Chapter 327: 327

Ibro continued to kill the demons while waiting for her reply. After a few minutes, she said:

'I agree on all of your terms. If I disobey you, you can do anything to me, even kill me. This is the strongest promise I can make. Now, can you tell me the whole story? You already managed to make me worried to death.'

Ibro sighed. The real situation was far worse than what her darkest imaginations were. Ibro began to explain everything to her. After he finished, he waited for a long time before she said:

'Are you sure?'

'Yes, absolutely sure.'

She didn't reply to him for hours. Ibro knew it wasn't easy to tell someone that the life he lived was a lie. He was tricked to work for the interest of his enemies. 

That would deal a disastrous blow to anyone. Ibro understood that well. Nonetheless, the demons flow didn't decrease; instead, it began to increase in an obvious rate. 

Ibro didn't mind that, though, as he needed to start stocking demons here for the final moments. After nearly one day, Maya returned to talk with him as she said:

'I have gone deeper into the demons' occupied territories. I will keep sending you huge armies of demons, so be ready. Foris told me he would need 6 days to finish preparing. That would take roughly 1 day at my side.'contemporary romance

Ibro smiled wryly. He was happy about her strong will, but he knew that was a fake. Deep trauma like this would only heal with a long passage of time. He hoped she would be better after all of this; after all, she was his girl.

'He told me that already, but I might need more time to be ready. How long can you take to teleport everyone from here?'

After a few minutes, she replied:

'I don't need to return to your territory. I can use my divine sense and send them somewhere near your empire borders. My men are strong and their numbers are huge. They can kill their way towards your empire. Don't worry about them.'

Ibro understood her meaning. She was suggesting staying inside the demon occupied lands and kept providing him with demons. If this was the case, then why would he refuse?

'Ok, let's go by your arrangements.'

Ibro then continued massacring all the demons in this world without stopping. He didn't stop providing his bomb with energy for even a second. 

Although it went deep into the grounds and got impacted inside the body of the fiend, Ibro was able to check its state from time to time when he had a chance. 

This bomb kept enlarging so it reached a diameter over 50 meters so far. The system had predicted the appropriate size of this bomb to affect the fiend. It must be larger than 100 meters in radius. 

That if he wanted to injure this fiend. If he wanted to kill it or deal a fatal blow to it at least, he needed to increase the bomb size to over 500 meters in diameter. 

That would take a lot of time. As he was freed now from the pressure of evacuating the people from here, he wasn't anxious at all. Instead, he was anticipating this future battle. 

He intended to use the same strategy to kill Domil. Ibro stayed in this world for one week before he noticed the beginning of the evacuation process. He didn't interfere, though, as he trusted Maya for that. 

The evacuation process took some time to finish. After another 4 days, the world became empty except for Ibro's armies, Ibro, and Doom. Doom was watching Ibro's battles like he was watching a legendary person. 

The most impressive moment he witnessed was when Ibro modified his technique and created some mythic technique. He felt great admiration towards Ibro, and deep down he also felt a challenge. 

He decided to repay Ibro's kindness and prove his worth. Such a legendary figure like Ibro was treating him like a human not a stigma of fear. 

That was enough to drive all the motivations deep inside him to be stronger, far stronger than the current him. Ibro didn't know that his actions had such a strong impact on this kid.

'I have finished evacuating the world. What do you plan to do with your armies?'

Ibro looked towards his skeletons from his position in the far sky. His death kings never stopped summoning their skeletons for even a second. Ibro had long lost track of how many skeletons he had under his command. 

He didn't need to move them for now, as his bomb was still 370 meters in diameter. Ibro aimed to make it reach 1 kilometer in radius before he started to evacuate his men from here.

'Give me more time. After 2 weeks here I will start mobilizing them.'

After a few minutes, Maya replied:

'No problem, when you are ready just informs me. You can speak with me anytime you want via this connection between us.'

Ibro replied at once:

'I will. By the way, I met one cultivator here named Doom. He is with me now, so don't forget to move him somewhere safe. He is still young and weak.'

Maya's surprised voice came after minutes exclaiming:

'How did you find him? This boy had appeared suddenly in my empire. I don't know anything about his past, but I felt like I needed to help him. He is a poor kid who got a stigma of bad luck and disasters.'

Ibro laughed. She got attracted to this boy as he was also a system holder like her. Ibro kept this knowledge away from her as he replied:

'That stigma must be for a good reason. When you move him from here, make sure you put him in a safe environment.'

Maya's voice came with a curious question:

'Why do I feel like you are interested in him?'

'Hahaha, don't overthink it. He just helped me with something here and I want to repay the debt.'

'I don't believe you. Anyway, I will send him to join the rest of my people. Do you want me to send him now?'

Ibro looked towards Doom. That kid was still fascinated with Ibro's tyranny. Ibro felt sympathy for him. This kid should have become another person if he lived in different circumstances. 

Ibro thought about what he should do with this boy. After some thinking, he said to Maya:

'No, let him be with me this time. Move him when you start evacuating my men.'

'As you wish, my king.'

Ibro decided to let this kid witness the strength of him. He wanted him to know how strong he could become when Ibro opened the system issue later. 

Ibro then ignored everything as he immersed himself in killing these demons and absorbing SPR and demon energies all the time. He also kept an eye for his bomb inside that fiend. 

This continued for 12 days. On the 12th day, Ibro's bomb had exceeded the one-kilometer radius finally. Ibro reached finally his long-awaited moment.

'Maya, start evacuating my men.'

'Do you wish me to stop supplying demons for you?'

'No, continue. Don't stop sending those demons.'

'Ok. I will start moving your armies now.'

Ibro had long informed his alpha death knight about this plan. He didn't want his skeletons to continue killing these demons in the real world. 

During his stay here, his skeletons had gathered all the cores from the demons dead bodies. He gained massive amounts of cores that made Ibro excited and satisfied. 

His empire reserves of cores had reached a terrifying figure. Ibro also gained billions of players and NPCs who he freed here. He killed their demon seeds and planted his beta stones instead. 

These players and NPCs would be good additions to his empire in the future. The more people his empire had, the stronger it would become.

'Get ready, my partner, I will start to cut my connection with the bomb now. Keep checking this fiend state all the time and notify me if any changes happen.'

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