Retribution Rewind: Back To Ten Years Ago Novel by Novia Osborn

Chapter 12

The person speaking was John, Annie’s uncle, and also Jessica’s father.

Annie sensed something amiss yet remained calm on the surface. “Just felt a bit stuffy, so I went out to the garden for some air.”

“Got it.” John nodded, “If there’s nothing else, head back and get some rest early.”

Noticing the tense atmosphere among the group, Annie asked, “Is everything okay at home?”

“Nothing, just lost a small item,” John replied vaguely.

“Got it.” Annie took a few steps before mentioning. “Spotted Jeremy in the backyard earlier.”

“Jeremy?” John furrowed his brows. “What did he say?”

“Just small talk. Seemed like he had an urgent matter and left abruptly,” Annie responded casually. stressing on “urgent matter.”

John’s expression shifted slightly, brows creasing further. “Alright, got it. Why don’t you go upstairs. and rest first.”

As Annie returned to her room, she locked the door immediately, her calm demeanor vanishing completely. Leaning against the door, she squeezed out two words, “Jackson Hudson!”

The events of her past life unfolded once more. She never thought Jackson would be so bold, disregarding her warning and seizing the thing. Honestly, she couldn’t care less about whatever precious thing John had lost. t surprised her was that Jackson predicted her suspicion and entangled her in the mess.

He had intentionally drawn her to the garden and talked about being indebted to her. If she exposed him, she’d be complicit. His protective act by the pool was a cover to establish alibis with everyone, shielding him from John’s doubts.

For now, she had to divert John’s attention towards Jeremy. She had no clue how long she could stall him, but she believed as long as she could buy some time, Jackson would craft a perfect cover- up.

‘Dang it! He schemed against me, and here I am cleaning up his mess. Do I owe him something?” Annie clenched her teeth, regretting not stepping on Jackson’s foot with her high heel when he got too close just now. It boggled her mind–how could someone like him have ever helped her in a past life? Must be as likely as pigs flying.

As there were more urgent matters at hand, Annie set aside Jackson’s antics for now. Opening Twitter, she posted the photo of Jessica’s “accidental” fall last night, then she paid for some astroturfing, spreading the news, manipulating public opinion… She would repay Jessica in kind for how she treated her in the previous life, one by one,

Morning at the Sanders realence falt

usually tense Jolm lonked disheveled her a steepless

rigin of searching with no luck, heading to the office early

Yawning, Annie descended the stairs to find Jessica and Yolanda having breakfast with their grandmother, Amanda Bander

Jessica, however, appeared distressed, barely touching her food with a dark expression, Word had it that she had fainted after Jeremy’s departure last night. Upon waking up, she discovered embarrassing photos and videos of herself circulating all over the internet, souring her mood.

Over breakfast, Anunda tried to reassure, “It’s just It won’t affect your chances of finding a boyfriend minor hiccup, nothing to get worked up about.

“But Jeremy…” Jessica frowned. How could she not care after enduring all that embarrassment in front of him? Besides, his attitude towards her had ooled considerably yesterday.

“You silly girl, when these higlafalutin families are searching for daughters–in–law, they always check the family tree first, You’re the big cheese in the Sanders family. If Jeremy doesn’t pick you, is the goma settle for those small–town girls? Relax, Jeremy is definitely within your reach, Amanda said, opzing reassurance as she gently patted Jessica’s hand with a kind smile.

Even though the Sanders family was fresi Betrico, Amanda was convinced that Jessica was a top drawer and had the charisma and looks to match anyone.

Jessica’s expression finally softened.

Amanda wasn’t playing favorites. After that, she turned to Yolanda. “You don’t need to worry either, sweetheart. When Jessica marries into the Chandler family, all the young gentlemen in Betrico will be lining up for you to choose from.

A tinge of dissatisfaction flashed in Yolanda’s eyes. Jessica’s embarrassment has become known throughout Betrico, and she still may shag Jeremy. But what about me? I gotta rely on Jessica’s success to soak up her glory. It’s all because I don’t have a good father, right? If my father had been a bit more capable, maybe I could’ve been the one marrying, Jeremy!

Just then, Annie came downstairs. Yolanda immediately quipped sarcastically, venting her anger. “Oh, look who dragged themselves out of bedt Grandma’s been waiting and you’re still pulling a snooze. Impressive.”

Annie ignored Yolanda and headed straight for Amanda, “Grandma Amanda, sorry I crashed too hard after Jessica’s party and overslept big time. Hope you’re not too ticked off?”

“Hey, I’m talking to you!” Yolanda grumbled.

“But I’m catching up with Grandina Amanda,” Annie smiled faintly. “Take a few cues from Jessica on how to act like a lady, Yolanda. Being snippy in front of folks isn’t cool. People might start dissing your etiquette.

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