Retribution Rewind: Back To Ten Years Ago Novel by Novia Osborn

Chapter 14

Before finishing breakfast. Jessica announced her plan to hit the shops to unwind.

Amanda swiftly handed her a card, advising, “Treat yourself to good, you feel good. Our Sanders girls should always dress, some great outfits. When you look impress, no room for laughter.”

Yolanda tugged Amanda’s arm, putting on a charming pout. “I want some cute clothes too, Grandma. I’ve practically exhausted my allowance for this month.”

“Sure thing, you as well,” Amanda agreed cheerfully. Then, she turned to Annie, a hint of worry in her voice. “Annie, is your spending money holding up alright? If not, you know you can always

Annie received her monthly pocket money from her parents. Hailing from the countryside, she was naturally thrifty and had simple needs, often hing a surplus left over. Amanda was aware of this, so she asked in a half–hearted manner to avoid any accusations of favoritism.

Annie’s smile grew wider. “My pocket money is more than sufficient.”

“Great to hear,” Amanda chuckled. “Here, take a few bucks for a treat.”

Let alone the card for Jessica, even the money given to Yolanda was in the tens of thousands of dollars. However, when it came to Annie, it dwindled down to just a few thousand.

Annie’s grin broadened further. “I’m actually considering upgrading my car and just need around 100 thousand dollars. Dad has an extra card with you, right, Grandma?”

That card was initially meant for Annie from Yosef. Amanda thought her too young to handle it. hence withheld it from her. In her previous life, Annie discovered that Amanda withdrew millions from the card every month to financially support Zachary and John. Zachary, with his capabilities, wouldn’t be able to afford Yolanda’s expenses without such support. Annie’s parents believed all those expenses were hers, and out of pity, they never questioned her spending habits.

Amanda’s once cheerful face stiffened slightly. “I’m holding onto that card for you due to the dangers out there. How much did you say you needed again? Around 100 thousand dollars? I’ll get that sum to you later, so go ahead and get your car!”

“Thanks, Grandma,” Annie sheepishly remarked, wearing a look as if she was being wronged despite reaping the rewards.

Amanda gritted her teeth in exasperation but managed to smile. “You know, kiddo, you’re family. Think of it as your allowance.”

“Grandma!” Jessica and Yolanda chimed in protest simultaneously. They couldn’t fathom why Annie snagged 100 grand all at once, far surpassing their own.

Unfazed by their reactions, Annie beamed. “Since it’s Grandma’s kind gesture, I’ll accept it.”

She knew Amanda too well. From the very beginning, she was well aware that once that card was given out, there was no turning back. So, she decided to turn retreat into advance and make the most of it.

Furthermore, even if Amanda handed over the card, it would only be temporary. The Sanders clanı put on a good act–displaying respect for elders, sibling unity, and obedience. Even if Annie unveiled the truth now, her folks wouldn’t be too harsh. Perhaps they’d sympathize and return the card. To address the issue fundamentally, Annie had to compel her parents to severe ties with these leeches from the Sanders family. And the best way to do it? By exposing their true colors for all to witness.

Breakfast turned into a covert chess match, mentally draining Annie. But once she returned to her room, her spirits lifted. Seated upright, she grabbed her phone and initiated a video call.

After a few rings, a face resembling hers appeared on the screen. The re

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