Seal of Light - Enlightened

Chapter 12: XI : Enter Tribulation

Returning to the place where the central black pillar was located.

"So you think you can easily kill a demon with your puny little power. A novice like you stands no chance against me."

"The snake demon who took Ethan's body awhile ago, " Mat said while still lying on the ground and being held by this demon Orochi.

Summer peaked again, she knew Mat's worn out body stands no chance against his opponent. Then she felt something different. Her knees shaken as she stood. She suddenly felt weakened and dropped on the ground, she tried to resist the feeling but it was too strong. She was already lying on the ground as she watches Mat prepare for the opponent's next attack.

"What is happening? I felt as if all my energy dropped down to zero in an instant." Summer thought.

Mat was waiting for the demon's next move but his opponent seems to be discomforted by this strong gravitational pull. Orochi fell on his knee as he tried to fight back against this force that is pulling him down. Mat, on the same hand, felt it too.

"What is this very strong unseen force that even this demon is affected with?"

A loud crumbling voice was heard that appeared to be coming from the central black pillar.

"Orochi, restore and proceed to the plan on the next plane!"

"I understand my lord, it shall be done." Orochi said while slowly fading away like a black smoke in front of Mat. "Lucky you Mat Adam."

Almost three seconds passed and nothing happened. Neither a movement nor a sound was heard.

The ground started to shake, gradually increasing the intensity as the Demon lord Casus'Lucem started to climb out slowly from the huge black central pillar.

Mat and Summer wasn't able to do anything but to look at each other and fight back against this pulling force that was keeping them down on the ground.

A large arm made of compressed black smoke came out of the large pillar and slammed its palm on the ground. The whole arm was as long as an average human adult.

The ground rumbled some more as molten lava burst up from the crevasses nearby.

Mat tried to crawl to Summer's direction.

Casus'Lucem finally reached and pulled himself out of the black hole that was covered by this black beaming pillar.

The Demon lord stands twice the size of an ordinary human. His body was fully built and well-tightened, he has four horns and his eyes were glowing red. His skin was red and black and it was being radiated with black shadows all over. His teeth were as sharp as those of a lion, and a pair of wings that expanded more than four meters to be exact, wings similar to that of a bat.

Casus'Lucem stretched his body from its years of prison and let out a loud yell.

It was like seeing an embodiment of evil. It brought terror all throughout the area.

Casus'Lucem stretched his left arm with his palm facing Mat. A massive ball of dark energy started to build up like a sucking vortex throughout the entire place. Casus was about to release it and send it to Mat when a quick slash hits him on his left hand.

"What? The last Carrier of the Seal lives."

The distraction somehow interrupted the strong gravitation pull and allowed Mat to rush to Summer and then quick leaped away with her to a safer distance.

"Wait, Mat, I think someone's still inside that small pillar."

"Yes, I know, but we have to wait for a right timing. I wonder who made that attack on that demon?"

Meanwhile, the Demon lord, tilted his head with a displeased face.

"You have grown Navigator Sai, you were even capable of easily defeating my pawn Nezumi," Casus'Lucem said with a creepy growling voice that echoed all over the place.

Master Navi Sai, who was on the opposite side where Mat and Summer was, wasted no second and turned his whole body into pure light. He retracted his ki-blade and draws a new weapon. The Divine Flaming Sword. Its flame was white and blue. It created waves of circle expanding out away from his body.

Casus'Lucem started moving and attacked Navi Sai with all his brute force. The attack was so fast that it could not be seen by any ordinary humans.

Navi'Sai quick leaped in and slashed Casus' right arm, and with a quick motion he maneuvered away from Casus' left arm which tried to ripped him. Then Navi created five slashes within two second then quick leaped away from the Demon lord. Casus'Lucem's wings fell to the ground in pieces.

"Let's go Summer, Master Navi is buying us some time." Mat said while moving with Summer back to the small black pillar.

"OK, here it goes." Mat said as he lit up his seal. He tried to put in his glowing left hand thru the pillar, and finally, he was able to pull out the last captive soul.

"A young swordsman..." Summer said while assisting the lad while looking at his oversized sword.

The young man was gasping for air, "Thank you for helping me, whoever you are, my name is Zild by the way."

"I'm Summer Eve, and this is Mat Adam"

Casus'Lucem noticed the extraction of soul from the last pillar.

"You're going to pay for this, humans."

Casus'Lucem started to build up a new ball of dark energy.

Master Navi'Sai tried to interfere once more but this time, the Demon lord teleported away and appeared behind Mat Adam.

"No!" Navi shouted and tried to quick leap to their location.

"Come on, don't fail me now seal." Mat anxiously said while trying to return the young swordsman back to the human realm. "Stay close Summer, I'll try to make a spirit barrier after sending back this guy." Casus'Lucem released the blast aiming to Summer instead of Mat who just successfully returned the young swordsman back home.

Master Navi'Sai appeared too late behind Casus'Lucem before stopping him from releasing the blast.

Mat knew that a quick leap could not save them and the blast might just follow them to their landing location. He embraced Summer instead and let out a circular spiritual barrier that covered them and hoping that this will reduce the damage that will be dealt to them.

In a split second, Master Navi knew that Mat still could not dodge nor save them from the fast approaching blast so he quick leaped and appeared in front of Mat and Summer.

Mat was readying himself for impact when he saw his master taking the hit from the huge blast.

"Oh no, Master Navi'Sai!"

"Mat..." Navi said as his body starts to fade slowly like a burning paper.

"NO!" Mat shouted and touched Navi's face and tried to counter the curse from the blast before it totally consumed his master. Mat invoked his seal to return his master back home, but he was not sure if he was able to save him on time.

"You will pay for that demon!" Mat angrily shouted.

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