Chapter 367: 367

The system started summoning large numbers of skeletons, liches, and dragons near that gate. 

They were previously prepared for the mission, so once they appeared they moved towards the nearby gate without hesitation. 

The dragons acted as general commanders with the help of many liches as their aides to direct all the skeletons towards the gate. 

The battle on the doorsteps of this gate was really difficult, especially the gate didn't stop sending out massive numbers of demons. Ibro didn't want to delay further, so he moved towards that gate. 

Once he reached above it, he used on strike to eliminate all the demons standing between his skeletons and the gate. This window that he created allowed the skeletons to reach the gate and started entering it. 

In the beginning, some demons still came out from the gate, but they were rapidly killed by the skeletons. After nearly ten minutes, no new demons appeared from the gate anymore. 

The situation here was stabilized, but Ibro held himself from entering the gate and discovering what was there on the other end of it. 

He was afraid to move permanently from this world especially he had many things on stake here. Ibro waited for nearly three hours till all his skeletons entered through this gate. 

He had previously explained to his dragons and liches what they would do once they set foot on the other side of these gates. The first thing to do was to summon more skeletons via the graveyard curse. 

This was the task of his special liches, as for dragons their main task was to lead the skeletons and try to create more dragons using the death energy. 

Although the skeletons had all entered the gate, Ibro didn't move from his place. At once, he started to summon more skeletons with some liches, dragons, and golams to surround this gate and secure it. 

After one hour, Ibro noticed the emergence of the big dragon from the gate. He instructed the big dragon to come back after stabilizing the situation there and tell him about the info of the other side of the gate. Once reached Ibro, the dragon said in complete reverence:

"Your majesty, I came to deliver the report."

"Go ahead, tell me what's on the other side of this gate."

"Replying to your majesty, the other side of this gate is a huge world that is far bigger than ours. There are a lot of humans there fighting against demons. 

These humans are slightly weaker than your majesty, but the demons side was winning until we showed up. 

The skeletons now have established an area under our control and they are trying to push the frontline farther away. The liches have summoned many graveyards which kept releasing a lot of skeletons. 

I managed to contact some humans there. They told me their world was a huge central universe formed by the coalition of many universes together. 

They are technology-based universes that used games to train them. The world which we appeared at is the center of their universe, if they lost it they would lose everything. 

They told me the demons attacked all the universes under their reign and managed to destroy most of them. These demons are now gathering up from all these universes to destroy their main universe. 

I told them about you, your majesty, and they agreed to ally to kill all the demons in their main universe and the other subsidiary universes. 

I came to deliver another message from them to you, your majesty. They said if you helped in repelling the demons from their universe, they will repay this act of kindness and send their armies here to help you in whatever wars you are facing. 

I tried to convince them to work under your majesty and plead their allegiance to you, but they refused."

Ibro received all this info with a big smile on his face. The description of his big dragon fitted perfectly on the game world similar to the world of the zeraxos game that he had been to. 

The results of this move were way above his expectations. He knew the help of a huge world like the Zeraxos world would be great, but that came with hard conditions to fulfill. 

If he was able to move to that world, then he would have confidence in achieving that condition easily. The only option he had right now was to forget above his previous plans and focus entirely on helping this world. 

Such a temptation of having a huge universe help was way above any other goals he sat before. 

Ibro thought seriously for a few minutes before making up his mind, he would face such conditions in all the universes attached to his world via demon gates. 

After he gave it more thinking, he realized something important. That connection between him and these universes were time and place connections. 

That meant he had all the time to prepare and send armies to other universes. That made him decide to focus on this universe first. After all, he needed their help for future battles.

'Start moving all my skeletons and armies I prepared for other gates to pass through here.'

The system took a moment before it asked:

'Are you sure? If you do that, you will lose the effort of two years.'

Ibro sighed as he explained:

'I know, but betting everything on one universe is better than diverting all my power on multiple universes. 

Besides, these gates will always link me to other universes before the moment of their destruction. So, I have all the time I need to form more armies and help other universes.'

The system hesitated before it replied:

'I hope you know what you are doing.'

Ibro understood the hidden warning of the system, so he said:

'Don't worry, my enemies need the demons in these universes like I need the help of the humans in them. 

Even if they got a word of my doings there, they wouldn't be able to cut off their connection with these parallel worlds. After all, without these worlds, they would be very fragile and can't threaten me.'


The system didn't reply to Ibro's logic as it made great sense, but after all, it was a bet. The system started to move huge armies of skeletons which started to enter the gate under Ibro's control. Ibro then looked to his dragon as he ordered:

"Take these armies and spread them all over the primary universe. After you finish your task there, start branching out to all the universes under their control. 

Once you manage to liberate the primary universe, come again with some representatives from that world. I need to know more details about their current situation."

The dragon bowed its head while it said:

"I will deliver the message to their leaders, my king. I will go now."contemporary romance

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