Ruby Mayhem: A Russian Mafia Romance (Vyronov Bratva Book 1)

Chapter 16


I almost can’t believe my eyes as I see the familiar figure bounding toward me, dragging her luggage. My heart swells with happiness at the sight of her.

“Babe!” she says brightly as she reaches me, dropping her bags and throwing her arms around me. “Oh my God, Tee. I’m so sorry about your dad,” she says quietly against my ear.

I nod imperceptibly and return the hug. It feels like ages since we last saw each other, and the relief of having a familiar face from my old life is overwhelming.

Roxie pulls back and looks me over, grinning widely and shaking off the bleak mood that’s threatening to descend upon me. “Well, look at you! You look… different,” Roxie says, her eyes scanning me up and down. “I was expecting whip marks and shackles.” She winks. “And here you are glowing with… something.”

I let out a nervous laugh, feeling self-conscious all of a sudden. “Yeah, well… It’s nothing like I expected.”

Roxie raises an eyebrow but doesn’t press for details. Instead, her pupils grow wide almost an inch she looks past my shoulder. “Is… is that him?” she whispers under her breath.

I don’t need to look to know who she’s talking about, but I turn anyway. Kirill stands a few feet away, watching us with a mixture of curiosity and wariness. He may not have said anything yet, but his presence still fills the space; tall and broad, his chiseled jawline tense as dark eyes take in the unfolding scene before him.

“Kirill, this is my friend Roxanne Caldera,” I say, feeling my cheeks flush at the introduction. “Roxie, this is Kirill Vyronov, my…” My what? Do I call him my lover? My boyfriend? Hardly! He’s my owner. Not that I’m going to say that out loud. Instead, I leave the sentence hanging.

Roxie clears her throat, straightens her clothes, then gives a broad smile as she extends her hand toward Kirill. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Vyronov.”

Mr. Vyronov, my captor, my lover, and the man I’m growing increasingly infatuated with, steps up in front of my best friend, before gingerly taking her hand to return the gesture.

“The pleasure is all mine,” he says gruffly before turning back to me. “Are you ready to show your friend around?”

Gosh, why does he have this effect on me, even now?

I nod, suddenly feeling lighter than I have in weeks. Whatever might happen next, it feels like having my best friend around will make everything easier to deal with. “I’ll give her the grand tour,” I tell him.

“Good.” He dips his chin slightly, looking from me to her, and then back again. “I am sure you two have a lot to catch up on. I will see you later.” Without another word, he turns and leaves. It’s only when he’s gone that I realize that Roxie is watching his departure as intently as I am. Probably for different reasons. I’m checking out his ass.

“Holy hell, girl!” she half-shrieks when he’s out of sight. “Is that man fine, or is he F-I-N-E fine?”

“Shhh!” I hiss at her, my cheeks suddenly feeling like they’re flooded with blood.

“What? I can’t voice my appreciation for prime beef in this place?” She sweeps an arm. There’s a man standing in the doorway who is looking everywhere but at us.

“Not here,” I mutter; I love my friend, but sometimes she’s a little too much. “Everyone can hear us, you dork!”

“Right!” Roxie says brightly. “You gonna lead me to my chambers, milady? It’s time to get this party started.” She links her arm through mine, then raises an eyebrow as one of Kirill’s well-dressed thugs steps up silently to gather her luggage. “Fancy,” she mouths silently to me as the liveried man heads up the staircase ahead of us. We follow a few feet behind, with me pointing out rooms and amenities as we head to her guest suite. Roxie seems uncharacteristically impressed – but who could blame her? The place is like something out of a lifestyle magazine.

“Thank you, Pyotr,” I say to the man with Roxie’s bags once he’s deposited them inside the room. He disappears silently, leaving the two of us standing there. Roxie doesn’t stop staring around until the door closes.

“Oh. My. God, Tee!” she shrieks once we’re alone. Kicking off her heels, she skips to the oversized bed and bounces onto it like a kid. “Look at this place!”

I give a wry smile. “Yeah, something, isn’t it?”

“Something? Holy shit, girl! You’ve really landed with your ass in the butter here.” She stops bouncing and flops back against a giant mound of pillows, grinning at me.

I raise a shoulder. “Doesn’t mean I’m not property, though.” I feel my smile slipping as my reality strikes again. “He owns me. Remember? Although I still don’t know how that’s possible in 2024, but here we are.”

“You mean that giant hunk of alpha male heat we just saw outside?” Roxie sits up on the bed and crosses her legs. “Jesus, Tiana. I had no freaking idea he’d look like that. You said he was hot, but… this is next level.” She shakes her hand and blows on her fingers. “That man is nothing but fire and raw testosterone.”

I almost burst out laughing. She does make a good point, though.

Roxie grins wickedly at me, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “You know what, Tee? If you don’t want to be with him, I can trade places with you.” She winks.

“Shut up, Rox!” I giggle, but I can’t help but feel a pang of jealousy. The thought of Roxie being with Kirill is… unsettling. “I think I’ll stick with my current situation.”

For now.

She rolls her eyes and throws a pillow at me playfully. “Whatever you say, Miss High and Mighty.” We both laugh as she settles back onto the bed, looking around in awe once more.

I take a deep breath and decide to change the subject before I lose my nerve. “Hey, Rox,” I say softly, sitting down next to her on the bed. “Did you remember to bring what I asked you for?”

“Of course, I did.” Her expression has grown serious. “You’re sure, though? That you need it?”

I pinch my lips and nod my head.

“It’s in my purse.” She points to where she’s left it at the end of the bed. With slightly shaky hands, I reach for it and delve into the interior. It takes a minute of fumbling through lipstick tubes and gum wrappers before I find what I’m looking for.

“Is this the best brand?” I look at her.

“I dunno. A pregnancy test is a pregnancy test, surely?”

“You’re probably right.” I stare down at the bright pink box in my hand.

“I think you should get it over with.” Roxie has moved up beside me. She is kneeling on the mattress, one hand on my shoulder. “You know… just rip off the Band-Aid.”

“You’re right,” I say the word, but my stomach twists at the thought. What if I am right and there is a little soul I’m carrying inside my belly? It would change everything.

Roxie gives me a little push. “Come on, Tee. The sooner you know, the sooner you can decide what to do next.”

“What to do next.” I scoff lightly. “It’s not like I have a lot of choices, Rox.”

“We always have choices, babe. Just get it done.”

Heaving a long breath, I gather the courage and drag my feet in the direction of the adjoining bathroom.

“So…” Roxie’s voice carries from the bedroom as I tug down my jeans and panties before taking a seat. “This new life of yours doesn’t exactly seem like a prison sentence, huh?”

“Depends on your definition of a prison sentence. It’s… complicated.” I sit awkwardly as I try to direct a stream of pee at the little plastic stick that I’m holding gingerly.

“Looks a lot better than complicated. I bet this place is worth a freaking fortune.”

“Yeah.” I wrinkle my nose as I try to avoid getting my fingers wet.

“Does it have a helipad?”

“No idea.” I set the stick on the gray marble vanity nearby, my nose still wrinkled.

“How can you not know? You’re screwing the guy, right? You should know if he has a helicopter or not.”

“Believe it or not, the helipad hasn’t come up in our conversations.” I dry off, pull up my pants as I stand, and wash my hands. I try not to look at the stick as I do so.

“I bet it hasn’t.” Roxie’s voice has grown closer, and a glance in the gilt-framed mirror shows her standing leaning against the door frame. “I bet you’ve had more exciting things on your mind.” She winks.

My cheeks flush as I shoot her a glance. “Yes. I’ve had other things on my mind.”

“Like Mr. Hot Stuff’s wonder wang?”

“Wonder wang, huh?”

“You know what I mean!” Roxie waggles her brows. “I bet it’s a monster!”

“Jesus, stop it!” I stop her short. “You’re not here to discuss the my boyfriend’s size.”

“Ooh! So he’s your boyfriend now?”

“That’s… shit… I don’t know, Rox.” I heave a sigh.

“So what is he to you, then?” She takes a few steps into the room, then sits on the edge of the tub that’s so huge it could probably fit three occupants.

“I honestly don’t know.” I run a hand through my hair. “He… he’s not like normal men. At least, I don’t think so. I don’t know what to think.”

“Oh, babe.” She reaches a hand to me and squeezes my arm gently. “It’s okay to be confused. I know it’s kinda fucked up how you got here.”

“Now, there’s an understatement.” I try to sound flippant as I roll my eyes.

“But you have feelings for this man, don’t you?”

I pause before I answer. “Yes. I think.” I finally say. “God, I’m such an idiot!” I cover my face with both hands.

“Don’t beat yourself up, Tee.” Roxie’s grip tightens as she squeezes again. “I know this is not how you imagined your life, but it can’t be all bad. I mean, he must be a killer in bed.” She giggles. “I mean… he’s a killer everywhere, so of course he’d be a next-level fuck.”

“Roxie, please! I’m on my last nerve here!”

“Sorry, sorry.” She holds up a hand. “I’m just trying to lighten the mood.”

“Read the room, girl.” I huff a breath.

“You’re taking this hard.”

“Yeah.” The word “hard” barely covers it. “But what the hell am I supposed to do? And what if that test comes out positive? I’m stuck here. And now he wants me to marry him and-”

“He what?? He wants you to marry him?” Roxie’s eyes are huge. “You never mentioned that! Holy shit, Tee!”

“I need to find a way out of here before it happens!” Hearing myself say it, I find that I’m not so convinced anymore.

“This little hiccup could make thing complicated.” Roxie gestures to the stick on the vanity. I stare at it apprehensively. “Three minutes,” she says.

“What?” I frown at her.

“The box says wait two to three minutes.” She glances at her wrist. “Three minutes are up. Take a look at the results.”


“I can’t.”

“Tiana, it’s not going to go away if you don’t.” She leans back and crosses her arms over her chest. “I’d offer to do it for you but you know… pee.”

“Gee, thanks.” My hand shakes as I reach for the stick. I snatch it up and stare at the window.

The result is in.

My mouth goes dry. My pulse pounds in my temples as my heart races wildly. I try to steady my hand so I can see it more clearly. It’s there, right in front of me, but I don’t want to believe it. By the time I manage to find my voice, there is only one word I can utter.


“Fuck good, or fuck bad?” Roxie is peering over my shoulder.

Without letting her see the test, I stare into her eyes and hold up two of my fingers. I watch as my bestie’s face goes pale.

“Oh. Shit.” She clears her throat. “Does that mean…?”


That is exactly what it means – there’s no two ways about it. The test in my hand is undoubtedly showing two little pink lines. Positive lines. Damning lines. Even after I rub my eyes to make sure it’s not my nerves making me see double, those lines are still there. And rubbing my eyes doesn’t change the verdict.

I’m pregnant.

“You’re knocked up, babe,” Roxie says, stating the obvious.

“Fuck,” I say again. My heart is racing a mile a minute as the information slowly starts to sink in. I’m pregnant. There are three of us in the room. Roxie, me, and a tiny soul inside me. A tiny soul I was not prepared to welcome, but I can already feel myself loving this little soul fiercely.

Holy freaking shit!

Is this what mothers feel?

“Tee,” Roxie leans closer, bringing me back from my racing thoughts. “Are you okay?”

“I think so. I don’t know.” I straighten a little. My palms are sweating. I wipe them on my pants.

“You don’t know?”  She narrows her eyes on me, as if she’s wondering if I’m going to pass out.

“I’m good.” I look up at her. I’m not lying. I’m actually okay. Somehow, this doesn’t feel like a terrible thing. Not terrible at all.

What the hell, girl?

“What are you gonna do, Tee?”

When I press my lips together, I realize that I’m biting down a smile. “I think-”

A sharp knock at the door has me jerking in alarm.

“Tiana?” A gutturally deep voice chimes in from behind the door, followed by another knock.

“Kirill!” I gasp, staring at my friend, who looks equally startled.

“Jesus! Scared the shit out of me,” Roxie whispers and follows me as I walk quickly out of the bathroom.

“Tiana!” It’s Kirill again.

“What are you gonna do?” Roxie is at my shoulder when I reach the door.

“Shhh!” I hush her, gathering my composure as I reach for the doorknob.

“Are you gonna tell him?” she mouths silently.

I don’t answer, just brace myself, and yank the door open. “Hi,” I say, staring up into Kirill’s violently beautiful face. His dark eyes stare back down at me as I gaze up at him. He towers over me like a mountain every time, but right now, he seems unusually broad and tall.

“Is everything alright?”

“It’s been a long day, Ptichka. It’s time to go to bed.” There’s a finality to the words that makes a part of me want to rebel. Roxie has given a little snort behind me. But his voice is heavy with exhaustion, and right now, the bigger part of me just wants to be with him. And somewhere deep down, I feel like he wants the same.

“Sure,” I say, wanting to reach out and touch him. Instead, I look over my shoulder at Roxie, who’s frowning at me. “I’m bushed, Rox. You should get some sleep too. We’ll catch up in the morning, okay?”

“Sure,” she says slowly, as if she’s not buying this. I don’t really care, though that makes me feel a little bit guilty. I brought her here to keep my company, and now I’m leaving her alone barely an hour after she arrived. I reach in for a quick hug, step out of the door, and close it behind me.

Kirill is watching me silently. As I reach his side, he takes my hand. His fingers are warm and strong around mine. There’s a strange sense of comfort in his firm grasp, and I’m fighting down a little smile as we reach our room.

Our room.

At what point did I start thinking of it like that?

Why do I even think of it like that?

And why does it feel right to think of it like that?

Kirill is silent as he steps aside for me to enter the room and then shuts the door behind us. He hasn’t said anything more since we left Roxie’s room.

“What’s wrong?” I tip my head back to look up at him as he walks over to stand in front of me.

“Nothing.” He touches my cheek with his fingertip. Even that small gesture makes me catch my breath. “Ty krasivyy, Ptichka. You are beautiful.”

There’s an intensity to his mood that unsettles me. I can’t tell if he’s upset, or just lost in thought. But if anything, there’s something in his eyes that makes my chest tighten. Something I’ve not seen before.

His fingertip trails down my cheek, then my throat, then stops at the top of my T-shirt. “You are still wearing these things.”

“Yeah.” I swallow because my mouth has grown dry. “I like dressing casual when-”

His finger on my lips silences me. “I did not ask for an explanation.”

“Right.” Not that I want to talk. I’m at a loss for words right now. Which is fine, because he doesn’t seem like he’s here to talk either. When his mouth brushes mine, my lips part automatically, and I allow myself to be lost in the sensation. His kiss is hungry, almost desperate. As if he’s been starving for me. And maybe he has, considering how distant he’s been lately.

I don’t care about the reason, though. All I can think about is the way his tongue sweeps into my mouth, claiming every inch of my soul. His hands hungrily roam my body, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. My back hits the door with a thud as he presses his hardening cock against me. I can feel how much this affects him too, and it sends a thrill through me that I still have this power over him. Even after all this time.

Do I have that power though?

Or was he like this with every woman he’s been with?

As soon as I recognise the thoughts firing through my mind, I quickly silence them before they spiral out of control.

“Kirill,” I gasp when he pulls away for air, “I-” He doesn’t let me finish my sentence as his lips trail down my neck, leaving goosebumps in their wake.

“I want you,” he growls against my skin before lifting his head to meet my eyes again. The intensity in his gaze leaves no room for doubt or denial. And honestly? I don’t want to deny him anything right now.

“Fuck… yes,” I breathe out as his hands slide underneath my shirt and palm my breasts through the lace of my bra. He groans at the contact, and then suddenly, he scoops me up into his arms like I weigh nothing at all and strides across the room.

“Ty sogrevayesh’ moyu dushu,” he murmurs as he sets me down on the bed. His eyes rove over me in a way that makes my heart stutter. He then sinks down, one knee between my thighs, his hands planted on either side of me. He dips his head to capture my lips again, and I arch up to meet him, draping my arms around his neck.

Even after this time, I can’t believe what this man does to me.

But this time, there is something different to him. His touches are softer and more gentle than I’ve ever felt from him before. He caresses my skin as if I might shatter, his hands leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. His lips trail down my neck, whispering words against my skin that make me shiver with delight. I don’t understand any of it, but the passion behind them connects with some part of me that I don’t quite understand.

But it’s not just that. There is something else about his demeanour. An air of vulnerability that I can’t put a finger on. He’s never been like this before, and it makes my heart clench in my chest.

He lowers himself between my thighs, his heated gaze locking with mine as he undresses me slowly, methodically, peeling my shirt over my head, and then my jeans down my thighs. Then he stands at the edge of the bed, his eyes still holding mine as he unbuttons his black shirt and shrugs it off, before working on the button of his pants.

God, he’s beautiful…

It’s been weeks, and still, I’m speechless whenever I see him undress. It’s like my own personal strip show, and I’m half afraid that if I reach out to touch him, I’ll be told not to handle the goods. But I can. So I do.

I sit up to trail my fingers over the swirling tattoos that follow the lines of muscle that sweep from his shoulders to his chest, and then down his belly. Everything is taut, rippling, firm. When I press my lips to the tight indentation of his navel, his abs twitch.

“Slowly, Ptichka.” His voice is husky. “You will set me off with that hot little mouth of yours, and I will shame myself.” He grins.

It’s not true. The man can go for hours, no matter what I do with my mouth. But I don’t complain when he sinks down to take my lips again, his breath hot on my face. With one hand on my shoulder, he guides me back down to the bed, following me with his body as he does. When our naked skin meets for the first time tonight, it’s like we’re two halves of a whole finally coming together.

Two halves that made a whole baby.

The wonder of it is staggering. I should tell him. I don’t know what the consequences might be or how he’ll react. But he has the right to know. I know it more surely than I’ve ever known anything.

“Ty razbudila vo mne davno zabytoye.” He stares into my eyes, and I find myself gazing back, feeling awestruck by the intensity there.

“Um… sure,” I say stupidly because I’m not quite sure how to respond. His lips curl up teasingly at the corners, and then he runs his hand down my chest, watching as he cups my breast in his palm, thumbing over my puckering nipple. My back arches, and I groan out a sigh. He’s done this often, but every time my body responds as if it’s been shocked. Except tonight, he’s more gentle than he ever was. His every touch is reverent, as if he’s afraid that he’ll break me.

His passion does not leave me cold. Far from it. It makes me burn with need I never thought my body is capable of. His lips find mine again, and our tongues dance together in a sensual rhythm that mirrors our bodies below. He’s resting over me, our thighs entwined as I grind myself against him wantonly.

It’s hard to believe that just weeks ago, I’d never had a man inside me, and now it feels like the most natural thing in the world. Having him inside me, that is. Because even though I’ve never been with anyone else, I no longer want to.

“Kirill…” I sigh, my hands tracing from his shoulders down his back to the hard lines of his ass. When he grazes his teeth along my throat, I find myself panting, my nipples so tight that they almost feel painful. “Oh, God!” I gasp when he slides a hand up my inner thigh and cups my pussy. He presses a finger between my slick lips, giving a low, appreciative murmur as he slides into me.

“So wet, little bird.” He nips my neck in the curve where it meets my shoulder. Then his teeth rake over my nipple, and my core clenches around his finger. “Wet and tight.” He smiles down at me. For a change, he’s not teasing when he says it, and it drives my need higher.

“I want you,” I heave out, cupping his cheek with my palm. “I want you, Kirill Vyronov.”

Shifting until he’s wedged firmly between my thighs, he hooks up my knee, resting the line of his shaft against me. I bob my hips up, urging him forward until I feel the thick head of his cock breach my slit. Slowly, achingly so, he slides his enormous length into me, his eyes never leaving mine. The way he looks at me in this moment… it steals my breath away.

He sinks in to the hilt with such ease, it knocks the air out of my lungs. He’s filled my insides so much that I couldn’t even fit a grain of sand in there if I wanted. I can feel every inch of his cock straining against me.

And then slowly pulls out, leaving me aching for more, even though this slow, delicious friction is almost enough to make me come already. I soak in the sensations, letting them sweep me away. Letting him sweep me away.

Oh my God, what this man does to me.

The pace picks up gradually, but still not like our usual frantic encounters. This time it’s different; it means something. It is more than just two people seeking release from their own demons for a little while. This time… this time it feels like we’re making love for the very first time.

Making love?

I’m making love to the father of my child.

The thought leaves me dumbstruck.

I realize I’ve stiffened when he pauses, looking down at me. “What is it, pretty bird?”

I swallow hard, shaking my head. “Nothing. I’m good.” I groan as he sinks in deep again. “Soooo damn good!”

He husks out a laugh. “Da. So damn good.”

Gathering me closer to him, he sets up a grinding rhythm that has my body humming like an instrument. My breath starts to come in shallow gasps as I rake my nails down his back, bucking up to meet him.

“Yes! God, yes!” I choke out. I realize that his eyes are on my face, watching as the pleasure begins to overwhelm me completely and utterly. There was a time when that made me uncomfortable. Now it seems perfectly right. My breath rushes out as a tightening begins in the pit of my belly, and my core muscles start to spasm.

“Ti takaya krasivaya.” He says the words through clenched teeth as his brow starts to furrow, a look of intense concentration tightening his features in an expression I’ve grown to recognize. He’s going to come along with me.

I’m already breathless when I pull him in for a kiss, wanting to feel him draw air as my orgasm explodes inside me. And then, it does. The wave crashes over me like a rush of heat that tingles from my lips to the tip of my toes. My body goes rigid as I arch against him, my thighs hooked tightly around his pumping hips.

“Yes! Fuck… yes!” I cry out, my nails sinking into the clenching muscles of his ass. He nips at my neck as he buries his face against my throat and releases a groan from low in his chest. It rumbles through me, my nerves so sensitized I’m sure I could feel molecules within the air around us. With one final thrust, he buries himself deep inside me, his back muscles taut. His cock jerks as he pulses into me, coming as hard as I am, sending more electric shocks through my body.

I’m pretty sure I see stars. I can definitely feel them; my skin feels like it’s glowing in the afterglow of our orgasm. By the time I catch my breath again, I find him staring at me with a look that catches me by surprise. Because if I wasn’t sure I was imagining, I’d say that it was wonder. And maybe it is… I know I’m staring up at him in a daze.

What just happened?

“You make me fly, little bird.” His voice is husky, breathless. I don’t reply because I’m speechless. Not just because of the mindblowing sex… but because I’m starting to think that I might be falling for this man.

Might be?

You’re totally falling for him, girl.

Freaking head over heels.

And if he continues to look at me like that, I’ll probably stop fighting this marriage thing he’s been talking about. I don’t even care if he’s a criminal. Everything in me says that this is a good man. A man who would be a good husband. A good father. Sure I might be delusional, but it feels so real it almost hurts.

You’re going to have his baby.

“Kirill,” I start, licking my lips as I realize what I’m about to say to him. “Kirill, there is something I need to tell you.”

“What is it, Ptichka?” He’s drawn my hand to his lips and is brushing his lips over my palm. It makes my core muscles clench, and something flickers in his eyes.


“Boss!” The word is shouted, accompanied by a violent banging at the door. “Boss, we need you!”


It’s like in the movies. The perfect moment, perfectly interrupted by someone who has no place in the room. The banging on the door continues and I recognize Dima’s voice. The man is usually cold like a stone, but this time there is distress in his tone.

Kirill’s body goes tense against me. “Blyad!” He moves to pull out of me, and I feel myself wanting to hold on tight and cling to him. “Hold that thought, Ptichka,” he says, dotting a kiss on the tip of my nose and then extracting himself.

“Kirill, I-”

“It will have to wait,” he says, sitting up and rising from the bed.




“Chert voz’mi, Dima, what is it?” he barks, stooping to get his pants off the floor and stepping into them. I pull a sheet over myself, watching as he strides barechested across the room. Hair tousled, muscles rippling, he has red streaks down his back where my nails raked his skin.

“It’s important, boss.” Dima doesn’t look into the room when Kirill jerks the door open, though I know he’s aware of me. “You need to come with me. Now.”

“Wait.” Kirill gives a muffled curse as he returns to the bed, brushes a quick kiss over my forehead, and reaches for his discarded shirt and shoes. “We will continue this when I get back,” he says.

I nod mutely, because what else can I do. Though usually, when he leaves me in a room, it’s without a backward glance. I guess this is an improvement.

But it doesn’t change the fact that when the door closes, I’m left alone. And I haven’t told him that I’m pregnant.

But there is one thing I’m certain of.

He has to know.

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