Chapter 332: 332

Ibro didn't forget his promise to her, but now he had another opinion about everything. Why wouldn't he just save her? She deserved to be one of his harems, after all.

Ibro then started to think about the future of this world. He didn't forget his ambition to transform the world here into his farm.

Now, as he finished everything here, he had to return to the real world. He still had huge enemies waiting for him.

'Activate divine sense divine ability.'contemporary romance

At once, the system activated his divine sense. Ibro searched for Maya's divine sense. Without much trouble, he found it hovering over the whole world.

Maya was keeping an eye on everything that happened here. She watched the whole battle. Ibro knew she would meet him with tons of questions, and he had to answer most of it.

After all, he killed the fiend, ruined her world, and maybe destroyed her system as well.

'Take me out.'


The sound of Maya responded to him after a long wait. Ibro felt how tired she was. Did he harm her in this battle? He hoped he didn't do that. Ibro felt a huge traction force that moved him at once from this world.

Once Ibro opened his eyes again, he found himself in a strange place. He was standing in the middle of the sky surrounded by a world of pink clouds. Ibro looked suspiciously towards this world trying to guess where he was.

'Welcome human system holder. Don't be afraid, I'm just a friend who is trying to help.'

Ibro's expression changed immediately. He became vigilant as he asked seriously:

'Who are you? Show yourself up.'

'Unfortunately, you can't see me. I'm not actually here in flesh. I doubt that my soul would have long perished in your real-time.'

Ibro felt strange from the meaning he got from this mysterious sound. Nonetheless, he didn't loosen his guard.

'As for my identity, you earned the right to know it. You managed to kill Gorat and unveil the dark plot against system holders. I'm one of the supreme leaders of the time clan.

My real-time is very far from your current time. I have witnessed the secrets of the old war. So, I created this time capsule message to be delivered to a human who had fulfilled all my conditions.

Congratulations human, you have gained this honor and responsibility.'

This time clan wasn't a strange term for Ibro. He had heard about them from before.

They were part of the huge universe, and one of its legendary pillars. Before Ibro could ask about anything in his mind, the mysterious sound came again saying:

'I don't have a long time here, neither do you. So, let's cut the long story short. I will tell you part of the truth that you deserve to know. It's up to you to believe me or not.

It's also up to you to manage to listen to my next stored time capsule message or not. If you believed my words and wanted to hear the rest of the past secrets, then you need to put more effort.

After all, what you did today will be known to all of your enemies in a short time.'

Ibro didn't really believe this mysterious time clan or whatever he really was, already. Nonetheless, he decided to hear him out. After all, he was trapped here with nothing else to do. The mysterious sound continued:

'Since a long long long time ago, there was a huge battle that erupted between the humans and the other 3 big clans. These clans were the monsters clan, the demons clan, and the gods clan.

The result of this war was a disastrous defeat for humans. As for the cause of this war, it was due to your ambition to reach a higher state in this world. The world was ruled by strength.

Whoever was weaker was always subjected to injustice. You, humans, were so weak back then. You lost most of your old powers and focused on using the primitive forms of energy.

These energies you know as the supreme five energies. In fact, they were the decayed form of energy that your very old ancestors used as a form of wasting time.

The story began with one human, who was a system holder, who stumbled by pure coincidence over an ancient relic site. Through this, he gained the will of a very powerful ancient human.

This system holder gathered all the other system holders and taught them what he learned there. That ancient human had given him a road map.

This map was about an ultimatum form of energy that humans once possessed. This news traveled through the whole universe, and so the big old war erupted.

Our time clan was oblique by an ancient treaty to help humans in any existence-threatening situations. This war was such a situation. You nearly got extinct back then.

We intervened and helped to ease the situation. The war started from the impulsive demons clan, but the other two clans were preparing to destroy you totally.

Our intervention made them stop in their plans, but they never abandoned it. The great universe council was held back then and the war was stopped.

The demons clan never gave up the idea of destroying you, and they already had the support of the other two great clans. They all proposed a long time challenge.

This challenge will allow humans to regain their lost glory, or be extinct forever. We, time clan people, couldn't stop that decision. Our pledge to your ancestors was to protect you from extinction.

So, this challenge was accepted. In this challenge, humans were allowed to live in peace for ten thousand years. During these ten thousand years, all system holders from back then will be reincarnated.

Each system holder had a maximum of 5 times of reincarnation. If he failed in all his 5 attempts, he would die forever. If humanity lost all its system holders, they will be considered a loser in this challenge.

Then, all your enemies will attack and kill every last single person of you. If it was a fair challenge, I wouldn't interfere, but it's not.

The three clans schemed together and manipulated most of the systems they could reach back then. They planted this 'Gorat' seed into these systems in an attempt to destroy the systems and kill the system holders.

This Gorat isn't a fiend, it's actually a hybrid between monsters and demons and gods. Killing it would be an extremely dangerous and difficult act.

So, I chose this condition to select the worthy promising system holders out of you. Why am I doing this? This is related to a deeper secret of our universe.

In short, humans were stronger, kinder, and merciful rulers of this universe once upon a time. My help here is repayment of debt towards humans. It's also an act to help my time clan.

If humans got extinct, then our time clan would be next. What I want to tell you isn't this. What I want to tell you is that all three clans are your true enemies.

They will do anything to prevent system holders like you from achieving an ultimatum form of energy. I'm here to do the opposite. I had acquired that ancient human road map.

I will tell you about the first step written there. If you believed me, made more accomplishments, and took this first step successfully, then I will tell you the next step in the next time capsule.

Beware of the system battle royal, it's a hidden trap. The first step in this map is to establish an empire that stretches over five universes. Each universe must be based on one form of supreme energies.

Gather the five universes based on the five supreme energies. Establish your empire in each of them, and you will take the first step officially in regaining the old forgotten human glory.'

Ibro wasn't sure about these mysterious voices' true intentions. According to him, everyone was his enemy.

Before Ibro could think more about what he heard, a strong traction force emerged. He was pushed strongly to leave this world. The next second, he was in the open standing beside Maya who seemed very weak. Ibro moved rapidly towards her with great concern. His previous battle had affected her without a doubt.

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