Second Life's Revenge

Chapter 27: Did You Ask For Me?

Tine curiously looked at the envelope Laura had received from a distance. However, she was disappointed as she wasn't able to see the seal.

Laura called for Mary and asked her to put the envelope on her desk. She felt like she had to get rid of the letter as soon as possible as she was getting uncomfortable with all the attention being on her.

The count had pinned his interest in the letter and asked who Laura it was from. Laura lied thinking it was safer to say that it was from Serena.

However, upon hearing Serena's name, Tine clenched her fist as she was filled with envy. She wondered how her childhood friend had become Laura's friend.

The atmosphere was tense as Prince Winston placed his fork down, looking at Laura. He then broke the silence by asking Laura what she wanted for her birthday, but she insisted that Prince Winston shouldn't need to buy her a gift.

It wasn't Laura's plan to become friendly with Prince Winston, but somehow the prince was trying to become her friend.

Laura didn't want to become friends with the prince because he seemed sketchy and weird for her. Laura couldn't understand what he was thinking and didn't like it when she isn't able to read someone.

A picture of the duke popped into Laura's head, making her blush. She scolded herself for this, of all times, she thought him now. Ever since Laura met the duke, things have been changing. 

Meeting one person in your life can sometimes change your entire life. The saying was true. Sometimes when you meet someone, whom you never met before, your life can change for better or for worse.

Laura paused, looking at her hand. She thought about how things would be if she had never met Erwin. Would her life still be the same? Or things still turn out the same?

"What's wrong, Laura?" Count Harrison looked at Laura with a worried expression. He thought she didn't feel well and that was bad since it the day before her birthday.

"I was wondering if I could visit sister Abby and the others."

"Of course you can. You miss them right?" Laura smiled sadly.

Indeed, she missed them a lot. That's because she had been through so much and somehow wanted to escape for a while. She thought it was much better being in the forest where she had her freedom than the estate where she is somehow imprisoned.

"I do."

After Laura finished her meal, she quickly excused herself as she wanted to get enough rest as tomorrow was her big day.

Meanwhile, in the dining room, Prince Winston and Tine were talking. Prince Winston talked about his ideal partner and Tine was having the time of her life.

"Does your highness favor Tine?" Tine asked shyly as she blushed with the thought that he would say yes, but she was wrong.

Instead, he said the opposite of what she wanted to hear. Her mouth morphed into a frown, and she bit her lip nervously. She wondered how he could not like her. Blonde hair, beautiful eye color, and a nice body.

Who wouldn't like a girl like her? Prince Winston who didn't really care about her reaction got a napkin and wiped his mouth.

"I like someone else. But I don't think she sees me as a potential suitor."

Tine was angered at the same time pitied Prince Winston and wondered who that girl was. She had an idea who it was, but she refused to think or accept it.

"It's alright. If your highness is willing to have me, then I don't mind."

"Tine is such a sweet girl. How come you don't have any other suitors?" Tine blushed and felt elated.

For the first time, the prince had said something good about her. No suitors? That was a lie. Many guys her age had a crush on her, some even gave her luxurious gifts, however, was still rejected by her.

After all, there was only one guy in Tine's eyes, and that is Prince Winston. The reason why the prince comes to the Alvarado estate so frequently was that Tine would invite him personally.

However there was another reason why Prince Winston comes and goes to the estate, and it was because he felt that there something weird about being around Tine. She wasn't normal to him. It was as if she had some possessed dark mana in her.

However, no matter how much he looked at Tine, it seemed like she was just like any other ordinary girl. He did not see any harm towards her.

But still, he wished to marry the girl he likes. Tine was smiling as if she did not care, but inside she felt jealous of that girl. She even thought of killing the person if necessary.

'No one can interfere with my plans.'

"I don't want to be rude, but is it Lady Serena?" Prince Winston looked surprised. He never expected someone to know about this.

After all, Serena and Prince Winston were both secret childhood friends. Only the royal family knew about it. A girl like Tine knew about it because she had been friends with Serena since they were kids.

There was a time when they were both talking and Serena had told Tine a secret about herself. That secret to be precise was about her and Prince Winston being childhood friends.

"I don't know what you are talking about."

Prince Winston dodged the question because he knew that Serena wouldn't like it if she heard bad rumors about herself. He doesn't want to hurt her any further.

However, Tine insisted that she was right and so she kept pestering Prince Winston not until he angrily slammed his fist on the table. Tine was taken aback and kept quiet. She did not know the prince could show such anger.

After all, he only shows his good and nice side. It was his first time to get angry in front of Tine.

"Please mind your own business."

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to keep asking you."

The dining room was filled with silence and the air became heavy. The count felt uncomfortable and decided to divert the attention and started a new conversation about his business doing well.

The count complimented Laura because ever since she suggested a solution to his problem; the business had been doing much better.

Prince Winston felt uninterested in the topic but was impressed with the suggestion Laura had made. He knew that Laura was smart but she was somehow even smarter than he had thought.

Tine, on the other hand, felt embarrassed. She didn't know what to do, and so she decided to just keep her mouth shut.

But as the count and the prince were talking, she felt irritated as they talked about Laura. She kept thinking in her head, 'what's so good about her?'.

In Tine's eyes, Laura looked plain, unattractive, and her black hair and purple eyes are weird. She also couldn't understand why good things kept happening to her.

As if she could predict the future.

"I shall take my leave now."

"Thank you for coming here."

"I enjoyed having supper with the Alvarado family. But I apologize as this is the last time I'm going to visit you."

"You must be busy with your work after all," Tine frowned.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Count Harrison."

"It is an honor, Your Highness."

Prince Winston bid them goodbye as he walked out of the dining room and headed back to the palace. He never expected himself to get angry, but he wondered how Tine knew about it. He thought about it.

Were Serena and Tine friends for a long time?

The night has fallen, and the estate has gone quiet. Laura lit the candle and as she slowly opened the envelope sent by Erwin.

Laura was conflicted, she hoped that he would come tomorrow, but at the same time, she hoped that he wouldn't. She nervously took the letter out and opened it slowly. Just reading the first few lines, she wondered if it was really him writing.

"Dear Laura, Did you ask for me? I am quite surprised that you invited me to your birthday party, even if we don't know each other that much. I'm just kidding, what can I do for you? I can't believe I received a letter from you. I must treasure the letter you sent to me, despite having one line in the letter saying, you are invited to my birthday party."

Laura laughed once more and wondered, how can a guy like him be a duke? It's her first time encountering a guy as goofy as Erwin.contemporary romance

"I have time tomorrow and even if I don't have time, I'll make time for you. I don't know why you invited me to your birthday party, but I'm sure you have a reason why."

Laura placed the letter down on the table and smiled. She never expected Erwin to send such a bold letter like that. But that's what makes him charming, after all.

"On the night of the duke's journey. An arrow will strike into his heart and he will die. Save him, for he will be your future."

Laura sighed after remembering what the journal said. If he dies then what will happen?

'Save him, for he will be your future.' She wondered how he would 'be her future'. Because no one does know about the future.

It's unknown and unpredictable. But somehow Erwin's words managed to make Laura smile genuinely. His words, 'Did you ask for me', kept her awake.

Still, Laura refused to like him because he's dangerous and she didn't want to accept that he was the type of guy she liked.

'I need to go to sleep. It's going to be a long day tomorrow.'

Laura blew the candle, laid down on her fluffy bed, and drifted into wonderland.

'Tomorrow will be another day. Another day where when drama will happen.'

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