Chapter 447: Vol 13: Traitors

Inside Maya's pocket world, the same thing happened but this time the fight was more brutal as the number of those traitors was already huge. She tried to minimize the losses at the loyal cultivators, so she moved any suspicious cultivator to a certain place where her cultivators were waiting for them on the backs of their mighty dragons. 

The battle was brutal, but it didn't take long for her supreme army to finish them all with nearly no losses at all.

As for Maya, she continued to summon skeletons to this world, but with a very fast pace. 

Every minute she summoned over one million skeletons to this world. although the amount of skeletons inside her world wasn't even compared with what Ibro had, but it was already a terrifying number that reached hundreds of millions or even billions. 

Their numbers were great, but their power wasn't even compared with Ibro's skeletons, as these skeletons never tasted blood ever since they were summoned.

Maya wasn't worried, though, as she intended to burn them all into the merciless fire of wars on this planet, she would lose a lot, but what remained of them would be a force not to reckon with. 

Cultivators like her always hated large numbers, as a single , powerful cultivator was much better than a thousand weak cultivators. The initial wave that she summoned was led by her dragon from the air heading straight towards their target. 

She needed to get rid of those watch eyes first so she could move on outside of here with ease.

Drole and his group were nearly trembling out of fear, they saw skeletons walking with weapons, they discovered traitors among them, and they met a celestial being… a dragon. 

They didn't want to stir the wrath of someone legendary like Maya, so they started to look for maps at the few buildings in the academy. Maya didn't let her divine sense leave them, as she watched every single move they took carefully. 

She wasn't this paranoid, but the presence of deep sleepy traitors who never move without receiving a direct order from the fiend of this planet was a fact she had to deal with. 

So, she had to be very careful all the time and with everyone, Drole included. Maya needed one day to finish summoning enough skeletons for now. She nearly summoned one quarter of her skeleton army, as she left some for later needs. 

She didn't touch any liches, death kings, death knights, or dragons at all, as they were responsible for summoning new skeletons inside her world. As she was about to look for Drole and his group, she received a strange message from one of her cultivators down below.

At first, her cultivators were treating the skeletons like they were monsters, but with time interaction happened between the two groups, so her cultivators began to change their view over these skeletons. 

They weren't dumb monsters with no brain, they were sane and even had personality. Some of them even were cultivators in their past lives before they were killed on the hands of demons. This made the relationship between both sides go warm, somehow, but it was way better than before.

The message she received was an info one of the liches spoke about and her cultivator guessed she didn't know about it, and he guessed right.

'I didn't know there was such a way to speed things up, but they needed death aura and my world had long been purified of this filthy aura,' Maya muttered to herself while thinking how to use such a mighty weapon. 

She was surprised to know that liches had such a peculiar ability, which would cause great changes in her plans, and it would speed things too on this side.

'This world is doomed, I don't want it, neither do Ibro, I want its resources and people. Let's use this weapon here then, as the death aura here will be so thick to be seen by naked eyes,' Maya muttered as she made up her mind. 

She would use that ability here in this world, even if it turned this world into a death barren place, she didn't bother as she intended to take every single cultivator she could use from here and send him into her pocket world. 

Maya's decision wasn't only good and suitable, it was perfectly supporting what she lacked, as in the future she would be thankful for taking this decision at this time.

Maya then sent her orders to her cultivator inside her world. He then moved towards the liches' location and relayed the orders of Maya to them. Soon, a group of them detached and moved away from the main group. 

Maya didn't hesitate to summon all of them here, over 100k liches stood silently in front of her. They knew her place in Ibro's life, so they were treating her with respect.

"I have heard that you can use a certain curse that's called the graveyard curse, which can transform places into skeletons' wombs, is that correct?" Maya asked with a loud voice enough to be heard by all of them. 

That was the tip she got from her cultivator, who would be rewarded personally by her and be upgraded in ranks. One of the liches replied humbly:

"It's correct, my lady. Do you need us to use this curse in this world? But for this curse to work perfectly, it needs a lot of death aura."

"Don't worry about death aura, I will make sure this world is filled to the brim with it. you start using this curse now, spread them at every place in this world," Maya said with a big wide smile that looked so terrifying, but to those liches it was so sweet.

"We will start now, my lady, but during this curse, we can't defend ourselves," the previous lich replied humbly to Maya's orders.

"Don't worry about that, I will send my mighty dragon riders cultivators to watch over your safety. Start immediately and don't stop until I order you so," Maya said so then she started to relay orders to her cultivators inside her world. 

After that small battle they just had, they felt thirsty, thirsty for more fighting. Cultivators were violent creatures that were fed over violence and wars, peaceful times were poisonous to them, so they received Maya's orders with cheers and happiness. contemporary romance

Maya didn't delay as she started to summon large numbers of her own cultivators with their frost bony dragons. Everything was ready and her plan was set to motion, all she lacked now was the detailed map of this world, and then she would turn this paradise peaceful place into a hell made of skeletons only.

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