Salute To The General

Chapter 250 Never Forget Your Duty

Chapter 250 Never Forget Your Duty

At the secret military base, the award ceremony was currently ongoing.

Out on the training field, twenty thousand soldiers in full combat gear were standing in neat rows.

Beside them were tanks, armored cars and other combat vehicles.

In the hangars nearby, several military helicopters and fighter jets were parked.

At present, all those soldiers were excitedly watching the proceedings on stage.

The reason for their unwavering attention was Nathan Cross. After all, it was not every day the General

of the North Army, AKA the Ares of the North, himself appeared before their very eyes. He was the idol

of many soldiers and everyone was awed to see him attending this function.

Admiration and respect were obvious in their eyes as they gazed at the man, who had just finished

awarding the lieutenant colonels their badges.

Dressed in casual clothing, Nathan gave a short speech, "My fellow comrades, it is an honor to be a

soldier of China. Never forget your duty and march forward bearing the burden of your responsibility.

Protect your country with all your heart and if need be, your life."

Franklin, Colin and the twenty thousand men echoed his words with a loud roar.

Standing below stage, Kylie was staring at Nathan with a dumbfounded look on her face. There was no

way to describe what she was feeling right now.

Is he really just a normal retired soldier? Why do the other soldiers look like fans meeting their idol? It

even feels like he's even more impressive than General Wilson!

As she lost herself in her thoughts, Nathan had come down from the stage. Colin, Franklin and the

other higher-ranking officials were walking beside him.

Franklin politely enquired, "Would you like to have lunch with the men before you leave?"

Before Nathan could give his reply, a sentry suddenly appeared on the grounds. He flew towards the

group of higher-ups, shouting as he neared them, "Reporting, sir!”

Furious at the interruption, Franklin bit out, "What's this all about?"

Snapping out a salute, the sentry reported loudly, "Sir, there's a large number of vehicles outside the

gates carrying thousands of men. They seem to be trying to invade our base."

Astonished, Franklin repeated in disbelief, "There are thousands of men outside assaulting the gates of

our compound?"

Nathan spoke up, "I was followed on my way here. If I'm right, those men outside are probably from the

Zabinski family. They're here to get revenge on me."

"The Zabinski family must have a death wish! Mobilize Team Alpha and Beta to capture all those fools

outside. That is an order!" Franklin shouted.

His subordinates immediately left to carry out his orders.

They had barely taken two steps when Nathan called out, "Wait! Don't go out there. Let them come in."

It took Franklin a few seconds to understand the other man's meaning. A wicked smirk graced his lips

as he nodded. "Yes, let them in. We can deal with them once we cut off their escape route."

Turning to the sentry, he ordered, "Tell the guards on duty to retreat and let those men in."

"Yes, sir!"

In the spacious area in front of the base gates, several hundred vehicles were parked. Among them,

there was a variety of expensive cars such as BMWs, Bentleys, and Mercedes Benzes. There were

even a few small busses scattered throughout.

Kurt nodded his head in reply. "Yes, he's in there."

"What factory is it?"

Checking his phone, Kurt grinned as he answered, "The map says this used to be a pharmaceutical

factory. However, it was abandoned more than a decade ago." Coոtent оf Draмaոovеls.cом

Furrowing his brows, Finley muttered, "An abandoned pharmaceutical factory? What the hell is Cross

doing here?”

Finley snorted as he commented, "It's not suitable for a factory, but for a grave, it's more than perfect."

Waving his hand, he shouted, "Get to it, boys! Bring Cross to me, alive! I want to make him suffer

before he dies for what he did to my son."

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