Chapter 342: 342

Ibro didn't look for demons near this city, neither in his territory at all. He headed straight to the south. He felt if his enemy was preparing, then it should start from his south. 

Ibro took nearly two hours flying until he reached the outer borders of his territory. Throughout this small journey, he met many demons that he killed without showing any mercy. 

Once he crossed the borders, he managed to spot huge gatherings of demons everywhere via his divine sense.

'I will start to stockpile the demons inside the pocket space, how can I do it?'

'I will do this task for you.'

'For PSR orbs, right?'


Ibro didn't bother with this greedy system as he started to fly rapidly deeper into the enemy territory. The numbers of demons kept rising the more he delved deeper to the south. 

The system did a good job of cleaning all the demons his divine sense could spot. In a few hours, nearly 1 million kilometer area turned completely void from demons. 

Ibro didn't stand idle, as he used his death summon curse all the time to summon a huge army of skeletons and death kings. 

These skeletons moved following his trail as they engaged with sporadic demons everywhere. After 10 hours, Ibro felt content with the size of this army.

"Your task is to wander the lands to the south. Keep killing all the demons you can find. Don't attack cities or get near one, all I want from you is to kite the demons scattered outside the cities."

Ibro gave this order to his army as he unleashed them onto the southern lands. He didn't plan on attacking cities for now, as he was waiting for the signs from players he sent into these cities. 

When his plan succeeded, he would gain a moral cause to attack these cities and occupy them. After he finished all this, he flew in a different direction towards the southeast. 

He was looking for the densest gathering of demons. After three hours of search, he found an interesting place. 

There, he found a huge number of teleportation gates that kept releasing demons nonstop. These gates were surrounding a huge area. Inside this area, there was nothing except demons.

'Do you sense the presence of an altar here?'

Ibro asked the first conclusion that came to his mind. The system replied at once:

'Yes, it seems these demons had spotted an altar already and were trying to destroy it.'

Ibro agreed with the system's opinion. His divine sense had caught a glimpse of what was happening in that area. There was a huge cave that swallowed demons without any signs of stopping. Ibro then asked:

'Are you ready, partner? This would be a difficult fight.'

'I will move you inside now.'

Ibro felt the traction force again to disappear from the world. Once his foot touched the ground, he was surrounded by dense clusters of demons.

'Nefrisca Santo Janigmay.'

'Nefrisca Santo Janigmay.'

'Nefrisca Santo Janigmay.'




'Sa Romy Dai.'

'Alfa Ta Shtoy.'

'Sa Romy Dai.'

'Alfa Ta Shtoy.'

Ibro then took the stance of his sword whirlpool strike. His body moved smoothly until he finished the strike. 

Immediately, a huge whirlpool appeared that engulfed a huge chunk of demons. Ibro didn't stop either, as he soared to the sky. Once he reached suitable altitude, he said to the system:

'Show me the Rune function.'

'Rune function: a unique ultimatum function created by Ibro. Current status: incomplete activation. Type of energy used: ultimatum energy. 

Effect: uses the whole body energy and transforms it into PSR energy, then it will blend with soul sea energy to form the ultimatum energy. This energy will be used to form a huge sword. 

The energy will be used by the sword to write runes. The final result depends upon the current strength of the system holder and the level of his function and level of the runes used. 

Current function level: advanced runemaker level 1. The number of available runes: 1. The number of learned runes: 1. To add new runes, the system holder needs to invent them.'

Ibro felt content with such a function. It took him a great effort to create it. Ibro then asked:

'Show me the runes list.'

'Singularity black rune: Even rune invented by Ibro. It used the ultimatum energy to form a black hole orb as a material for writing runes. 6 symbols can be used on it. 

These symbols are written in hieroglyphics , and they include Control, Seal, Absorb, Explode, Destroy, and Purify. The least number of runes is 2 and the highest is decided upon the ultimatum energy amount.'

Ibro was proud of his creation. This rune would be one of his ultimate weapons against high-end fiends like Gorat.

'Activate the singularity black rune.'

Immediately, Ibro felt the sudden changes in his body. PSR energy accumulated from all over his body, and then it was injected into his right arm. 

At the same time, his soul sea energy was directed towards his arm. Both energies mixed and formed the ultimatum energy, which poured out from Ibro's arm to the outside. 

Ibro saw the huge sword appearing again in front of him, coupled with the small black hole. He felt the connection with both of them, which was stronger than before. 

Ibro didn't delay as he moved his hand, which resulted in the huge sword movement as well. Ibro started to draw the six symbols with a high efficiency, one group after another. 

Each group created agglomerated together to form a small bulge on the dark ball surface. At the same time, the other hand of Ibro was busy killing the demons using his ultimatum dragon descent sword strike. 

The killed demons provided massive amounts of PSR, demon, and death energy for Ibro and his black orb. The absorbed energy had made the orb enlarge with a small pace. 

Ibro wasn't expecting it to reach the previous size as last time in a short period. Ibro kept writing his symbols leisurely in comparison to his last try. 

After nearly four hours, Ibro completed writing runes over his black orb. He managed to break his last time record as he wrote 1200 symbol groups this time. 

After he finished it, the black orb began to shine with its beady surface.

'Move it deep in the ground. Let's kill these demons rapidly. Don't forget to bring all the demons you could reach from the outside.'


The system started to control the finished rune as it was inserted deeply in the ground. If there was a fiend here, it would be deeply buried under the world's lands. 

Ibro then started to use his sword whirlpool ultimatum strike repeatedly. After a few strikes, he managed to kill a big chunk of these demons. 

The system didn't delay replacing them with fresh demons. This process continued for 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, the system said:

'The rune bomb had enlarged to exceed 1000 meters in radius. Should we finish building this world now?'

Ibro was mentally tired from this monotonous labor. He replied impatiently:

'That's good. I became bored after this entire massacre.'

'Did you consider the type of energy your pocket world would depend upon?'

Ibro had decided this long time ago. He replied at once:

'Make it a cultivation based world.'

'Are you sure?'contemporary romance


Ibro was envious of Maya's cultivation world. There were many things he desperately needed from this world. He also could train his cultivators here and start building his cultivators army. 

Although he had access to the whole cultivation universe, he couldn't get in touch with it now. He also thought about future adventures. His destiny was to roam the universe collecting energies and killing demons. 

The presence of such an essential world with him all the time would save him a lot of trouble. Ibro also had future plans for this world. His long dream of having a demon cores farm would come true here.

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