Chapter 397: 397

Like possessed he started to summon these huge intimidating swords one after another. Each sword was held by a huge real looking hand, which followed the orders of Ibro who started to launch one strike after another. 

Each strike caused a huge tornado that went rapidly moving forward without stopping, purifying this fiend energy while providing this energy to Ibro who felt like drowning in his energy.

'Turn all the extra energy to upgrade my pocket space world and form PSR crystals.'

'Crystals? You will get pearls this time, and a lot of them too.'

'Whatever, just don't let a speck be wasted.'

Ibro was surprised by the hugeness of this fiend, all this energy came only from purifying a small part of it, so Ibro started to plan from now how he would use this immense energy in the best way possible.

Ibro launched more than 50 tornados in this small period, while his strikes started to drain this fiend from its energy, the fiend didn't stand motionless as it started to retaliate. 

The first thing it did was to try and send these strikes away from here. At once, more than 10 strikes went missing as Ibro lost the connection with them.

'Can you merge the seal function which prevents the teleportation into these strikes?'

The system didn't reply at once as it was very busy dealing with the incoming energy. Although Ibro lost 10 or more of his tornados, there were still around 40 tornados there.

'I can, but I will need to use some energy, also I can't alter the already launched strikes, so you will need to form new ones.'

'Can't you help me for free even once?'

'Free is a meaningless word for me.'


Ibro didn't comment on his system's shamefulness, as he knew his system would be there for him at times of need. 

Now, he focused his attention on launching more strikes, which had part of the teleportation seal function embedded in it this time, so the fiend didn't succeed in throwing them away from its body, but it didn't stop. 

As defense failed, then offense was the solution, as it changed the nature of all the liquid around Ibro to form long shaped needles that looked dangerous. 

Ibro just glanced at these needles and didn't care about them, as he now was using his ultimatum energy, not the weak soul sea energy. 

As Ibro expected, these needles didn't pose any challenge to him, but when he was just about to launch a new strike, his system said:

'These needles aren't simple, they drain your energy on a higher rate, so a note of this.'contemporary romance

Ibro began to check his energy reserves, the soul sea energy and PSR energy were depleted at a higher rate indeed, but this consumption didn't reach a level which he should worry about. 

He didn't launch any more strikes, though, as he wasn't sure about this fiend's hidden cards. These needles kept attacking him relentlessly like a machine gun. 

Although each needle was purified over the surface of his spell, that caused more pressure with time over him. 

Ibro expected if this kept going, then the balance of his energy absorption rate with its expenditure rate would be equalized or even be turned upside down, so he started to think about any solution against this move. 

While he was immersed in this, he felt some strange feelings. This fiend was huge, but under the effects of his strikes, its energy shrank for a little bit, but now Ibro felt as if this fiend was recovering its energy.

'Have you felt this?'

'Yes, this fiend is recovering himself. Launch a strike towards the surface of that fiend, and I will try to analyze this newly added energy.'

Ibro didn't delay as he used a strike again which was directed towards the upper part of that fiend. In minutes, the system returned to Ibro as it said:

'This energy is different from this fiend's energy, it's a lower class form of energy, but it's pouring in a huge amount That will soon overcome your strikes rate.'

Ibro thought silently for a moment before he figured it out. He smiled as he asked:

'Do you still have a connection with my pocket space world?'

'Yes, but I can't move you in or take out anything from inside.'

'But you can relay orders, right?'

'Sure, what do you plan to do?'

Ibro looked towards the front with that huge ocean of dark green liquid as he muttered:

'This fiend is going all out as it is now absorbing all the energy of the demons in that gate world, so I will also accompany him. 

Send the message to all the dragons in my world, I don't care if they are mine or following Maya's cultivators, tell them to move rapidly to the gate world. They have only one mission, search, and kill any demon anywhere in this gate world.'

The system went silent for a while, during which Ibro's mind began to work rapidly where he decided to use one of his trump cards here.

'I have relayed your orders, and all the dragons are now moving into that gate world, but…��

The system paused in hesitation. Ibro guessed what happened so he asked:

'Maya is angry?'

'Yes, very angry, as her big dragon had left her.'

Ibro smiled faintly as this was expected, but he needed any helping hand here. What he wanted to do was to kill all the demons in this world, as he expected this fiend lost the ability to teleport all the demons in the gate world due to the fight it was having now with Ibro. 

So, these demons had to move from their places towards that huge foggy area, which was a process that would take a long time to occur, and also it was full of dangers. 

These dangers were summed up in one word: skeletons. So, Ibro decided to add more to the hardships of these demons as he used his fastest, and one of the most lethal weapons under his control, which were those giant frost bony dragons.

'You want to compensate with your energy losses by using these demons, so I will kill them all and keep draining your energy here till you die.'

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