Chapter 30: Meeting Siraj

The hesitation seemed clear on the faces of everyone in front of him. Seconds later the governor's words came, deciding on the matter. :

"No problem. Being in the Renalt world isn't just a casual visit. We need to establish a large base near each city of the three cities that allow us to roam and explore in the world of Renalt.

Two or three days of delay won't affect the course of our mining search. Here is the contract. Please read and sign it."

Just don't take too long. We're going to waste a lot of time looking for and securing the mines. Then we still have the mining mission.

These are the return scrolls of his three cities you told us about. When you're done with your business, you can go to any city and we'll wait for you there."

Ibro was grateful for the governor's arrangements for him. Actually he felt that the governor was treating him differently.

He felt like he was treating a family member and not a stranger. Ibro took the contract and the sets of scrolls.

He began to read the contract. He found that its terms were exactly as he agreed with Roliv. He has no time now to waste it here. So he signed the contract for two scrolls. He gave Roliv one scroll.

The second one was stored safely at his Inventory. He nodded his head out of respect for Roliv.

Then he disappeared from his place after he got out of the game. He opened the capsule cap at speed and jumped out of it to grab his phone in tension. He couldn't have saved her alone.

If his guess is correct, she would be questioned. Soon whoever's around her would find out her relation with him. The consequence would be grave. The result of concealing this information would be big.

No matter how their punishment they wouldn't dare to kill her. She was the only one in the game that knew him.

Although that point made him feel much better, it wasn't enough. As long as she was in their clutches, he wouldn't calm down.

He Alone wouldn't be able to change all that. He got up his sleeve powerful weapon and would use it wisely. He knew the details of the future. He would use all this to expand his power and abilities as much as possible.contemporary romance

He grabbed the phone and searched for his current location. He was still in the northwest region of Hept.

He searched for a local company that was selling small aircars and bought one. Moving around in his big aircar would attract the suspicion of everyone.

During his wait for the aircar arrival, he searched for the name of a certain person he had heard of before from several friends he trusted. This guy had a unique ability at this moment to solve his current problem.

The aircar company was really effective. In less than one hour, he found a latest edition car that reached him in his current place in the desert. He at once left his huge aircar to this smaller one.

Once he entered it, he put a set of coordinates he retrieved from his phone. He chose an automatic drive. He heard a faint metal sound to announce the moving of the vehicle towards its target.

In front of him was a small screen with the time remaining until he reached his destination. He had about an hour and a half to get to the place. He set his back, turned off his phone.

His mind started working on retrieving all available information about Siraj. He began to organize what he was going to tell him and how to convince him to help him.

If he couldn't convince him, the task of saving Aya would become more complicated and difficult.

"Siraj or Muhammad Siraj. What I remember about him from my buddies is that he's a tough guy to deal with. It appears to you calm and kind. Actually he's a snake waiting for the opportunity to bite you.

He is Paranoid as a psychopath. If he was arrogant it would be easy for me to handle him. I heard that he had no weakness. This guy who always likes to play in the shadows is going to be hard for me to tame.

He is very smart and in love with intrigue and schemes. I have to deal with him efficiently. Not just to save Aya, but so I could teach those bastards a lesson they'll never forget."

Ibro's silence was so long contemplating all available scenarios to convince a man like Siraj of his cause. After almost a full half-hour of silence, Ibro began to speak to himself again, saying:

"The biggest problem with Siraj is not whether I succeed or fail to convince him to save Aya. The problem is, someone as suspicious as him wouldn't trust me completely no matter what.

This means that whenever you want something from him I would face the same suffering and stubbornness, and doubt. So if I want to evade any trouble in the future, I have to make him fully trust me.

I couldn't guarantee that, unfortunately. That's why I only have one way. I have to use the biggest solution for the big problem in front of him cleverly. I'm sure of my success completely if everything goes as I planned."

He spent the rest of his time in his vehicle rethinking how to deal with Siraj. He tried to neglect his deep concern for Aya as much as possible. Although he was unable to completely remove his worry from his mind.

After an hour, he found the car slowed its speed to stop completely. It stopped next to a giant building exceeding its height thirty floors. Ibro stepped out of the car and looked at the street where he was standing.

The street was suspiciously empty, but he knew that was normal. The giant building that stood before him was the building of the Heptian central intelligence. It was in one of the districts of old Docair city.

Once before, the old Docair city was the capital of Hept country. After the founding of the modern city of Docair, it became an empty huge city.

All the official buildings were transferred from old to modern Docair city except the giant building in front of him. As for why he was here in front of this old cement monster, the answer was simple: Siraj worked there.

Ibro moved in steady steps towards the main gate of the building. The gate was located far from the building itself. It was blocking the entrance to a long narrow road in the horizon between two rows of dense trees long.

The gate itself was very simple, three small shacks located behind an electronic metal gate. Ibro noticed five individuals standing by the gate. He didn't know how many of them were in these shacks.

The emergence of Ibro in the place attracted the attention of the five individuals. They looked like Special Forces due to their big bodies and their military look despite wearing civilian suits.

Ibro did not suspect that each of them had a deadly weapon hidden behind those uniforms. Yet he didn't worry, none of them posed a threat to him. All he was worried about was that guy he was looking to meet.

As soon as he approached the gate, one of the people standing there began to ask in a serious, rigid accent. :

"Who are you? And what do you want?"

"My name is Ibrahim. I'm here to see Muhammad Siraj."

"Do you have an appointment with him?"

"Unfortunately not, but you could deliver him a message from me. When he hears it he would agree to meet me."

The guard didn't speak for a while. He seemed as if he were balancing Ibro's demand with what he had to do. In the end, he decided to try saying:

"What's the message?"

"Tell him I knew all about Rioneed game secrets."

"Wait here and don't move."

"All right."

Ibro watched him move away on the road between the trees to disappear from his sight. He did not meet Siraj before.

He knew from the information he heard that he was one of the first who suspected the game of Rioneed Even though he suspected it, he couldn't find anything concrete to reveal its secrets.

Siraj kept always watching the game closely. In the end when everything was revealed he felt regret. He regretted not trusting his instincts back then and tried to investigate more.

Minutes didn't pass until the man came back with his own serious walk. As soon as he reached Ibro, he said:

"Come with me. He's waiting for you."

"Thank you."

Ibro moved with confident steps behind the man. The road hiding behind trees was turning right and left most of the time before it ended on a large square.

The square was empty except for a small fountain amid a relatively large lake.

The front of the building seemed like the front of an ancient palace. Its stairs of marble that had time traces on them extended a long distance towards the top.

Ibro climbed nearly three floors of stairs until you ended up inside the building.

Despite its magnitude, its main lobby was largely operational. There are only several tables and small seats, and most of the lobby area had a big number of modern elevators.

The guy went into an elevator and hit a little button on the side of the elevator. A small, transparent panel appeared on which the man put his hand for a moment.

A bright green light flashed on it with a metal sound indicating the opening of the elevator doors. The man entered and Ibro moved behind him inside the elevator.

Then the man wrote a number on the small screen inside the elevator which locked its doors quickly and began its journey upward smoothly.

During all of this Ibro didn't speak to the man. On one hand, he didn't want to provoke the doubt of him.

On the other hand, he didn't care to talk to this stranger in front of him. His target was only one person. He was the only one in the building who had ever been suspicious of Rioneed.

All he has to do now was to focus on that doubt of his and try to use that part to get him on his side. Within moments the elevator stopped. Ibro didn't realize until it's doors were opened.

The guard exited it smoothly to walk on a long passage. The passage had heavy green carpet with wooden walls to isolate the sound perfectly. Ibro followed the man through many closed wooden doors.

Ibro wasn't curious to know what was behind them. He didn't like the spy world before. The man stopped after a long march opposite to a wooden door similar to many in the passage.

When Ibro stopped in front of it he found that it had a number written with dark copper metal above it in a minute way: two hundred and five.

"He's waiting for you inside. Come in!"

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