Chapter 34: Recruiting 205 to join the team

Siraj felt surprised by Ibro strange question but that didn't stop him from responding spontaneously:

"I can't tell you. it's a secret of my work ."

"Then I will change my question. You know that the president of Armon is on an official visit to Hept. could you organize a meeting between us and him?"

"What do you want to do with the president of Armon? I can hold a meeting with the ambassador of Armon in Hept. I can't organize a meeting with the Armonian President. I can't get near him without appropriate and good cause.contemporary romance

There's also an agenda that we're committed to diplomatically. I can't just mess with it casually."

"Don't worry, just send a message to the Armonian delegation.

Tell them about my desire to meet the Armonian President. As for the message, Tell them that I know where Shi Hwang 's legacy is. "

"Shi Hwang's legacy? Talking to the Armonian delegation to meet their president is no joke, Ibro. we are talking about diplomatic relations between countries ."

Ibro laughed. It was normal for Siraj not to understand the importance of his words. From his past, Ibro knew very well that Armon was looking actively for the heritage of the founder of the Empire of Kane.

Unfortunately for them, they just couldn't find any guide about it. Before the end of ten years of the game, Armonian discovered a conspiracy led by Tanzania and many of G8.

They bought a bunch of Armonian players and they got the legacy of the Emperor and destroyed it. That was why Armon lost a powerful weapon that would have changed a lot of its position in the game.

Armon began as a super-eight power. but later it lost its high position. the plots of other G8 against it pushed them towards the abyss of falling from its throne.

If Armon had acquired that heritage earlier and had not lost it, those countries would not have been able to cause so much damage to it. This time Ibro aimed at helping Armon to create as much chaos as possible in both the present and the future .That was his revenge for Oya.

"Don't worry, if you don't understand my message, they'll. In order to be comfortable then let's make a bet. If they didn't ask you for a meeting as soon as they read the message, then you could hold me as you wish and I'll tell you the source of my information. "

"meeting me? Why are you talking like I'm meeting them and not you?"

"I forgot to make that point clear. From now on, we're both partners.

Your role as my future partner is to show up in front of everyone while I hide behind you. In exchange, I'll give you a lot of secrets that no one else knows. "

Siraj thought carefully about Ibro's offer. If everything Ibro said was wrong then it didn't matter what the offer was. What if it was true? Then he would be facing the wrath of all nations while he would remain in the shadows.

When he thought again about the offer, he found that the request for Ibro made sense. He was just a young guy who didn't have anything to protect him. Instead, he belonged to an official department of the Hept country.

That department would help him in any trouble. He could protect himself then and so he could protect Ibro. This simple step in cooperation between both of them would provide for Ibro the strongest possible protection and Ibro wouldn't fear for his life ever again.

Siraj was very impressed by the way of thinking of this young guy. From this moment on he wouldn't treat Ibro as a young small youngster but his match and someone similar to his thinking.

That was, of course, provided that everything Ibro said was true, and most importantly he was able to prove it. Siraj Discovered at this moment that Ibro was risking a lot in exchange for proofing his claims.

He exposed himself, risked his freedom, and pawned the rescue of his partner in exchange for proving what he said. What did all this have to do with meeting the president of Armon?

And why the president of Armon specifically? It was easier for him to meet the ambassador. the consequences of the diplomatic crisis would become much less serious.

Meeting with the president of Armon himself was very risky! Siraj tried to gather all the scattered thoughts inside his mind to decide in the end what he should do! He felt challenged!

He would be no less daring than the little one in front of him. This youngster risked everything to prove his words. He would also bet on him and risk talking to the Armonian delegation outside the protocol of diplomatic visits.

Siraj didn't realize that his decision at this moment had completely changed his future.

"I agree to be your partner provided that you prove the validity of your previous claims. I accept your bet.

If the delegation didn't reply to me after I sent my message for one hour, then you are mine. you will tell me everything you know about the game. you will tell me the source of your information."

Ibro stood up immediately and shook his hand. He finally succeeded to reach this far with him. In his opinion, the hard part of his plan had ended. He was full of confidence now in saving Oya.

Not only that, but he would also get many bonuses including this unique player. So he said with confidence:

"Believe me, you would never regret this decision, Mr. Siraj ."

"You can always call me by my name in the game ."

Ibro smiled and said: :

"Okay then two hundred and five. Now you need to contact the Armonian delegation and wait for the results of your message."

"I'm sending them a message now. do you want me to state your name in the letter?"

"Of course not. You should send the message in your name."

Siraj smiled and sat down. He took his phone out and wrote the letter to the Armonian delegation. As he held a fairly high position in the department, he had all the diplomatic delegations communications in the country.

After he finished writing the simple words, he sent the message without hesitation. Then he got out a new pack of cigarettes there, took out a cigarette and lit it with clear tension.

He took a deep breath to bring out all the stress in him. If this message caused a diplomatic crisis then he would be punished by the commander of the device. He might even lose some of his authority.

But it didn't matter now, he felt right about everything Ibro said to him. He took a long breath of his cigarette. The smoke loomed quietly over the desk like an imminent storm.

After he finished his cigarette, he lit another cigarette with his eyes fixed on his phone screen. He didn't reach the middle of his cigarette until the message he waited for arrived.

the Armonian delegation sent a short message. he hesitated for a moment before he killed the rest of the cigarette in the ashtray custom cigarettes on his desk. Then he opened the message and began reading it in speed.

He re-read the message more than once before putting the phone on the desk. He released a deep breath full of tension. He looked at Ibro to find him as always. Ibro was calm, steady, and confident.

Siraj didn't feel any shred of tension or anxiety from him. He wondered how Ibro could keep his calm? Wasn't he nervous? He got out another cigarette and lit it before spreading out another breath. then he said :

"I'm curious, why don't I feel you nervous? Are you betting on things a lot more dangerous than I did? Right?"

"That's because I'm pretty sure the Armonian delegation would react to your letter ."

"And what do you think their answer is?"

"They'll ask you to meet them as soon as possible. Isn't that what they've told you now?"

Ibro didn't miss Siraj's reaction when he grabbed his phone before. He kept the look of calm, confident in front of him. In reality, he almost melted from tension and anxiety.

he didn't show any speck of this on his face. He didn't want 205 to find out his anxiety and concern. if 205 discovered that perhaps that would cause the emergence of other ideas within it.

He finally managed to tame him and he didn't want to risk losing his gains. Also every second he spent in this office would make Oya in a more dangerous situation.

"Yes, they asked to meet me immediately. they're waiting for us at the residence of the Armonian delegation. they are settled in one of the outbuildings at the palace of Heptian presidency."

"So what are we waiting for? Let's go to them ."

Siraj looked at him trying to penetrate that mysterious halo that surrounds him in vain. He took another breath out of his cigarette. then he stood up of his seat and said :

"Follow me ."

Ibro moved behind him in absolute silence. They left the office and walked in the passage until they reached the elevators.

Within minutes, they were riding in an official car moving at speed towards the Palace. Siraj spoke, trying to understand what Ibro was trying to do, saying: :

"What are we going to do there, Ibro? Do you want me to talk to them? "

"No, you don't have enough experience to deal with them yet. Leave that task to me. Who's going to meet us there?"

"I don't have enough experience!! Who do you think you are?" He swallowed his anger words from Ibro's comment, and then he said :

"As far as I know we will meet their delegation leader. they told me that in their letter ."

"What about the Armonian President ?"

Ibro was not interested in anyone but the Armonian President. He is the only one who could help his plan to succeed. Siraj looked suspiciously again at him.

Obviously Ibro wanted to meet only the Armonian President and no one else. He thought for a moment that this might be a trap by Ibro to attack the Armonian President, but he immediately retracted that hypothesis.

What would Ibro gain from it?

"Why do you want to meet the Armonian President this badly? The head of the delegation has a strong authority and could help you with whatever you want ."

"You don't understand. no one but the Armonian President that can help us ."

Siraj silenced a little, and then he said in the end :

"This is a problem because. According to the agenda of the Armonian delegation, their president is now with our president at the palace. They are in the discussion of the confidential relations between the two countries ."

"As long as he's near us, then it's okay to meet him ."

"Diplomatic visits are strict on their agenda. You wouldn't be able to see the Armonian President today, don't hold too much hope ."

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