Chapter 413: The Grand Scheme Finally Unfolds

Ibro's question was met by silence, as his system wanted him to rethink again about his decision, so he said firmly:

'I have made up my mind, so stop wasting time and let's finish our business here.'

'Sigh, you are getting more stubborn the more you grow up. Fine, the core is there, five hundred meters to the east.'

Ibro then moved steadily towards the direction his system guided him to. When he reached there, he found this piece of land was similar to any other piece of land here, so he asked in doubt:

'Are you sure it's here?'

'Yes, all you need to do is like before, lean on the ground and place your hands over here and I will do the rest. But I have to warn you, once we start this, there is no going back again, so I need to ask you, are you sure of this?'

'Just do it, let's see what this bastard had prepared for me.'

Ibro then leaned on the ground as he put both his hands over the ground. Once he did so, he felt a sudden tremor deep in the ground, it was as if something was resonating to him deep there. 

Ibro didn't know why this core had responded like this, but he didn't move even when the shaking increased greatly to become a strong earthquake.

'I'm now in contact with the core. There is a sealing around it, so I will need some time to break the seal, so wait patiently and don't ever move until I tell you so.'

'Deal, partner.'

Just as Ibro finished his words, a break suddenly appeared in the ground near him, followed by a phantom of his enemy, that fiend which made him taste it bitter so far. Ibro looked with high alert towards that phantom as he was sure this was the last trap this enemy had laid for him. 

If he managed to bypass it, then he would be safe, even if he had to pay a heavy price to it. the phantom looked towards Ibro with obvious frustration as it muttered in anger:

"I never thought you would risk it and come here to gain this core. You have the whole universe around you, you even have the way to enter other parallel worlds, so why do you risk it here at this world specifically?"contemporary romance

Ibro felt strange from the words of this fiend, but he felt some relief and satisfaction, as it seemed his risk came with some prices to this fiend as well, who continued to say with deep hatred:

"This damn Ren must have left some clues for you, that bastard, my ancestors should have killed him earlier than they did. You, humans, think the whole universe is focused over you, but you know what? You are a pathetic weak race that had no hope at all. 

I will put an end to your uprising today, and make you taste the mighty force of us and know how deep the gap between us is. Summon the supreme council, and activate the System Battle Royal rules."

Ibro suddenly felt a great shock when he heard these words, but what happened in the whole universe is more shocking. Up there, many silhouettes appeared one after another in the far sky. They seemed very grand and majestic from Ibro's position at the ground. 

The phantoms kept appearing till the whole sky was filled with it. Before Ibro could move or say anything, a majestic voice echoed in the whole world with a mighty force, a force that completely paralyzed his body.

'Use every energy I have and you have to completely break the seal by force and be ready to take it with you at any sign of extreme danger,' Ibro said these words in his mind towards his system, which replied with doubt:

'Is there a far more dangerous situation than this?'

'Yes, what is coming is far worse. Don't waste time, we have none.'


As he finished the brief talk with his system, the majestic voice in the sky echoed:

"System holder 11111 had chosen four missions previously. These missions are as follows:

The first mission is to save Oya. You have killed the Jognak monster. As a result, your enemies have noticed you. 

The Roran monsters, which are known to you as moleecian monsters, will send a huge army to destroy your whole universe. They will search for you to kill you but you won't be there. 

The time of your return from the past will be 70 years later than that attack on them. When they fail to find you, they will find Oya and torture her in your place. 

Your mission is to send you back at the moment of your travel to the past through that relic and try to save Oya. The second mission is to save Amira. 

After your entrance to Gornat's Holy Lands, Donal had kidnapped Amira and fled with her as a hostage to the Defarot monsters. Her destiny is doomed if you don't return and you can't return again to that time at all. 

Your mission is to be sent there and save Amira. Your third mission is to save Sefiera. 

When you enter the cultivation world through Gozline ability, you won't be able to return except after the passage of one year. 

During that year, Sefiera would lose her challenge with her competitor over the throne of her empire. She will be tortured and killed. Your mission is to go back and save her from her miserable fate. 

The fourth mission is to save Nicole. While you were here fighting in the System Battle Royale, Nicole had lost her consciousness. She had a dark history that haunted her. 

Her enemy will get her and torture her before killing her. If you waited till you finish your extra mission and gain your rewards to get back, then you won't reach her in time. 

Your mission is to be transported to the moment after your departure. You will need to escape with her, find a safe place where you strive to get stronger then kill her enemy.

According to System Battle Royal rules, You have completed the first mission given to you. So, you can now go to the second mission to complete it."

Ibro was totally paralyzed and couldn't speak, but his enemy, that distasteful fiend, said to this majestic voice:

"The Holy Judge of the System Battle Royal, I have gathered all the supreme council here from all the races, and we want to use our right to add an additional rule to this human trial."

The majestic voice replied:

"Is this the will of the supreme council?"

"Yes, the Holy Judge."

This grand voice that was formed by countless voices echoed in the whole world. before its echo disappeared, that Holy Judge spoke again:

"What is your interference here?"

Ibro's hated fiend replied:

"We want to eliminate the time freeze over him."

"Are you sure? If you selected this simple act, you will waste a golden chance. I can't meddle in the rules of the System Battle Royal, or They will notice us here. So, I need to ask again, are you sure?"

"Yes, the Holy Judge."

Again, the combined voices of them made a huge roar in the sky. The Holy Judge sighed as he said:

"Mark my words today, as I'm warning you and advising you against your decision. This human is very dangerous, you should save this chance for the future, but as you all decided then I have with other choice here except to comply. 

So, System holder 11111, you are being judged by the supreme council under my testimony to lose your right of time freeze. From now on, any minute you pass in any world will mean one minute passing in the other worlds you have been to. 

As you lose your time freeze right, then the choice of the sequence of your missions will be determined by me, the fair Holy Judge of System Battle Royal. 

As you started by mission four, then you will continue by doing mission three, then two, then lastly one. You will be teleported in one minute. Good luck system holder."

The majestic voice disappeared with the restrains over Ibro's body, so he could move freely again and speak, but he remained motionless as he ordered his system in a haste:

'In one minute that damn core must be with me.'

Before Ibro could hear the system reply, that distinctive sound of his enemy came to his ears attracting his attention:

"It's a shame that you will leave here and won't witness me crushing all your pathetic arrangements. You managed to secure the entire universe from my control, but that doesn't mean I will lose. 

I will crush all the armies you send at that passageway, then I will conquer the gate world, and spread to all the worlds in this universe. I will enjoy destroying one world after the other, and without your presence here, I will be free from your irritation with that annoying ability of yours. 

I also have another bad news for you, I will order all the fiends in all the worlds you went to, they will start their conquest over all these universes. As you lose your time freeze bug advantage, you will be able to save only one world. 

How pathetic, I will enjoy watching your loved ones getting killed, and all your women whom you are supposed to save, I will take them hostages and will enjoy them every night. Hahahaha."

Ibro didn't care about its empty words as he rushed his system:

'Ten seconds only, tell me you have done it.'


Ibro was very tense and anxious, but before he could hear the reply from the system, he felt a great traction force that took his body by surprise. He lost control over his body as he moved in a very fast speed towards the unknown. 

Just before he could leave that universe, he heard a loud scream which came with deep hatred and anger. That scream came from his enemy, which made him reassure… his system managed to get the core at the last moment.

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