Second Life's Revenge

Chapter 107: Trouble

"Have you heard about the new shop opened by the priestess?"

"What's it called again?"


"Like the star?"

"Yes! Do you want to check it out? I remember it isn't that far from where we are now."contemporary romance

"Let's go."

News spread around town and it was about the newly opened boutique of Laura and without a fail, the opening of the store was a huge success. It was only the third day and everyone in the store was busy and that included Laura. With the sudden overwhelming visitors, the store employees weren't able to control them. Which left her without a choice but to help.

Outside of her customer-packed shop, a few more people and the line kept growing longer and longer. It will be another busy day for her and the employees. During the past three days, Laura and Serena noticed something.

That most buyers were mostly commoners. She knew this was going to happen and so her next plan is to ask the Duchess and Viscountess Andrea to wear her products, to endorse to the nobles. As for the men, there was only one person from the beginning, Erwin.

So far only two to three nobles bought clothes from her shop. It's because of the stereotype thinking of nobles that they should not buy from a store produced by commoners. Advertising at a small party will be the best option for this.

With the overflowing customers in her shop, Laura walked out of the store. "Please be patient and do not worry about the dresses and suits being sold out. We made sure to make extras just in case this happens."

Most customers consisted of ladies and a few men. Since some men don't really care about their appearances and think it's just a waste of time, making themselves presentable is enough. She walked back into the shop and tended to a customer. Another busy day once again.

"That reminds me, why did you name your shop Estelle?" Serena asked as she proceeded to hang the dresses onto the dressing rack.

"Simple. It is to bring light between us commoners and nobles. I want them to open their eyes that there is something we have in common. Though it sounds ridiculous."

"It doesn't sound ridiculous. I like it. It's about time where we nobles start treat commoners as equal. The difference is just the power we hold," Serena nodded her head.

"Come, there are still other customers waiting for us," Laura said as she walked out of the storage room.

Hours after the opening the shop was still filled with customers but not as much as the morning. The wave had calmed down and there wasn't any line out of the store. That's not until a rich young-looking lady entered the store.

The face she showed looked arrogant and the worse kind of customer Laura wanted to tend to. The lady covered her face with the fan she held and her eyes looked side to side. Because of her actions, the other customers became uncomfortable.

"Welcome to Estelle how can I help you?" Laura asked the lady while she ignored her walked further into the store. This lady needs to learn some manners was what Laura had thought as she followed from behind.

The lady closed her fan then pointed towards a dress a customer was holding. Surely, Laura didn't know what to do. Go and grab the dress from the other customer? Of course not. Laura asked, "You want the same dress? I will go get it for you." But the lady shook her head then spoke, "I want that dress she's holding not others."

The customer who was holding the dress was about to give it to the lady however she was stopped by Laura. Keeping her smile on Laura said in a kind manner, "Miss if you wish to get the same dress please get a different one yourself and pay at the counter." The words said by Laura intrigued the lady into a bad mood. She clicked her tongue as she glared at Laura. But she wasn't affected by the glare. It didn't scare her at all.

"Miss, if you do not follow the rules of the shop we will have no choice but to ask you to leave," Laura said as her expression turned dark.

"Rules? This shop has such rules? Where is it placed then?" The lady argued back as she smirked.

"I don't want to be rude but I'm sure every customer in this store right now read it. It is in front of the door. Is the poster not visible? Laura asked as turned to look at the customers who shook their heads.

One of the lady's eyes flinched and she continued to argue saying, "Do you even know who I am?"

"No, sad to say I do not know you at all," Laura boldly answered then she continued, "If you do not comply with the rules of this store we will have no choice but to forcefully bring you out."

"How dare you! I will tell my father to shut this store down! You call my father here right now!" The lady yelled at her own servant who immediately made his way out to call her father.

Asking for her father if things don't go well? This lady clearly was a spoiled brat. Doesn't know how to follow rules. If she were to be a knight it would be funny to see her suffer because of their strict rules.

"This shop is not biased not any. But if one breaks the rule you will be forced out," Laura spoke as she took a step closer towards the lady. She was rather short and with the way she acts she nearly could be called a lady.

"Equal? I am rich. I have everything and therefore I am an important and high-class person, why tend to those lowly people?"

"I'm sorry. You have offended me. Please get out of this shop now," Laura commanded as she pointed towards the door.

As soon as the lady was about to speak, the door opened and entered an old-looking man which Laura assumed to be the lady's father. Not to mention Laura recognized the father. It's funny how the world is so small. While putting a smile on her face Laura welcomed, "Welcome to Estelle, Viscount Gerald how can I help you?"

"L-lady Laura! It's great to see you here. Is this perhaps the new store the people are talking about?" He asked as trying to shift the topic. While the lady continued to call his father out, bothering him to do something about Laura. But there was nothing but panic on his face.

"Misha! How can you be rude in front of an heir contestant?" Viscount Gerald scolded the so-called lady, Misha.

"Dad! She was kicking me out. You could certainly do something, could you? You can right?" asked Misha as she went to attempt to give him a hug. But was stopped and while lowering his head he apologizes, "I am embarrassed about myself. On behalf of my daughter, I apologize. Misha, apologize to her."

"Why should I?" Misha stubbornly asked and stomped her foot on the ground. As she glared at her, Laura spoke, "This shop is meant for us nobles and commoners to be comfortable. You are the cost of the problem and so please leave this store. Viscount Gerald, first it was your son who harassed one of the orphanage children, now it is your daughter harassing me openly in my store," she said coldly.

With his head lowered and sweat forming on his forehead he apologizes profusely. Not only that but he forced his daughter to bow to apologize. As the Viscount was about to say a word the sound of bells chiming sounded, indicating that someone entered the shop.

Upon hearing this, everyone's attention suddenly went to the person who walked into the store. The people gasped out loud when seeing the familiar person. The silver hair flowed on the air as he made his way towards Laura. He gently held Laura's hand and kissed the back of her fingers which made her embarrassed. With the number of people watching them, she felt like it was too much.

"Is there a problem, Young lady?" Erwin asked Misha while she felt her heart beating and along her face was turning red. While stuttering Misha answered, "N-no there isn't. Where can I get the same dress like her?"

Because of Erwin, Misha settled down however the people who witnessed the argument earlier didn't want to let go of that incident. Even if this news breaks to other nobles she didn't care since the rules stated about it.

"I'm sorry but you are not welcomed into this shop any longer. You made my customers uncomfortable," Said Laura as she stopped one of her store employees from helping Misha.

"What did you say?" Misha asked in a loud tone while pointing at Laura. Does she have no shame about herself? To add to that, Viscount Gerald was already embarrassed enough since the Duke was also here to witness this. He tried telling his daughter to follow but she didn't want to listen at all.

"As for you, Viscount Gerald, please learn how to educate your children properly. I cannot bear to be with someone who doesn't know how to act right. Now, for the last time, leave or else I will have to ask the guards to drag you out."

Without any hesitation Viscount Gerald forcibly pulled his daughter out of the shop. And out of the shop could be heard the cries of Misha and the continuous scolding of Viscount Gerald. Finally, the troublemaker was out of the shop. Laura sighed out loud in relief, as Erwin chuckled as he walked closer to Laura. Suddenly, Laura bowed down to everyone as she apologized for what had happened.

"I'm sorry for the commotion. It won't happen next time."

"It's alright," Spoke a noble lady who was in line and the others followed.

"It was her fault, to begin with. I'm embraced to call myself a noble now."

"It's alright you're not like her," answered a commoner as she greeted them with a smile.

"Now then, if you ladies don't mind. I will be needing the permission of kidnapping the owner," Said Erwin as he pulled Laura into the break room.

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