Chapter 336: 336

Ibro didn't reply to the system suggestion. He was very paranoid about that mysterious voice. He didn't trust those he couldn't meet in flesh. Ibro then said:

'Start investigating then. I will start summoning my death kings all the way. We need huge armies to send to other worlds.'


Ibro then began to use his spells and curse non-stop. Every group of Death kings he summoned, he gave them the order to patrol the region. 

These death kings were very helpful as they could summon nearly 10 million skeletons every five minutes. They became stronger and faster than before. 

Ibro took nearly 4 hours roaming aimlessly while summoning his death kings. All this time, he didn't stop monitoring the movements of the demons at all.

'I have found something suspicious in the outer region of your divine senses.'

Ibro's interest was piqued at once, as he asked:

'What is it? Where is it?'

'I don't know what it is, but the region there absorbs energy madly. It absorbed your divine sense of energy, so I spotted it. 

I believe it absorbs the demon energy that became abundant here. It's located 1500 kilometers to the northwest from here.'

Ibro didn't hesitate to observe that place in the system mentioned. He rapidly found it. It was a normal region with no difference at all. Without the system reminder, Ibro never would suspect it. 

There were many demons loaming in the place already without noticing it. Ibro changed his direction at once towards that place while saying:

'Try to get more info about it. it would take about one hour to reach there.'


Ibro continued using his routine death kings summon all the way without pause. He felt eager to reach that place. After one hour, he reached that location. It was a normal piece of wilderness with no signs of anomaly. 

Ibro stood in his place while his death knights began to clear the area. After ten minutes, the whole region was void of demons, but Ibro didn't intend to leave his death kings there. 

He ordered them to roam aimlessly away from this region. If his enemies had some intelligent demons, then they would suspect his behavior. 

Releasing the death kings would act as the best distraction. Once they spread over the place and disappeared into the horizon, Ibro began to approach that area under the system guidance.

'It's 1000 meters in radius. I sensed the presence of a gap under that area. I believe it's like a tunnel or a cave of some sort.'

'Good job partner. Now, how can we enter that underground region? is there an entrance?'

'No, you better use your dragon descent sword strike to create an opening.'

'…'contemporary romance

Ibro reached the outer parameters of this area. He didn't hesitate to use his sword strike at once. 

When his sword touched the ground, Ibro felt great resistance suddenly as his sword vibrated heavily for the first time ever. Ibro felt astonished as his strike never created a scratch to the ground.

'What's wrong, partner?'

'I believe there is some sort of a barrier here. You need a bigger force to penetrate it. I recommend using your ultimatum energy as your SPR energy is useless here.'

Ibro felt more confident that this location carried a secret to many things including the effect on demons. Ibro didn't hesitate any more and used his spells followed by the dragon descent strike. 

His sword whirlpool strike was a killer to big herds of enemies, but his dragon descent strike was single person killer. Once his sword touched the ground, he felt faint vibrations, but his sword went through. 

Ibro felt surprised as the sword was sucked totally in grabbing him with it. In moments, he passed the dirty ground like it was an illusion and reached an empty space. 

Once Ibro reached there, he felt his strike force suppressed. This was strange, though, as his ultimatum energy was his trump card that never failed. Ibro looked around him in vigilance. 

He was inside a huge cave that reminded him of the Jognak skull. It was very massive with a high ceiling and vast space. Ibro was standing on the borders of this huge cave. 

This cave was empty except for an altar in the middle of it. From Ibro's place, he could ascertain the huge size of this altar.

'Did you find anything abnormal?'

The system replied after a long while:

'This place is full of abnormalities. I never knew such a place even exists in the universe. It could even suppress me. I can't use any function or divine ability whatsoever. 

The only thing that keeps me working is your ultimatum energy. Although it's suppressed too, it's working. Don't stop unleashing it. I would have a very bad feeling if you stopped it.'

Ibro heard the tiring voice of the system for the first time. There was also panic. Even when Ibro met Gorat, the system never spoke in this way. Ibro raised his vigilance and started his journey towards the altar. 

If there was an answer to all things here, it would be there. When Ibro moved a distance of a kilometer, he felt the suppression force increased by two folds. That was not an easy force to deal with. 

Ibro finally understood the feeling of the demons around those cities. Another question rose up in his mind, what was the relation between this altar and these cities? Ibro recalled their distribution inside his territory. 

They were 7 pointed stars shaped with 7 cities. He didn't know the exact position of this altar with these cities. 

Was there one altar for each city of one altar for each group or one altar for each continent or one altar for the whole world?

Ibro kept moving forward with his unanswered questions. Every one kilometer, the suppression force would be doubled and even tripled. 

When he reached the distance of 5 kilometers away from the altar, he could even move a finger.

'It's hard to move, so I need to liberate both energies from my control. I fear for their depletion, so?'

The answer came to him after nearly 15 minutes, as the system replied in a tiring voice:

'I can provide you with both energies. Don't worry and use your energies as you like. I believe this place holds the great ancient secret of humanity.'

'I believe so as well. Fine, let's risk it then.'

Ibro then liberated his control over the two energies. A flood erupted in his body with a tsunami of his ultimatum energy emerging from him. Ibro didn't waste a second to assess his situation, as he moved fast towards the altar. 

His goal was to climb this 10 stories high altar and unveil its secrets in the shortest duration. Once Ibro unleashed his full strength, he felt like a bird freed from its cage. 

He moved rapidly without obstruction until he reached the altar. In front of him, this eight side altar had long stairs on all sides. Ibro didn't think twice as he put his feet on the stairs and started climbing. 

This time, he felt the suppression coming again to resist his ascension. Ibro felt both his soul sea and SPR energy were depleting very fast. Ibro didn't stop either as he kept climbing this high altar till the top. 

Once he reached the top, a strange thing happened. All the suppressing force disappeared along with his ultimatum force. 

At the same time, these two forces merged together in front of him to form a ball of golden light. This ball changed shape gradually to take the shape of a person. 

A person appeared in front of Ibro looking at him with keen eyes. He was like assessing Ibro as Ibro was also assessing him.

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