Chapter 356: 356

Ibro felt astonished with this comment from his system. He asked in return:

'Is there any solution to that? Like enlarging the world size?'

'Yes, you can do it, but it will cost you a little. In fact, you have two ways to upgrade your world, either increase its size directly, or create a subsidiary world that will be attached to the main world.'

Ibro's interest was piqued with that subsidiary world. It gave him the impression of creating his universe inside his body, so he asked:

'Can I create my universe? How many worlds can I create?'

'Hold on for a second, the task of creating new worlds cost a big PSR orbs number, it even reaches one PSR crystal. You can't afford many worlds right now.'

Ibro didn't hold back as he said:

'I will provide PSR orbs for you, and you will create my worlds.'

The system argued:

'How will you do that? Killing those weak demons won't get you any closer to your high demands.'

Ibro moved towards the nearest demon gate as he said:contemporary romance

'From now on, I won't absorb any gate, I will destroy it. Each gate can provide a big amount of PSR orbs, right?'


'Be ready, destroy this gate now.'

Ibro put his hand over the gate as he released his skeletons from his world. He considered these gates as his private property, but now he was trying to create a better future. 

Sacrificing them now wouldn't affect him much, as these demons were doing excellent jobs in trying to summon more gates. 

The time needed for him to destroy one gate was longer, much longer than the time needed to absorb one. So, when he destroyed over a thousand gates, the demons managed to summon over 3 thousand. 

Ibro wasn't worried or frustrated, but he was glad of such a result. This way, he wouldn't feel any loss by destroying these gates. 

According to the system, every 500 gates would provide him enough energy to create one subsidiary world. 

Ibro now had two smaller subsidiary worlds attached to his main world. He didn't feel content with this result, so he continued to destroy more demon gates.

'Can you move most of the death kings into the new worlds? Also, move some demon gates to these words as well.'


'Tell me, is the time difference still applied to these worlds?'


Ibro was worried his strongest advantage which was the big time difference would be lost in his subsidiary worlds. the more worlds he got, the more excited he became. 

It took him nearly 1 week of the constant fight to stop his world creation spree. He now had over 50 nearly empty subsidiary worlds.

'Change of plans, let's absorb these demon gates now.'

The number of demon gates showed big changes, as they nearly doubled. Ibro wasn't worried; as he was sure he could win this battle in the end. 

He wasted a long time in building his new worlds, but it was worth it. the battle on the other end was raging hot, but neither side managed to claim a victory there. Ibro decided to change the pattern of this war, as he asked:

'Can you absorb gates like you absorb demons?'

The system didn't reply at once as it was surprised by Ibro's question. It then replied:

'In theory, I can, after all, I use the same technique to absorb both. But in fact, you will need to spend a huge number of PSR orbs to absorb gates like you absorb demons.'

Ibro shrugged his shoulders as he said without care:

'Money is gained to be spent, partner. Let's end this war then. Move these gates in patches and distribute them evenly to each world.'


The system was speechless from Ibro's way of thinking, but it complied without pause to his wishes. The ability of the system to annex these gates in patches came to change the face of this war. 

Every second, the system moved nearly a thousand gates in one go. Ibro walked like a mighty apocalypse king on the battlefield, everywhere he visited it turned into vast emptiness in mere moments. 

Ibro was the apocalypse apostle for these demons. The long trail he created was filled in minutes with endless skeletons. 

Ibro didn't move directly to the center of these gates, he walked leisurely in circles peeling off the onion-like formation of these gates from outside inwards. 

Any observer of this battle felt the great shock from Ibro's behavior; he was very domineering in this bold move. 

The demons were helpless as every time they tried to start new gates. They were attacked relentlessly from the skeleton armies that marched steadily following Ibro's footsteps. 

The end of this battle was already clear, the demons were doomed.

"You have the entire world in this vast universe and you persist on claiming this world to enter the gate. You are stubborn."

Ibro's attention was piqued at once with this familiar voice. His divine sense found the source of it; it was the same fiend he met before. Ibro didn't bother saying a word to him, as he let his actions do the talk. 

'Speed up the rhythm; I feel this fiend is here to delay us. I believe they will cut the portal from their end.'

'If so, then move straight forward to the center.'

Ibro heeded by the system's advice and changed his course. He moved straight towards the center of the gates, while the fiend said with disappointment:

"I told you before, struggling won't bring any benefit to you or even change the final result. I'm here to offer you again for joining us. Please consider this carefully as it will be your last chance.'

Ibro totally ignored it as he moved with rapid pace heading to the centre. No demon managed to stand in his face, as all were transferred into his worlds. 

"What a pity, then let me tell you this, the portal between the two worlds had been severed. You lost your chance to live, enjoy your life in hell then idiotic human."

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