Revenge Of The Rogue Heiress

Chapter Rogue 3

Chapter 3

All members of the Gallagher family bore very dark expressions.

"Why us? Why'd we get stuck with Evangeline of all people? Edward grumbled.

"Mom, Dad, she flipped 30% of our business to the rivals. We can't let this slide" Jasper put in

George ribbed his forchead. "She didn't come back with us. She's got Arthur's muscle watching her back. She's ghosting our calls. We can't even get to her. What now?

Meghan chewed on her lip and glanced at Edward. "Eddie, she's under contract with your label. You're her boss. Can't you make her listen?"

I can give her work, that's about it, said Edward

Then, like a light bulb turning on, Samson piped up. "That's it We might not get those shares back, and we can't mess with her if Arthur's got her covered. But work-there's a way to get even with her through that!"

They all leaned in to hear Samson's scheme.

Samson had a sneaky idea. "Hey, isn't Meghan about to do a wilderness survival program' Eddie, you gotta make Evangeline join, but trick her into signing a contract, We'll make her look bad and Meghan look like a star. The viewers will totally back Meghan and give Evangeline a tough time online

Edward was on board. "That could work. There's another gal from my label on the show I'll bump her for Evangeline"

With their plan in place. Edward borrowed a phone and called Evangeline. Evangeline's voice was icy when she picked up. "Hello" "It's me, Eddie. Just hear me out. We need to talk business," Edward said Evangeline remembered the five-year deal she'd signed with Edward's company after Meghan had pulled her into showbiz. Only one year down, four to go. She'd owe 20 million dollars for each year left if she bailed on the deal. In other words, she needed to pay Edward 80 million dollars to terminate the contract. 'Man, I should've asked for more money when I split from George, she thought. "So, whats the gig?" she asked, getting impatient.

"You'll join Meghan on a wilderness survival program," Edward told her. "Your job is to give Meghan a hard time and keep her name out there."

Evangeline laughed, "Sure, I'll go on the show, but forget about bullying Meghan. That wasn't in my contract"

Edward was ticked. "You want me to block your career?"

"Do it Money's not a problem. I'll be fine even if you block me, she shot back coolly

"You" Edward was livid.

Evangeline thought for a sec and made her own play. "I'll do your show, But afterward, we're done. You drop the contract, no fines. Edward did not agree immediately.

"If you leave me hanging after the show, get slammed online, and I won't be worth anything. Evangeline pushed, still casual.

Edward thought it over and decided she had a point. "Fine," he said. "Unblock me and I'll send the details"

"First, I want it in writing. Once the show's taped, we're through Evangeline demanded.

Grinding his teeth, Edward caved.

The next day, Edward sent over two contracts. One for the show, where she'd play the bad girl to make Meghan look good. The other was her ticket out. Evangeline checked the contracts at a law firm, signed, and goi tiem notarized.

At home, she did her homework on the show-a fresh series with live-streaming. Other than that, all she had were the director's name and the show's theme. With that, she hit the stores to stock up on survival gadgets, just in case. Better safe than sorry. In any case, she was already prepared. If the director forbade her from bringing anything in she could just hand it over in them. She also ramped up her workouts. In no time, the day of the shoot rolled around.

Hauling a big suitcase, she let the bodyguards take her to the spot the production team had picked out in the heart of the city. When everyone had shown up, they all piled into a van the production team had set up and took off for the set.

Pulling up, Evangeline saw the rest of the crew had been waiting a bit. "Edward, you makeľ Evangeline cursed inwardly. He'd told her to be there by ten. It was only nine thirty, and everyone was already there. "That guy's setting me up, and the show hasn't even started? she gritted to herself.


Chapter 3

Lugging a huge suitcase. Evangeline walked up to where everyone was hanging out. She sported a funky green stan hat that was so big, it almost hid her whole head. The hat wasn't exactly stylish, but it definitely kept the sun away,

She had on a dark green windbreaker, black cargos, and some tough hiking boots. She even had a hiking pale in hand.

The rest of the group, three guys and two other girls, were already there, all dressed to impress. Meghan was rocking a white dress and super high


Jolene Zielinski, from some girl band, wasn't glammed up like Meghan but still looked pretty in pink, with her own pair of heels to match.

As for the guys, there

the big shot actor Kendrick Dixon A-list celebrity Travis Powell, and, oh brother, Evangeline's own pain in the neck, Samson. Evangeline was like. "Why's he even here? Samson joined the showbiz to keep an eye on Meghan and Evangeline thought he couldn't help tagging along this time too. For Meghan, he was indeed a good brother,

"Who's that ninja under the big hat?" Jolene asked, giving Evangeline the side-eye.

Evangeline flipped up her hat brim to show her face, no makeup and all, yet still drop-dead gorgeous.

The livestream was already buzzing. When Evangeline jumped into view, the chat went wild.

[Man, I thought the last person would be somebody huge! It's juu drama queen Evangeline. She's such a show-off, making everyone wait for her like that]

[How can she be so full of herself? Think she owns the place or what?

[LOL, what's with the giant suitcase? She moving in?]

[Gross. She thinks she's cooler than everyone with that get-up. So sneaky!)

[Seriously, she's got a whole Tm so prepared vibe going on What a show-od!]

[Why her? Doesn't the director know that Devil Evangeline framed Meghan three months ago? Does the production team have a grudge against Meghan! So they mised this snake to continue hamming Meghan?]

[Three months ago, Devil Evangeline failed to hurt Meghan bus harmed herself instead. This time, she'd better behave and stop hurting Meghan or she'll suffer the consequences of her actions] Evangeline dragged her suitcase and walked to the guests.

Meghan smiled at Evangeline and said gently. "Evangeline, you're finally here. We've been waiting for you for a long time. Let's bury the hatchet and get along for the show. Ahr Evangeline didn't waste any time. She just walked over and gave Meghan a nudge that sent her stumbling in those crazy heels.

Evangeline turned to Meghan. "I like this spot. It's shady. You don't mind, right" She flashed a sly grin. I'm already acting as requested as soon as I arrived on sel How professional of me, Evangeline thought. Samson immediately helped Meghan up and glared daggers at Evangeline. "You've gone too far, Evangeline

Meghan pulled Samson back and shook her head at him. As if holding back, the uttered, "Don't blame Evangeline. She didn't mean it. I was the one who lost my balance"

[What the hell! Evangeline blatantly kicked Meghan. She went too far. She's doing it on purpose. Won't the production team do anything?

[Devil Evangeline should quit the production!

is too kind. She was

[Meghan is too

was targeted but still spoke up for Evangeline. What an angel! Boo-hoo, protect the kind and pure Meghan!]

I'm heartbroken for Meghan..]

[Die, Devil Evangeline!


The other guests in the scene quietly distanced themselves from Evangeline. They feared being g the ones falling victim to Evangeline's strikes ne

Seeing as everyone had arrived, the director grabbed a megaphone and laid down the rules. "Okay, everyone, here's the deal with Jungle Survival! You've got to hang in the forest for a week. Work together, but no help from us. No food, nothing"

He then added, "Aho, you can't take your luggage into the Forest. We'll give each of you a luking bag. You can choose what you bring, but it has to fit into one bag. No electronic equipment or communication tools are allowed. Other than that, you're free to bring whatever you want. Oh, and smile for the c

camera, we're livestraining 21/7, Ready? Get your backpacks and pack up. Let's roll."



11:34 A

Chapter 3

Evangeline took a hiking bag handed over by the staff, popped open her suitcase, and started gearing up for the adventure.

She packed in a flashlight, pocket knife, matches, a water bottle, cooking utensils, a raincoat, a mini first-aid kit, toiletries, toilet paper, and outdoor bathroom kit. She'd also prepared seven sets of undergarments, all parked within a vacuum hag so they did not take up much space. She also had three T-shirts, all of which were also stored in vacuum bags. The windbreaker was enough.

She also prepared some snacks, but the production team did not allow her to bring any. They asked her to forage for food herself after entering the forest. After all, if they already had food, they could just lay and do nothing. This would not be a survival show.

After packing, she tied the folded tent to the side of her hiking bag. She held it up and figured it weighed around 30 pounds. No biggie for her. Evangeline was the first to be ready. The other five were still packing

Meghan's suitcase was full of beautiful clothing, shoes, and hats, as well as a bunch of skincare products and cosmetics. She packed seven beautiful dresses, shoes, hats, and a few gaudy satchels. After including her undergarments, she could no longer fit anything else in her hiking bag.

She looked at Samson pitifully and asked, "Samson, I can't fit my cosmeties and skincare products in. Can you help me?"

"Sure, put them in my bag. 1 don't have much to bring Samson said.

Hence, Meghan stuffed all the things she wanted to bring into Samson's bag

The director, Dallas Fowler, couldn't help but remind them, "We're going to a proper old-growth forest this time. I'll suggest bringing long-sleeved clothing and long pants as well as some tools for wilderness survival"

Before the filming began, he'd sent each guest a list of suggested tools to bring. Yet, he didn't expect their people to come unprepared, carrying nothing but pretty clothes. 'Do they think this is a fashion show!" he grumbled inwardly.

Dallas kindly reminded them, but Meghan and Samson didn't take it seriously at all. They assumed the production team wouldn't turn a blind eye to them. With them following the guests around and timing, they had to be carrying tooh with them. When the time came. Meghan reckoned she could play coy and ask the production team for help. Thus, Meghan just packed pretty clothes to ensure she was always stunning and to increase her popularity among the viewers.

When everyone was ready, the guests got into the designated vehicles in pairs. Meghan and Samson rode in one car. Travis and Jolene got into a car together. The only ones left were Evangeline and Kendrick, who shared a vehicle. Kendrick ignored Evangeline and closed his eyes, after getting into the vehicle. Evangeline didn't want to speak to him either. Using what little time she had left, she consolidated her knowledge and skills on wilderness Survival


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