Revenge After Divorce Novel by Black Rose

Chapter 64


I walked out of my ward with mother calling my name. I bumped into father outside.” Son, I thought you just had a heart attack. Was your mother just scaring me to get me here?” he looked so worried. “Apparently, I did have a heart attack, and I just discharged myself.” I walked past him. “Nick, where the hell do you think you are going then?”

“To find out who did that to my wife using my name.” father said nothing else, I believe that he too knew what I was talking about. I was the only moron who didn’t know and kept causing her pain on top of everything else. I went to the third floor where ICU was. When I got there Marcus was still there. He didn’t say a word to me.

I went and opened Olivia’s room. Ethan sat on a wheelchair by her side with a bandage on his head. What the hell happened to him? he let go of her hand when ! got inside. “What happened to you?” I asked. “I was in the same car she was in.” what the hell was he doing with her?

“We were coming from dinner when the accident happened. Nick, that was no accident. That person bumped into us on purpose. He wanted to cause that accident.” I fumed in anger, was that the same person who did that to her? was he continuing to torture her to make her think I was the one doing it?

My hands shook at my sides as anger rose from the pit of my stomach. When I find the bastard, he was going to know who I am. “I am going to find out who it is, Ethan and I am going to kill him.” he looked at me then shook his head. “What?”

“I wish you could stop pretending to care for her when we both know that is not the case.” I frowned, how could he say that to me? he knew me better than anyone and he of all people should know how I really felt about my wife.

“Is that what you think? That I am faking it?” Ethan didn’t say a word and just looked at Olivia. “Have I been so bad that you, my best friend has lost faith in me?” Luan remained silent. I nodded then walked towards the door but before going out I turned to him.

“Did you know?” he looked at me and frowned. “Did you know what they did to her in prison?” he sighed. “I knew about the abuse when she gave birth to Samuel. She didn’t tell me, but I could see it. The bruises but we had no time to talk about it.”

Ethan was there when my son was born? What kind of a father was I? a lousy one I quess. I threw her in jail and forgot about her. Not once did I go and check on her. I was content with the reports my people gave me and didn’t bother to go myself and checked.

I was so consumed in making sure that Sandra was comfortable, that she got all the help she needed to heal from the miscarriage and in all that time my wife was suffering. “Did she ask you to hide her information, records of what happened to her in there?” he nodded.

That was the first time my friend and I had an honest conversation in three years.” Did you read the contents.” He shook his head. “I wanted to respect her privacy. I hid the information, but I didn’t read it.” So, he didn’t know. He must have thought he was only hiding the fact that she had Samuel in prison and nothing more.

I nodded and left the room. I couldn’t even look at Olivia long enough in that hospital bed. I was so ashamed of what I had done that I couldn’t even look at her. The consequences of my actions were starting to be clear for me.

I saw that she was not the same that day when my parents got her out, but I didn’t know how much she had changed until today. I promised her grandmother that I would take care of her when we got married. She trusted me with her, and I failed her.

I failed them both and I had no excuse for it. When I got out the hospital Given was standing next to the car smoking as usual. Looking around I felt like I was seeing the world for the first time, like nothing was the same as when I went into that building.

I sighed and got into the car. “Take me to nana’s grave.” Given looked at me. “Sir, we didn’t book any trip to go to Greenfield, but I can do it now.”

“I am not talking about my nana; I am talking about Olivia’s grandmother.” Given didn’t say a word but started the car and drove off. Twenty minutes later we stopped at the cemetery. I never went there before so; I didn’t know where her grave was. Which was shameful for a son in law.

Given directed me to it and I went. Tension gathered on my shoulders when I saw the grave, Olivia was right, she was buried like a dog in an unmarked grave. I was only content with sending her money and ashamed to look at her after sending her granddaughter to jail that I didn’t even go to her funeral when she died.

“Nana, forgive me. I failed to keep my promise to both you and your granddaughter. I am sorry, I was ashamed to face you back then.” A tear dropped from my eye. I remember the day she went to my house a month after I sent Olivia to jail.

I couldn’t face her so, I told Sandra to tell her that I was not home. I could hear her begging to wait inside for me, but Sandra refused. I could hear the pain in her voice, and it broke me. that day I had put on my headphones so I could not hear the pain in her voice as she spoke.

More tears came. “I will make things right nana, I will start caring for Olivia as much as you did. I promise not to fail her again or you.” I stood then took my phone out of my pocket and called the funeral home. I ordered a tombstone and for them to do her grave nicely. Then I called my helper at home and asked her to look for picture of her to be put on the headstone.

When I was done, I went back to the car. I got inside and closed my eyes. My chest felt tight each time I thought of my wife and what I had done to her. “Given, I want you to gather all our men, here and abroad. We are going hunting.”

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