Revenge of the Hideous Lady by Moonlight

Chapter 251

The fans who were initially drowning in their tears of sadness were now lively once more.
“Ahhh... It was all a joke after all. I was reading too much into it. Whew. Thank goodness it was a false alarm,” someone wrote.
Another person wrote, “I was ready to accept the harsh reality that my idol fell in love with a rich, divorced woman. Is that not
true? It’s wonderful! I am no longer heartbroken!”
“I bet they must be very good friends, right? Otherwise, my idol would not have made a joke like that. I’m envious that Xyla Quest
can be such good friends with my idol,” someone else wrote.
“Even if they are just friends, I still feel jealous, okay? I’m so envious that Miss Xyla Quest can frequently meet the man of my
dreams,” someone wrote.
After going through some of the comments, Xyla satisfactorily exited Instagram and Twitter. She then locked her phone and put it
away before stepping on the accelerator. She intended to personally go to the police station to cooperate with the police on Mary
Sullivan’s investigation.
After having driven not too far away, Xyla got stuck in traffic. While she waited in silence for traffic to clear, she could not help
thinking about what she would say to Josh Barton when they met each other.
How could she reject him without hurting him or making him upset? .
Josh was a very important asset to X Entertainment. If things turned sour between them, he might refuse to extend their contract
once the stipulated period was over. It would be a huge loss to the company.
Now, Xyla was more confused as to why Josh would even fall for a married woman. Why did he still confess to her even when he
knew that she was married?
Xyla did not think of him as being such an open-minded person.
Could Josh have believed the rumors online? Did he think that Xyla and her husband were in an open relationship?
Regardless of what he thought, this situation was giving her a huge headache. After much consideration, Xyla decided that the
only way to resolve this was to speak to him personally. She would tell Josh that she and her husband were very much in love,
and that it was impossible for the two of them to be together because she only thought of him as a friend...
Right then, the car in front of her began to move. Meanwhile, the car behind her was honking at her fervently.

Beep, beep, beep...
Xyla immediately came to her senses and stepped on the accelerator to drive forward.
After completing the report at the police station, Xyla slowly stepped outside and was prepared to return home for a document.
Before she could get into her car, her phone began to ring. It was an unknown caller.
She immediately picked up. “Hello...”
The voice that came from the other end belonged to Tony Sullivan, “Is this Xyla?”
Knowing exactly why he fast update had called her, Xyla responded politely, “Yes, it is. How are you, Uncle Sullivan?”
“Where are you, Xyla? ” asked Tony. Do you have time for a cup of tea? I’m near your office.”
“I’m a little busy. Uncle, please cut to the chase,” said Xyla politely in her usual gentle voice.
“Xyla, I’m very sorry for what Mary did. I would like to apologize to you on her behalf. Can you please let her off the hook for the
sake of the good relationship between our families?

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