Rejected My Alpha Mate

#Chapter 13 I may not keep it

Rachel POV

"Oh, it's not a big deal. I'm just pregnant!”

"Pregnant! Blessed Goddess! Is it Tyler's? Of course, it's Tyler's. Who else would it be? What are you going to do?"

Bella echoed every emotion I had felt myself in seconds. I couldn't help laughing. I marveled again at how lucky I was to have her in my life.

She was the best friend anyone could have asked for and I felt as if I could figure all this out with her at my side.

"I have no idea. I have to see a high-risk doctor today. Baby doctor. Will you go with me?" "Rampaging lycans couldn't stop me! Why do you have to see a specialist?”

"I was told it was because of having lost consciousness. Something about my blood? I'm sure if Tyler were to find out, he would blame it on my omega bloodline.”

I couldn't help the bitterness in my tone.

Tyler had said he didn't want children but a small part of me wondered if it wasn't more he hadn't wanted children with me.

Our entire mating was soured by his father's disappointment I came from an omega bloodline as much as from my own lie.

John Wright, Tyler's father, hated his son had not been paired with a higher-ranking mate. In his opinion, House Wright deserved better than me.

"That sounds like your father-in-law talking. You know there's no proof omegas have weak blood." Bella rolled her eyes and snorted. I grinned at her for bringing me out of my negative thoughts.

"I know. I'm not sure what I want to do right now. I suppose I want to see what the specialist says. I may not keep it."


Bella looked shocked; I didn't blame her. We had always talked about having children together. She was excited by the idea of having a family with her mate the way I had been when I'd found mine. Nodding, I admitted, "I'm not in the best position to be a single mom. What if I need a lot of medical care? Or if I can't work while I'm pregnant? And when it gets here, how will I work and care for a baby by myself? It's---a lot to think about.”

"It is," Bella agreed, worry coloring her tone, "But I have a hard time imagining you choosing to have an abortion. You've wanted a baby of your own forever. I just don't want you to make a decision you'll regret. We could find help for you. Lots of single women have babies, right?"

"I guess,” I shrugged as my thoughts turned back to Tyler and pointed out, "I would also have to deal with Tyler. He would find out about the baby eventually and then what? Do you think he'd leave us alone?”

Bella continued to look worried but didn't say anything.

Her lack of response was more of an answer than any she could have given. Tyler Wright was a stubborn Alpha and we both knew it. In our world, the higher-ranking parent had the most rights to the child.

Tyler could take my baby if he chose since he was an Alpha and I wasn't. Pack law was on his side, not mine.

I wouldn't even have the option of appealing in a human court because we had never married.

"I don't know what I would do if I had this baby and Tyler took him or her away from me."

"Would you rather the baby wasn't born at all? Your baby would be so loved.”

"By me," I pointed out.

"And me! And my family! We're here for you too, Rachel. Don't think you're alone just because of Tyler.”

My eyes drifted to Bella's mate mark again. I wished I had her life: a mate who loved me, a supportive family, and a promising career in the field I loved. If I were Bella, I'd definitely keep my baby.

"How about you go shower and change your clothes. I'll call work to let them know you need a few days off, okay?"

I nodded my agreement as I went to freshen up. I wanted to feel clean after spending overnight in the hospital in the same outfit.

I chose a simple dress and pulled my hair into a ponytail. I'd never been to a specialist doctor for anything. I figured 1 couldn't go wrong with classic styles.

Checking the time, I took a deep breath and retrieved my phone to call Tyler again. It rang a few times before being picked up only there was no answer on the other side of the line.

"Hello? Tyler?"

"Who else would it be?" Tyler growled at me.

I didn't bother mentioning Jenny had picked up my earlier call. He hated having his time wasted and he was in a foul mood. I bet he wanted to kill me for missing our appointment.

"I just thought someone else might be answering your calls. You might be busy, I mean.”

"I am busy," Tyler snapped, "Unlike you, some of us have obligations to keep and the integrity to keep them.”

I winced. I knew he'd be angry. I hated I couldn't argue with him or explain without giving him ammunition against me to prevent finishing our rejection ceremony.

"I am truly sorry I missed our meeting. Something came up I couldn't skip.”

What else could I say? I couldn't tell him I was unconscious in the hospital due to pregnancy complications.

Tyler didn't bother to reply.

"Tyler, I swear I will meet you tomorrow any time you like. I will go to the garden of Our Blessed Goddess first thing tomorrow morning and wait there all day for you to finish the rejection ceremony.”

Tyler made a rude noise, "I just bet you will. All you can think about is this rejection yet when I go to give it to you, you don't bother to show up. Go to the garden then and wait. I'll see if I can make time to meet you.”

"Tomorrow, right?" I prompted.

"Tomorrow. If I can make time. I'm a busy man."

Tyler hung up before I could say anything else. I stared at my phone and wished Tyler had greeted me with any affection at all.

Squaring my shoulders, I practiced smiling in the mirror before going out to meet Bella in the front room.

"We better go ahead and call a ride. Are you sure you want to go with me to the appointment?” Bella hugged me spontaneously, nearly squeezing the life out of me! I laughed as I hugged her back.

"I guess you do want to go, huh?"

"I love you so much, Rachel. Everything is going to be alright.”

I gathered up my own enthusiasm for the appointment. I had spent enough of my life feeling sorry for myself or being miserable. Now I was a free woman, I was going to enjoy all the adventures life had in store for me.

We made it to the appointment a little early; I was grateful Bella called off work to go with me. There weren't any single women in the doctor's office. Everyone had a partner at their side.

The doctor asked routine questions before offering, "All your lab results show you're going to be fine as long as you take it easy. What kind of employment do you have? What's your profession?" "I work at a restaurant. I play the piano as the accompanist to the singer.”

"Good, good. You're not on your feet all day, right? You're not turning cartwheels while playing or juggling flaming swords?"

"No," I laughed, "I'm on a bench the whole time. No cartwheels or flaming swords involved."

"I will say you need to keep to a schedule. Eat on time. Drink plenty of fluids. Sleep regularly. Pregnancy isn't easy on the body even if you are a very strong wolf, Rachel.”

"I'll make sure she sticks to the schedule,” Bella stated confidently.

Being a single mother was not how I had imagined my life after rejecting my Alpha mate. I squeezed Bella's hand before turning toward the doctor again.

I had to ask the question. I needed to know the answer to make an informed decision.

"What if I don't want to keep this baby?"

The doctor looked surprised, but carefully got his features back under control.

"You're still early enough in your pregnancy for abortion to be an option. I would suggest you discuss it with the baby's father first, but the decision is yours alone to make.”

"How long do I have to decide?"

The doctor looked at the bruise which was almost gone from my face and his eyes seemed to soften toward me.

"A few weeks at most. Wolves have pregnancies the same length of time as humans, but a wolfen pregnancy can be harder to terminate. The fetus develops features faster even though it doesn't reach maturity any earlier.”

The idea of the baby developing features had me cupping my free hand over my belly.

I was still slim with no indication of pregnancy showing. How long would I be able to keep this secret?

"Rachel, I don't know your circumstances. I do know you're young and healthy. You should be able to have more children if you choose not to carry this one to term. However. I do urge you to reach out to the father or to any family support you have before you make your decision.”

I thanked the doctor and let Bella make my follow-up appointment arrangements while I made my way out of the office.

Would Tyler want this baby if I told him about it? Did I care if he wanted the baby?

I sent a text to Tyler saying, "I will meet you tomorrow for the rejection.”

His reply was simple and to the point: "I won't be there. Unlike you, I'm very busy."

Did that mean he was too busy for a child, too?

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