Just when things between both of them were going well. Now, it's back to phase one again.

"I hate my life," Erwin groaned.

On the other hand, Laura walked through the endless hallway, and many thoughts filled in her head. She never asked herself who Erwin was in her life. She was bewildered and ran away.

Even if she told herself not to trust many people, why did she involve herself with Erwin? All the more, what if Erwin decides to cancel their agreement? Will that mean that it'll be the end for her?

The clacking sounds of her heels stopped, and she looked down on the floor. Once again, she did something to tense their relationship. Just when things went back to normal.

In the middle of the long hallway, Laura hugged her knees and buried her head into her knees.

It was because of trust that troubled Laura. Her mouth tasted bitter as if she wanted to run back to Erwin and tell him it was a misunderstanding. But it is what is, and she didn't have the power to turn back time.

"I'm so stupid," Laura muttered.

The next day arrived, and Laura still couldn't stop replaying the events that happened last night. She also felt guilty after what she did, but what can she do? She didn't have a clue about what to do about it.

Mary walked inside Laura's room and saw her by the window lost in her own train of thoughts. The whole morning, every time she came into the room, she would catch Laura spacing out, and no matter how many times she called Laura, she couldn't shake her out of it.

The only thing Mary could do was to watch her lady stuck in a problem. And it conflicted her as she couldn't think of any way she could help Laura at all.

"Miss Laura?" Mary asked, looking worriedly at the dazed Laura.

Still, Laura didn't budge or turn to Mary's direction. Mary called Laura once more, and this time she was able to shake Laura out of her trace.

"Yes?" Laura answered, turning her head at Mary.

"Are you alright?" Mary asked, hoping Laura would answer her honestly.

"Yes...why?" Laura asked blankly, tilting her head.

"I-it's nothing," Mary smiled.

Even if Mary had the opportunity to ask, she didn't want to force in the question but instead wait for Laura to tell her. For now, there was nothing Mary could do but wait.

Laura leaned her head on the window as she sat on the chair. There was a big mess in her mind right now. Trust, just what is that? It was already hard for her to trust people in the estate—all the more, a stranger like Erwin.

"Would you like some tea?" Mary asked.

"Yes, please."

There was no time for Laura to think about this as she had to focus on what she should do with Tine. Things between them were getting intense, and not only that, the news about Erwin blossomed amongst the people.

Because the crowned prince and Erwin revealed their face in front of the people, many other nobles would request and invite them for a tea party. Mainly was to introduce their daughters to them.

Even though Laura knew things like these were bound to happen, she still felt a tingling spark in her chest. She thought, 'what if another lady catches his eyes? Does that mean there would be a lower chance for them both to see each other again?'

Thinking about this made Laura realize something, 'just what is this feeling, jealousy?' She stood up, slamming the table in front of her, and startled Lester, who quietly stood in the corner. There was no way she was jealous.

Laura shook her head, not wanting to accept it. There was no way she liked Erwin, a cheeky and mysterious guy. Lester worriedly looked at the conflicted Laura and opened his mouth to speak, but not a word escaped.

Lester nodded his head, agreeing that it was a woman's problem, and he had no right to interfere at all.

Mary entered Laura's room, holding a tray with a teapot and teacup. Laura thanked Mary and sighed out loud again. The heavy feeling in her chest did not subdue, but it somehow escalated.

"Miss, is there a problem? I've heard you sigh all morning. Are you still tired from yesterday's party?" Mary asked, placing the teacup on the table.

"I might be tired," Laura lied. There was a reason why she lied, and that's because she didn't want to worry Mary at all.

But without knowing, Mary already knew something was wrong and was already worried about her but hides it. There was no reason why Laura should tell Mary. It was her problem to solve after all.

"It's alright to tell me," Mary said in a composed manner.

"I'm really fine," Laura sighed as she was starting to feel annoyed.

"Are you re-"

"I said, I'm alright!" Laura yelled, slamming her hand on the table.

Mary placed a hand on her chest and bit her lip. While Laura realized she had done something she wasn't supposed to do. The last person, Laura, promised not to yell at was Mary. Yet she just did.

Mary put a smile on her face, acting not offended, but deep down, she was wounded. She may have pressed the button, but she just wanted to be a friend who could help Laura.

It made Mary start to think, did Laura think of her as a friend?

"I-I'm sorry. Please just leave me alone," Laura commanded, not meeting Mary's eyes.

Mary hesitated to follow Laura's command, but she had no choice because she was a maid who needed to listen to her master's orders.

"No, I should be the one to apologize," Mary said, bowing, leaving the room, and following Lester out.

The aroma of the hot tea spread in the room, reaching the nose of Laura. But she wasn't in the mood to drink tea and just wanted to shut herself in the room, just like what she did in the past.

And because of that, Larua felt she was back to phase one. She felt overwhelmed and didn't know what to do. It was her first time feeling like this.

First, she didn't know if she trusted Erwin and left him alone. Second, she yelled at her first friend. What can she do now? She was feeling hopeless. And felt like she was all alone again.

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