Second Life's Revenge

Chapter 119: Eavesdrop

There wasn't much time left till supper and so Laura changed into a more presentable dress as the white dress she wore at the moment resembled 0more of a nightgown than a casual dress. After she finished changing into a proper dress, Mary escorted her to the dining room, even if she didn't have to do so.

"Laura! You're here! How are you feeling?," the Duchess asked as she stood up and brought Laura to her seat. While giggling, Laura answered, "Because of your hospitality, I'm feeling good as new." Laura then took her seat and her eyes wandered to the table in front of her and realized that instead of three, there were two plates only.

"If you're asking where Erwin is he's just busy right now," The Duchess said as she took her seat after. She then nodded her head at a footman to start serving the food. The footman nodded his head in return and left the dining room. 

So that's why she hasn't seen him. He was just busy. Laura didn't realize that she was frowning until the Duchess pointed it out.

"Do you want to see him that bad?" She teased, making Laura blush. As Laura was about to speak, the door opened and the servants came in a line and laid the food in front of them. Laura's face was still flushed from earlier, but what the Duchess said was true. She wanted to see him again but she was not that desperate. If she were to wait a hundred years for him, she'd still do it.

"I do but he's very busy isn't he?" answered Laura as she waited for the Duchess to touch the food before she could, as it is common courtesy. The Duchess flashed a smile then she said, "You remind me of my husband." She giggled as she picked up her fork and knife, and proceeded to eat. When she looked up, she noticed that Laura was looking at her hesitantly.

"Go ahead, it's alright with me if you have things to ask." said the Duchess kindly.

"How did you and the previous Duke meet?" Laura has been curious about it since she never really talked much about the previous Duke. But for sure he was a wonderful person as he raised a wonderful son.

"Just like other nobles, we had a political marriage. At first, we didn't get along but slowly we started to accept each other to the point we fell in love. This is actually quite embarrassing to tell," The duchess laughed nervously as she fans herself.

"I think it's wonderful. Not all couples who went through an arranged marriage go along with each other. Some just marry each other for fame. I think it's a very wonderful love story you guys have," Laura smiled.

"Let's eat before the food gets cold," The duchess said as Laura nodded her head and ate her porridge.

The food in the Ferguson estate never failed to surprise her even if all she could eat was porridge. She was so tempted with the roasted chicken in front of her but she held herself back since she just recovered. After supper, Laura and the Duchess moved to another room and continued their conversation earlier. For some reason, their topic moved to Louis. 

At first, Laura didn't want to talk about it but she pushed herself to do so. It is the first step in overcoming a traumatic event. The Duchess knew what happened as she heard it from Erwin. When Erwin came back home with Laura in his hands the Duchess didn't know what to do because Erwin's eyes were filled with anger.

The Duchess thought Erwin would go rampage but that never happened. After leaving her in the room, he went back into his room immediately and took a rest. The way how Erwin acted shocked her since it was very unusual. So she asked Blaine what has gotten with Erwin and all he said was that was the result of the power of friendship.

It made Laura laugh hearing that because she could imagine how Blaine said it. Blaine can be serious but he jokes around a lot with people he is close with. He is a good friend.

"I was speechless and laughed it off since it was true. Without Blaine being by my son's side I don't think he would be the person he is today ."

"I agree," Laura laughed as she poured tea into the Duchess's empty teacup.

"I have something serious to ask you," the Duchess said and she wasn't kidding, as her playful eyes suddenly turning serious. Laura gulped thinking she did something wrong. The Duchess then continued, "Is Tine Alvarado threatening Prince Winston?" How did she know about this? Laura felt her stomach tighten into knots and nodded her head. She can't lie in front of the Duchess.contemporary romance

"Yes, she is," answered Laura honestly.

"Then I believe that there is a possibility that she sent Louis to you."

"I think so too. My memory is a little bit vague but I remember Louis saying her name. To add, he came to our estate and even infiltrated my shop," Laura clenched her dress and couldn't bring herself to forgive him. He had done so much damage to her and it might be because of Tine. 

"I'll investigate more about that, though I think a certain person would not like me to be involved. What are you doing there behind the door?" The Duchess asked as she turned around, while the door slowly opened and there Erwin was, awkwardly laughing.

"I'm sorry to intrude with you two ladies," Erwin apologizes as he continued to stay by the door. The Duchess shook her head then invited him to sit. On the other hand, Laura felt nervous but at the same time, happy seeing him. He looked a bit better than he did the last time she saw him. The eye bags under his eyes were gone and his face was shining brighter than usual. This is the power of sleep.

The next thing he did was to look at Laura but he shyly looked away the moment their eyes connected and sat beside her. Now there was an awkward atmosphere surrounding them and they didn't know why it was happening. 

"This man there kept listening to our conversation since dinner," The Duchess pouts then takes a sip of the warm tea. Erwin apologized then said, "It's because I was excited to see dear mother." He was saying the truth but at the same time lying. He just wanted to hear Laura's voice and that was it.

"Don't lie to your mother. Anyway, did you find anything from the investigation?" asked the Duchess while Erwin nodded his head then looked at Laura.

"We were able to make Louis speak up and he confessed it was Tine's order," answered Erwin as he looked back at his mother. 

"But that doesn't mean we will let him do as he pleases. I'm sure you already made a plan," The Duchess raised her brow while Erwin nodded his head. It was Laura's first time seeing the Duchess act serious and scary.

The Duchess was always kind and had this carefree aura around her. But when she becomes serious it gets scary and unexpected. 'Well, this is the power of royalty' Laura thought.

"Do not worry mother. We will expose Tine and if she does something else to Laura, or to our family I will make sure Tine doesn't get out alive," assured Erwin as the Duchess nodded her head approving of the plans of Erwin. 

The truth is the Duchess didn't like how Laura was bedridden for days. If Erwin was calm during those days. The Duchess wanted to bust into the Alvarado estate and pull Tine's hair out. For the first time, her ideal daughter came to her and a person dares to hurt her. 

"Mother, please calm down," Erwin flashed her a smile making her clear her throat and apologize. Like mother like son the power of DNA is strong.

"Anyway, for now, you will be residing in this estate," said Erwin but Laura didn't agree with it. If she left the estate what would happen to Lester and Fiona? They might become pawns of Tine and she might hurt them.

Laura felt a hand on her head. She looked at Erwin who then said, "Don't worry about them. I asked Gusion to give them protection. If his barrier gets destroyed he will immediately inform us." Laura nodded her head and thanked Erwin softly. What can she do without him? 

"But there is a risk to this," Erwin added while Laura started to worry as she predicted that the secret might leak. "The secret we are hiding will get exposed. That's because for sure right now Tine is planning thoroughly about this. How Laura is safe and not dead."

"Erwin! Where are your manners?" scolded the Duchess while Erwin didn't listen to her and continued, "He allowed me to do so." The Duchess shook her head and sighed out loud.

"I'm sure His Highness has made his decisions?" The Duchess raised a brow and placed the teacup on the table.

"Yes, he was fine with it since he didn't want Winston to suffer and he has made his decision. No matter what happens he will continue being the Crowned Prince."

"I like that decision," the Duchess broke into a smile then looked out the window. She then said, "The night is getting late and I'm sure both of you still have a lot to talk about." the Duchess stood up and said her goodbyes. Just before the door closed she turned around and said.

"Don't do anything you're not supposed to." It made the two blush and as they looked at each other laughter broke out. While standing up Erwin held Laura's hand then said, "Let's go back to your room. Don't worry I won't do anything." Laura slapped his back and walked ahead of him.

"I'm sorry it was a joke," Erwin laughed while apologizing as he followed Laura.

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