Revenge On Her Ex After Rebirth

Chapter 1152 Persuasion

Chapter 1152 Persuasion

"So, how are things between you and Hannah now?" Theodore asked curiously.

It had been a couple of months. There must have been some progress, he thought.

"Hannah is leaving tomorrow," Oscar said.

"What?!" Theodore's eyes widened. "She's still leaving?"

How could Oscar accept it?

"Yeah," he said with a heavy heart. He put down his pen and stood up from his office chair, grabbing a pack of cigarettes and handing one to Theodore. The two of them took deep drags on their cigarettes. "You can't keep her here?" Theodore asked.

"I can't risk making her unhappy," Oscar exhaled smoke. "I have to respect her choice." "Hannah, she will never forgive me in this life," Oscar added.

"But did you apologize to her? Did you explain everything sincerely? I think the problem between you two is that you keep everything bottled up inside and don't tell each other anything! You need to talk it out, I think you can get back together again! Look at Hannah, she left Doyle but chose to go back home instead!" Theodore was getting excited now. "At least that means she hasn't fallen in love with anyone else yet after all these years! Isn't there still something for you in her heart?"

Oscar smoked silently as he was shaken by what Theodore had just said. But he was so afraid of Hannah now. He always worried that she would hate him so much that he kept silent most of the time. All he wanted was for Hannah to be by his side; he didn't ask for much. But now, Hannah said she wanted to leave. Yesterday she brought it up that she had already reached the one-month deadline. He dared not stop her; all he could do was avoid thinking about it by coming to work early every day.

Oscar extinguished his cigarette butt as if signalling an end to their conversation.

"Go out please, I need to work." He dismissed Theodore from his office without any further discussion or argumentation.

Theodore felt powerless as Oscar's best way of coping seemed always through work. Thus he left for his own office. But he couldn't settle down to work at this moment, because of Little Bunny. On the one hand, Little Bunny was like a spell haunting him all the time; on the other hand, he felt sorry about the relationship between Oscar and Hannah. He couldn't accept their separation.

After a while of hesitation, Theodore finally called Hannah.

Hannah was packing her things. She didn't have much, but there were still some things to pack. After all, this time she was leaving the Capital and returning to Kensbury. She would be staying in the place where she was born and raised for the rest of her life.

She was a little surprised at Theodore's call. She sat on the sofa in the room to take a breath and then picked up a glass of water before putting him through.

"Hello, Theodore?"

"You have my number?"

"I have a good memory," Hannah replied. She remembered his phone number.

"I thought you saved my number specifically," Theodore said, disappointed.

"Do you need something from me?"

"Oscar told me that you're leaving tomorrow."

"Yeah." Hannah didn't expect Oscar to tell Theodore about it. Oscar wasn't someone who liked to express his feelings openly.

"Why do you have to leave? Can't you just get along with Oscar? You've been together for so many years, loved each other so passionately back then, now that you can reunite again why do you want to leave?"

"As I said before, we loved each other passionately back then. However, many years have passed since then and our feelings will fade over time."

"How can they fade away? Oscar has never stopped loving you."

"My relationship with Oscar is none of your concern."

"I don't want to interfere either but I just can't stand by! Don't you know how much he loves you? Yes, he betrayed your trust before for what he thought was his duty towards his family, for country's sake, but he had no choice! If not because his brother's child was in Lillian Collins's belly, even if he fought against the Collins family until death, even if he failed eventually, he would never compromise with Lillian Collins marrying him! He married her only for Cian's child!"

"I know," Hannah said calmly. "I understand Oscar's struggles and I understand why he did what he did. But Theodore, humans are emotional creatures. Whether there is a reason or not, when you are hurt by someone over and over again, you become disappointed in them to the point where you lose your feelings for them. With Oscar, it's truly irreparable now. No matter how much we talk about it, it's all in vain." "What if I told you that Oscar has been faithful to you this whole time?" Theodore spoke slowly.

Hannah paused for a moment as she held onto her phone tightly.

"He married Lillian Collins but never touched her." Theodore continued passionately. "Not just her, he hasn't touched any other woman before or after meeting you. You're the only one in his life."

"Do you know why I admire Oscar so much? Why I'm willing to follow him no matter what?" Theodore asked with excitement in his voice. "It's not just because my father forced me to do so, it's because Oscar is truly the most loyal person I've ever met! If he wasn't so loyal, he wouldn't have taken on everything related to the Ye family like this. If he wasn't so loyal, he could have ignored the duty of the Wells family and Cian's child. Even when everyone thought that you were dead all these years later on, he would still be keeping himself pure for only you! Do you think that no women dared approach him after he became Commander all these years? He refused them all, whether they were good or bad women or regardless of how outstanding they were!"

Theodore spoke quickly and was out of breath by the end of his speech. He took a deep breath before saying, "Hannah, no one knows how much Oscar loves you better than yourself does! If there is any feeling for him left inside of yourself, even for Salem, please don't leave him alone anymore. Do not underestimate how lonely and difficult these past few years have been for him."

As Theodore finished speaking, his eyes began watering up.


He had called her today hoping to reconcile things between Hannah and Oscar but somehow ended up getting himself emotional.

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