Chapter 344: 344

Ibro didn't bother with what the system felt, as he stayed motionless waiting for this gate to disappear. In a few minutes, he was relentlessly attacked by demons without a pause, but he stood firmly in his place facing all of them. 

For Ibro, these low level demons were like ants, he could easily kill hundreds of thousands or even millions by just one strike.

'The gate is ready to be moved, are you sure of this?'

'Why are you hesitating? Move it and let's go for the next one.'


The system then moved the gate to reappear into his pocket space. Ibro didn't stop at his place, as he started to move towards the second gate, then the third one… he kept hunting gates one by one till he took them all. 

During this, he killed countless demons and absorbed their energy, which helped in treating his damaged soul sea and pocket space. 

After all this huge battle, his soul sea and pocket space had regained their original state. Ibro felt ecstatic when he sent his divine sense towards his pocket world. 

He found endless demons filled the world. 'This was a good demon farm,' he thought to himself while observing the demon gates. These gates were still adding more demons to flood his world. 

Ibro then sat his gaze upon the cave; he needed to get that heritage rapidly. Ibro planned to roam this world seeking for Ren heritage. He then had the long journey of finding the other parts of heritage in the whole universe. 

He sighed; it wasn't an easy job to be powerful in this world. Ibro then moved inside the cave. He was already releasing his ultimatum energy during his battle, so he passed the cave entrance with ease. 

He then found a similar altar stranding in the middle of the vast empty space in the heart of this cave. Ibro moved in steady steps towards the altar. 

He didn't feel the precious resistance he felt back at the first cave, which might be due to removal of his control over ultimatum energy full potential. Ibro started to ascend the steps of the altar, one step at a time. 

When he was midway, he began to feel some pressure over him. That was nothing in comparison to the first cave pressure that he faced. He continued his journey till he reached the top. 

Once he reached there, his energy coupled with the resisting energy merged together to form a human shape halo of light. Ren had appeared again in front of him.

'Great job little boy, you managed to find a second heritage of me in no time.'

'I just saved it from the demons who were trying to destroy it. Is there any map for the places of the altars, sir?'

'No, I can't tell you about that, little cunning boy. These demons are nothing to me, let them come and I will squash them.'

Ibro sighed. He wanted to have a map to guide him in his searching journey, especially to other worlds in the universe. Before Ibro could say anything again, Ren had disappeared like before in a puff. contemporary romance

Ibro sighed helplessly while taking the remaining small soul shard and put it into his storage ring.

'The system discovered a piece of information. I stored it and I will send it to your mind now.'

Ibro's mind froze as a stream of information entered his mind without stop. This process took nearly one hour to finish, after which Ibro sighed. He gained another small piece in this large puzzle. 

In fact, it was useless to Ibro, as he evolved further than the level of energy it described. Ibro wasn't sure if the pieces he would find later would be useful, but he didn't want for those demons to get their hands on any altar. 

This altar was his human heritage, and he wasn't sure about the motives that drove these demons to seek these altars' destruction. Ibro exited from the altar as he looked straight towards the south. 

Although he had secured his empire territory, he still had a long way to be able to annex the whole world. 

If he wanted to fasten his steps, then he must use the southern empire as a starting point to invade the whole northern continent. 

Trying to form an army now from his empire would be tricky, his long borders and huge territory were secured barely. He had to amass another army to conquer new territories, that when his pocket space had come to the picture. 

It would play a crucial role in building strong armies without affecting his empire security. Ibro didn't delay as he started roaming the southern lands with small pace. 

During his travels, he kept summoning death kings and skeletons without stop. Every time he started with the death kings, they were the backbone of his armies now. 

Away from his alpha death knight, there was no other death unit that could rival their importance. So, Ibro decided to build all his future armies based on them, he already created a formula for that. 

Every army would need 1 million death kings as the core. After he finished summoning them, he started to summon normal skeletons until they reached numbers above 2 billion. 

Reaching this stage meant the army creation step completed, so Ibro would follow it with the army maturation step… he sent them all inside his pocket space to enter in battle frenzy with endless demons there. 

After he created 5 of such an army, he created one army with one specific goal only… keeping track of the fighting everywhere and making sure to collect demon cores.

'I want to increase the time difference inside the pocket space to maximum.'

The system replied after a while:

'That would be a ratio of 1:100. This would consume a lot of PSR orbs every hour. Are you sure?'

Ibro expected such a reply from his stingy system, but he didn't have any objection to that. He needed that time difference to haste the growth of his army.

'Time difference is activated. When you need to return it to the normal 1:10 ratio, just tell me.'


Ibro didn't bother with his stingy system, he sat his gaze upon the huge demons up ahead. 

As his pocket space had constant supply of demons via the demon gates, he didn't need to keep abducting those demons into his space anymore. 

Ibro started to kill them without any break, which gained him a constant supply of PSR orbs to restock his emptied PSR reserves. 

The army formation task was also continued after he destroyed one army of demons. He kept roaming the lands with this rhythm, one demon army destroyed followed by one skeleton army formed. 

The time difference between the two worlds made it easier for his skeleton armies to upgrade in ranks faster. After the fifth day, he noticed the presence of one of the cultivators flying in the sky. 

In this dangerous world that was flooded with demons, sky was the only secure route so far. Ibro stopped in his tracks and sent his divine sense to connect with this incoming.

'What brought you here?'

The cultivator seemed to be aware of Ibro's possession of divine sense, as he didn't show any signs of surprise, while he replied:

'I came to bring a message from lord Gorsag for you, my king. He said the plan for the southern cities is ripe and many requests for aid had been sent to our empire. What are your further orders, my king?'

Ibro smiled in content, he finally had the chance to hit the southern empire hard. Ibro, not as he initially intended, planned to eat the whole empire in one go. 

To do that, he would use his newly trained armies in his pocket space. He had created over 100 armies so far in his pocket space. As for the armies guarding the borders of his empire, he had other plans for them.

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