Ruby Mayhem: A Russian Mafia Romance (Vyronov Bratva Book 1)

Chapter 1

I can’t believe this is happening to me!

I’m standing on a cold, bare stage in the center of the room, bathed in mercilessly bright lights that blind me. It’s a place designed for vulnerability. Designed to make its occupants feel like livestock…

And I can’t escape it.

I already tried twice when I got here. I was tasered for my efforts. There’s no way out. The only choice I have is to wait up here to see what Fate has in store for me. Easier said than done, though. My entire body is shaking. I am mortified and ashamed. And I’m almost certain the worst is yet to come.

There’s a murmur of voices around me. I spin my head to try to take them in, try to see who’s there, but it’s pointless. The seating surrounding the stage is shrouded in darkness, hiding the identities of those who sit there, watching me like I’m some kind of prey.

That’s what you are to them, Tiana.


A piece of flesh, nothing more.

I stare into the blinding lights, feeling the heat on my skin as they strip away any semblance of privacy I thought I had. The clinging white dress I’d been told to wear leaves little to imagination, and the lights have made it transparent, revealing my white lace underwear.

I silently curse myself for not questioning my father when he told me to put on this stupidly sexy outfit, for not asking him where we were going or why.

Why didn’t you run, you idiot?

If only I hadn’t put the dress on. If only I hadn’t met my father in the hallway. If only I hadn’t climbed into the car…

If only…

If I hadn’t trusted my own father, maybe I wouldn’t be where I am right now. But how could I have known that he would do this? How could I have predicted that he would betray me in the most humiliating way possible? My own father!

There’s a crackle of noise over a sound system, and I give a little jump. The skirt of the dress rides up my thighs, and I sneak a glance down.


The shape of my nipples is visible, and the dark triangle over my mound shimmers through the sheer fabric and the lace of my panties. My first instinct is to try to tug the hem of the dress down, but it doesn’t help much. Every inch of me is illuminated, exposed for all to see, while the people beyond the lights remain safely hidden in shadows. I’m on display, like a piece of art or an object to be admired – and ultimately, taken.

“Lot number 12,” a disembodied voice announces. It sends a chill down my spine because it means that eleven other women have been through this same ordeal before me. And no one has stopped it. Everyone in this room thinks that it’s perfectly acceptable to buy and sell women like cattle.

“There’s been a lot of interest in this pretty little thing. Just 21 years old and ripe for the plucking.” My stomach twists with disgust and fear as the auctioneer continues. His words cut through me like a knife, as he lists off details about my life and body that no stranger should ever know. How much I weigh, my bra size, and even the time I had my last period. All are being announced for these strangers to bid on.

The thought makes me want to vomit.

“And if that wasn’t enough, gents,” the voice over the speaker continues, “our little gem is untouched.” The murmur from the group swells a little in volume. “That’s right, gentlemen. This pretty morsel is still a virgin. A fresh new furrow for you to plow. That’s worth top dollar by itself.”


Now I really do feel myself gag. The only thing holding me back from throwing up all over the podium is the growing lump in my throat. All those years my father kept me away from other kids. The all-girls school. Chaperoned whenever there were men around. I’ve never even had a boyfriend. There was a purpose behind it. It all makes sense now.

He was keeping my price up!

My father had no interest in protecting me. All he wanted was to ensure that he’d have a more valuable asset to sell when the time came. And the experiences he withheld from me will never be mine now. It’s all about to be snatched from me. The life I could have lived is all gone.

The bastard!

What father would do that to her own daughter?

I look around anxiously, trying to spot a face in the crowd I can turn to for help. At this point, even my father might feel like a safe harbor. Though that’s clearly bullshit. He’s the one who put me here in the first place. He was preparing me for this for years. Why would he change his mind now?

“Dress nice, baby,” he’d said this evening, as he’d set the garment bag on my bed. “Make papa proud.”

Proud of what?

He’s selling me out. Literally.

Actually, if I do see him out there – which would be sick because what father would want to witness such a thing? – I’ll scream at him for doing this to me. Let everyone know just how sick and twisted he is. Not that anyone would care. That’s why they’re here, after all.

My thoughts are interrupted as the bidding begins.

“Who’ll give me one hundred thousand dollars for this fine piece of female flesh,” the auctioneer calls. “You won’t regret it, I promise you.”

I try not to cringe. Thankfully, there’s silence.

Maybe no one will want me.

Maybe I’ll get to go home…

“Come along, folks. Take a look at those perky tits. A little more than a handful is perfect in my book.”

Without thinking, I wrap my arms around myself, covering my chest. The movement has me teetering on my ridiculous heels. There’s laughter. I can feel tears running into my eyes, as panic creeps further and further up my spine.


“Would you look at that… our pretty virgin is shy. Sweet and innocent and just waiting for you to put your mark on her. Do we have any offers on fifty? I’ll look at fifty thousand dollars, gentlemen.”

A man’s voice booms from somewhere in the darkness, placing an offer for me. “Twenty thousand,” the man declares confidently. My heart clenches at the sound of his voice.

“Ah, thank you, sir,” the auctioneer responds. “But you’ll have to do better than that. Anyone can see that she’s worth a whole lot more. Any offers on twenty? Give me thirty, thirty thousand dollars for an ass that’s made for pleasure, folks. It’s a steal, I tell you… give me thirty…” His voice grows faster, the words spinning into each other as bids begin to come in.

Oh, God!

Please… please don’t…

I grind my teeth together to fight back the nerves. The lights are still glaring, and now I’m relieved that I can’t see into the audience. My heart races in horror as the price quickly rises, each bid feeling like another nail in my coffin. The price continues to rise and I’m no longer paying attention. All I can think about is how I’m going to rip off the balls of the sick bastard who ends up buying me. How I’m going to claw his eyes out if he dares to lay a hand on me.

And then it happens.

As the voices call around me, oblivious to the fact that I’m actually a human being up here, I lose my temper. My terror is replaced by cold rage at what is going on around me.

I set my jaw and raise my chin.

Fuck you!

Fuck you all!

I don’t say the words out loud, because I’m sure that I’ll regret it; that taser almost left me senseless. But that doesn’t stop me from letting my fury and outrage show in my bearing. I glare into the darkness, imagining focusing on one of the sick pigs out there.

Go on.

Do your best.

I fucking dare you!

I picture myself kicking someone in the groin. Gouging out his eyes. God, I’ve never felt such hate within me.

“One hundred thousand,” another man chimes in, making me shudder with disgust. I aim an outraged look in the direction of the voice.

“Two hundred,” yet another bidder joins in. The numbers continue to rise, and my stomach churns more violently with each call. My nostrils flare as I suck in great lungfuls of air that is scented with expensive cologne and the salt of my own nervous perspiration. My skin prickles with it; the hair at the back of my neck is damp and clinging to me.

“Three hundred thousand!”

“Four hundred thousand!”

Oh, my God!

Four hundred thousand dollars…

It’s incomprehensible!

“You can do it, gents. Bring me half a million. Half a million dollars and you can be the first – remember, she’s untouched, gentlemen. Pure and innocent. You’ll be going where no other man has sown his seed.” The auctioneer is really into it now.

I would cover my face with my hands, but I refuse. I won’t!

“One million!” an almost unnaturally deep, guttural voice booms out, silencing the entire crowd. My breath catches in my throat.


Oh, God!

The room falls eerily quiet for seconds that seem longer than a lifetime. The silence becomes so ghostly, that I can hear my own ragged breath and my racing heartbeat pounding in my chest. These men are bidding on me like I’m not a human being with thoughts, feelings, hopes, and dreams. It’s revolting. And the one who just outbid everyone is clearly the worst of them all.

“One million dollars!” The auctioneer sounds stupefied. “You really appreciate quality when you see it, don’t you sir?”

His question is left without an answer. There is another moment of silence. “Any more bids? We’re looking at a million bucks, gentlemen.” More silence. “That’s one million dollars’ worth of pure pleasure. Take a look at it and see what you’re missing out on.” The silence drags on further and further. And with it, my heart races faster and faster.


What kind of a monster would do this??

“And there you have it, folks! One million dollars for our tasty little virgin. Going once… Going twice…” The auctioneer’s voice echoes throughout the room, anticipation hanging heavy in the air. “Sold! To the gentleman in the back who knows a good thing when it’s standing in front of him.”


Voices are rising around me as excitement takes over the hall. I can only assume that the sudden jump in price has caused a commotion. Not that I care. I’m too horrified at what’s just happened.


I’ve been sold. I’m some stranger’s possession. Property of some sicko who intends to use me as some sort of sex toy. Or maybe worse.

I force myself to keep breathing, to maintain my composure. Whoever this monster is, he won’t have it easy. I’ll fight him every step of the way.

I’ll fight to the death if I have to.

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