Rejected Queen

Chapter Run

Ch 19

Trinity pov

I keep pacing back and forth while everyone just sits and waits for dad to come back. Why isn’t he back yet? Why haven’t we heard anything? Why is no one else worried about what is going on? Everyone just seems to be sitting around like everything is ok.

“Why isn’t he back yet?”

“Trinity, it’s only been an hour! Calm down!”

“Something isn’t right. I have a feeling something is wrong.”

“Give him some time. If in a few hours he still isn’t back we can deal with it then. We have to give him a decent amount of time. We don’t know what kind of situation we will be walking into. So we need to plan accordingly.”

“But what if he doesn’t come back Tarnac?”

I watch him stand up walking towards me and can feel the emotions coming off of him. I just run and jump into his arms and let my emotions take over. I get everything out because I know I am going to have to face Raston on my own, and I’m scared. I know I have to be strong but what if I can’t beat him. What if he ends my life. What if we both don’t make it back. Then what?

Within a split second I’m having questions run through my head when Tarnac and I both shift and start hissing towards the cave entrance. I hear the girls behind me all shift and know he’s here. If he’s here, where is my dad? I slowly climb down and go running to the cave entrance. When the doors open I see Raston standing out in the field smirking.

I feel us all start to move forward, but quickly find out that I’m the only one that can move. I look back and Tarnac with the girls are trying to fight it but they are stuck in place. Almost like an invisible wall is holding them back. I start to panic when I look back in the direction of Raston.

“Don’t worry Trinity! I’d be stupid to do something up on your level. You have the upper hand here although try anything and you can kiss your dad goodbye. I have given strict orders to my demons that should I not return your precious father will pay the price. Would be a shame if something happened to dear old daddy now wouldn’t it!”

I hiss at him and start walking towards him with everyone protesting behind me. I can hear them screaming at me to stop while I keep walking. The moment I get a few feet from him I stop and just stare. I can see that he’s gotten larger and his eyes are pure black. You can see the hatred in his eyes yet there seems to be some speck of humanity still. It’s just a speck though so I know it’s not much.

“Well, well, well. My little Trinity became an amazing goddess. Who would have thought? I sure as hell didn’t and yet here we are. Who would have thought that of all people to be mated to it would’ve been you. Here I thought I was doing the right thing by rejecting you, and yet here we are. The keeper of life and the keeper of death. You know what I want. I want you dead so I can get the power. So your dad is being kept underground and isn’t allowed to leave. You will need to save him, and will have the next few hours to think about your decision. In three hours I better see you in my throne room. If not then your dad dies. Then I will hunt every member of your family including your precious mate. I will destroy your life until I finish you.”

“You will never get away with this Raston!”

“Oh I will, my little Trinity. I will, and you will lose your life. You have three hours!”

And with that he was gone and knew my time had started. I have three hours to go after him yet I don’t even know how to get to the throne room. I’m assuming I will know when I get to the underworld but what if I can’t? What if I don’t figure it out in time? I run back towards Tarnac when they bolt for me. I launch into his arms and know I will have to leave. If Raston has any ideas I know he will make me work to get to the throne room. He won’t make it as easy as just getting there.

“I have to go Tarnac, I know he will make it hard for me to get there. I only have three hours to get there or else my dad will die.”

“You’re going to leave right now? You can’t be serious!”

“Trinity, let’s at least get some kind of protection spells put on you to help you during this journey.”

I nod my head and see the men with the white robes step forward and soon there is chanting around me. After a few minutes I’m motioned towards the field and tree line and I know this will be a fight to get to Raston. I take a deep breath and start walking towards the tree line. I keep thinking of every imaginable scenario that could possibly be waiting for me.

When I enter the tree line I keep walking and imagine being back in the underworld when I close my eyes and feel the change. I smirk thinking this may be easier than I imagined. When I open my eyes the scenery changes and I’m on the top of the hill looking down at a maze with a black castle square in the middle. I just stare and think you have got to be kidding me!

“Now my little Trinity you didn’t think I’d make it so easy that all you had to do was show up. I have to have some fun with this.”

I just cringe when I feel him step up behind me wrapping his arm around my waist. I see his arm point to the castle and can feel his breath on my neck.

“See that castle there in the center? That is where your father is and when you will find the throne room. You have less than three hours to get there. I will be waiting for you.”

I whip my head around and he is gone. I take a deep breath and look at the maze in front of me and it looks unsolvable. I keep taking notes of where to turn and keep getting lost. I can feel the emotions getting the best of me because it seems like I’m getting nowhere. I see some movement by the entrance and it catches my eye.

I quickly see a shadow waving at me and quickly run down to the entrance and see a face I never thought I would see again. Moira is here. I just start crying when she pulls me in for a hug and quickly motions for me to be quiet.

“He doesn’t know I’m out here. I can’t stay here and guide you but I told the demons that their true queen would be coming back and they want to help. They don’t have names nor do they talk but they will guide you through. Run down the corridors and if you are supposed to turn a demon will be there to point the way. If you don’t see one just keep running. They do not want Raston in charge because he is being a monster and has been beating on them for fun. Now go, time will fly by fast so you need to run.”

I give a quick hug and see the first demon pointing down a hallway and run at full speed. I keep running till I see the next one pointing to the left. So I quickly turn and keep running as fast as I can. I’m just praying I make it in time. I need to save my dad and end this madness.

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