Second Life's Revenge

Chapter 22: Into The Forest I

Three months have passed, and it was almost Laura's birthday. Ever since the first event had happened, Laura has been waiting for the next one. But it never came. Laura checks the journal every day, but nothing new was written.

"Miss, do you want me to send the letters out now?"

"Yes, please."

For the past two days, Laura had been preparing for her small birthday party and invited both Serena and Viscountess Andrea. Laura didn't invite Tine because she didn't want her to disturb their free time.

During those three months, Tine kept sending Viscountess Andrea letters asking to become her student. This only annoyed Viscountess Andrea, and she only ignored her letters since then. Tine was ashamed and didn't want to show her face in front of the viscountess.

Since then she has been avoiding meeting Viscountess Andrea as well. Not only that, but Tine and the second prince had also gotten closer and there are many rumors spreading around saying that she could become his finance one day.

Laura was scared that the prince and Tine's relationship had gotten better. Her only hope was to get close to him.

Tine shyly laughed at the prince's joke and saw the servants bringing in some gifts. She remembered that it was almost Laura's birthday and but she paid no attention and did not care about what gift to give her.

Tine thought giving a dead flower was enough for her. Winston had noticed that the servants were carrying gifts into the house and asked Tine whose birthday it was. She then told Winston that it was Laura's birthday in two days.

Winston joked about giving Laura a present and Tine laughed it off even though she did not like what he said. Even if she knew that Winston was joking, she did not like the fact he was thinking about her.

Tine was a very possessive person and once she had set her eyes set on someone, she would go to great lengths to make sure no one will take them away.

"Is there a problem, Miss Tine?"

"No, I was just thinking of what to give to my sister."

Tine lied, pretending to think, but in reality, she did not care at all. Winston thought hard about it as well and decided to share his idea with Tine. He recommended Tine to buy Laura a hairpin as a gift.

Tine pretends to like the idea, but with the way she thinks about Laura, she thought a dead flower would suit her better.

"I think His Highness gave a good recommendation."

"Is that so? Then I should buy one for her too."

"You don't have to, you could get her something else."

"No, it's the perfect gift for her. The weather has been getting hotter lately and her hair is black so she might feel hot."contemporary romance

Winston agreed with Tine, but he did not like the way Tine had said it. He knew that Tine had liked him and his father, who is the emperor, also wanted him to marry Tine. Still, he did not like her and only acted nicely in front of her.

Winston preferred to marry Serena because they were childhood friends. Only a few knew that Winston and Serena were close. That is why rumors did not spread about both of them. He wished he could choose who to marry and if he could, he would have asked Serena already.


Laura took a stroll in the garden alone and walked to the secret pergola near the lake. She felt at ease as she listened to the sound of nature.

Laura hoped that she would be able to know of the second event today and if not she wouldn't know what to do anymore.

Each day Laura would check the journal at night but, still, nothing new had appeared. She hoped that it would come today to stop her endless worries.

Laura did not know what to do ever since her necklace was stolen, but she knew that Tine still had it. Laura was frustrated because she couldn't remember who knocked her unconscious. All she remembered was a black shadow and nothing more.

Recently, Laura had asked Lester to look closely at Tine's movements because she has been going out more frequently than usual.

Laura wanted to spy on Tine, but it would be obvious if she had made a move. She suspected that someone was protecting or helping Tine.

But Laura doesn't have a clue about who it could be. Laura heard from the maids that the organization group, "Silence" has been moving around lately. The thought scared Laura and gave her the idea that Tine was after her life.

Laura thought of hiring a personal guard, but she wanted someone strong enough to protect her. After all, the person she was fighting was stronger than she had thought.

Laura never expected Tine to avoid her, but she liked it because she doesn't need to see her face. She was also anticipating Tine's gift because she knew that Tine wouldn't miss her birthday. Laura closed her eyes and heard a voice calling her. She opened her eyes and looked around her, but saw no one near her.

The mysterious voice called her again and told her to look down. Laura looked down and saw an elf. She was not expecting an elf to call her because they rarely show themselves to humans. Laura bent over to the small being and picked him up gently with her hands.

It was her first time seeing an elf and couldn't believe she was seeing one. The elf fixed his hat and thanked Laura for picking him up. Laura gently poked the elf gently on the side as she still couldn't believe that this was all real.

"Stop poking me."

"I'm sorry. It's just that I can't believe I'm seeing an elf right now."

"Laura, I'm here to tell you that you need to save someone."

"How do you know my name?"

"I don't have time to explain, but please help my friend."

"What happened to your friend?"

"An earthquake happened and a big rock fell onto him. Right now he's unconscious, and if I don't get him out before the night comes, the monsters will eat him."

"Alright, where is your friend?"

"There behind those bushes."

Laura was hesitant to go into the forest because that is where the monsters live. Fairies and evil monsters did exist in their world, but it was rare for them to appear. The evil monsters were kept in the forest with a magic barrier that prohibits them from escaping.

But once Laura steps into the forest, she'll be in danger. But still, she couldn't ignore an elf asking for help. Laura gathered all the courage she could muster and stepped into the forest.

As she followed the elf, she noticed her breathing became faster. She was terrified as she walked deeper into the forest, seeing that mist had started to form.

"We're almost there."

Laura trusted the elf, and once they arrived she saw an elf stuck under a boulder. She ran towards the elf and pushed the rock away from him. Laura saw that the elf was bleeding and quickly ripped a part of her dress and pressed it over his wound gently.

"Do you have medicine?"

"Please do not worry about that. Do's magic is healing, he can heal himself."

Do, the elf healed himself as he was lying down on the floor. A few moments later, he stood up with no hint of injury and thanked Laura. He said that if Laura had not come, he would have been dead by now.

"I almost forgot to introduce myself. My name is Re, and he is Do. I really want to thank you for saving him. If Do had died, I would have lost my one and family member."

"But why are you guys in such a dangerous place?"

Laura picked up the two elves on her hands and couldn't help but find them adorable. She had only read about them in books, but she never expected to see one.

After all, elves are said to be scared of humans.

"How can we thank you?"

"You don't have to reward me. I just did what I wanted to."

Re frowned hearing what Laura said and was about to reply until suddenly, they heard a wolf's cry. Laura had suddenly become scared again as she remembered the situation and place she was in.

Do ran onto Laura's shoulder and buried himself in her neck. Laura looked around as she noticed the mists had become heavier and thicker. Most of all, she was worried about not being able to get out of the forest.

As there was a saying once you enter the forest you will not be able to get out.

"I'm sorry for putting you in this position." Re apologized, bowing on her hand. Laura smiled and assured him that it was alright.

If she had not come into the forest, he might never be able to see his brother again. Laura was slightly envious of the relationship between them. It was heartwarming. Unlike Laura's and Tine, they both were fighting among themselves.

"But lets at least go into a cave first. The wolves wouldn't be able to find you there because the caves here are protected by the elf king."

"Is that so? Then we should hurry."

Laura and the two elves quickly went to find a place to settle. Later on, as the sun started to set

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