Chapter 425: Vol 9: Zeraxos Game Synchronization

Ibro started to walk heading straight to his village. He didn't walk so far, to find an old friend appearing around him, it was Gozline.

"Master, welcome back, I was so worried about you."

Ibro looked at the floating stone that kept circling around him like he was dancing from ecstacy.

"I too missed you Gozline, tell me, how long have I been here?"

"I let you enter into a deeper world to cultivate there as you requested, but then I lost your trace and that freaked me out. 

I started to search for you until I sensed your presence a week ago, but I lost your track again.this time I kept waiting here for you, and when you appeared again I came to find you."

Ibro smiled as he felt how exciting and worried this stone was about him, which was weird, and funny too.

"Just tell me how long was I gone."

"Long time sire, a couple of months at the least."


Ibro shouted out loud from surprise and shock, he said seriously:

"Are you sure?"

"Yes master, you disappeared for a long time."

"Didn't you say you will freeze time for me?" Ibro asked with some anger and disbelief.

"Yes master, but that if you were under the effect of my abilities, and you got away and disappeared, so I couldn't freeze time for you."


Ibro didn't speak with Gozline this time, as he moved rapidly and flew in the air while ordering his system:contemporary romance

'Teleport me immediately towards the village, I must reach there soon."

He didn't imagine his time at the cultivation world would be counted as part of his time here, which turned everything messy. Ibro considered everything for his Hepatia village, but this time the crisis never passed his mind, it was beyond his darkest imagination. 

He knew he could depend upon Hoden and Mamor to control things and defend the village, but not for this long, especially when his enemies had united against him and put him atop their priority list.

'System, this isn't the time to slack off, teleport me now.'

'I'm sorry Player Ibro, but you need to reconfigure again to be added successfully to the game world."

Suddenly this cold voice came from nowhere to reply to him instead of his system. Ibro stopped in the middle of the air feeling strange, he looked at himself flying. 

That meant his system was still there and he could use its functions. This realization made him more secure as he asked while trying to control his worry on his village:

'Who are you?'

'I'm the game system that talked with you from before, Ah let me show myself to you in the familiar form.'

Ibro was feeling awkward as this system was acting strange, but in a moment a window popped up as words began to appear on it. Ibro knew this window, as it was the same which appeared to him when he got here for the first time.

"Are you familiar now with this?" the words on the screen flashed with the same cold voice.

"Sure, but I'm not used to your cold voice," Ibro commented.

"I can change it to the voice you want, but I believe your time is limited, so let's end this fast, shall we?"

Ibro's worry got deepened when he heard these words, as he didn't need to ask more about them, he knew what it meant.

"I agree, what's all this about then?" he asked.

"You left for a long time, and went to a place outside my jurisdiction, although everything here lies under my observation, but I usually don't interfere in the trial place. 

You had great encounters and you were lucky, you got yourself a higher system, and gained a lot of powers. I need to modulate all of these into my data, a process that won't take long."

Ibro's attention was attracted like a magnet towards one part, a part that seemed vague, but carried a lot of viable information into it, so he rushed to ask:

"You said I went to the trial place, what do you mean by that?"

"You have no time to waste, and no authority to know," the cold voice said with a line of words on the pop up screen, which then got replaced by another row of words with the cold voice saying:

"Synchronization starts now, you have ten minutes to finish, and after that you can enter the game again. Good luck player Ibro."

Ibro didn't have time to ask more as the window got blank with a countdown only on it. he sighed, as he wanted to confirm his guess.

His previous assumption about this world was wrong, as the only trial he knew about was the trial he was partaking in. if this game considered that word to be separated than here, then this world, or universe, was unique.

Ibro had an idea, which seemed crazy, but when he thought about it again, it felt more logic. He believed here was like the gate world of any universe, instead it wasn't for a single universe, but for countless universes. 

But if this was a gate world for the trial lands, then why was it only technology based? Where were the other supreme energy forms? That was the question he couldn't answer.

Time passed very slowly when you needed to be in a hurry, as these ten minutes seemed like a whole life for him. He counted seconds until the countdown timer in front of him reached zero, and then the screen got blank again. 

This time, it didn't show words, but it lit up by strange fire and then it was replaced by another brand new screen that was born from the previous one's ashes.

"What the hell…?" Ibro muttered as he didn't know what was going on here. The new screen was bigger, with a fancy looking frame, and a very smooth shiny surface. Ibro felt the urge to touch it, but before he could even move a muscle, the voice appeared again with a long row of words on the screen.

"The synchronization process is completed, and your form of energy is established. Congratulations, your new energy form is the ultimatum form, which will replace your old XP form. 

Congratulations, your system got fully integrated into the game, and you can use it safely. Congratulations, your stats have been modified to match your current strength. 

Congratulations, your cultivation base is recognized and is integrated into your character here, so you can use its techniques smoothly. 

Congratulations, your level has been raised to match your current achievements. Congratulations, your new level is level 30. Congratulations, your list of achievements has been unlocked. 

Congratulations, your Dinar class has been modified and upgraded to match your current strength, system, form of energy, and achievements. 

Congratulations, your lifestyle class, rune master class, has been modified and upgraded to match your current rune master function, strength, system, form of energy, and achievements. 

Congratulations, you successfully passed the test period and now you are striving for the hegemony period. 

Congratulations, as the first player to reach the strive for hegemony period in this world, you have been bestowed a title, the pioneer lord title. 

Congratulations, your name will be mentioned in the hall of fame stele in this world."

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