Rejected Luna Queen

Chapter 83

Nolan’s POV

As the first light of dawn filtered into the room, I found myself unable to send her back to her room this time. I lay there, watching Nesta sleep peacefully beside me, her blonde hair splayed out like a halo on the pillow.

The sight of her stirred something deep within me, a possessive need that I couldn’t shake off. This is slowly becoming unhealthy for me.


I carefully slipped out of bed, trying not to disturb her. The thought of sending her felt unbearable this morning. I just couldn’t bring myself to do it.

Instead, I dressed quickly in my hunting outfit, needing to escape the tangled emotions that threatened to consume me. I don’t do emotions for a reason after my father’s death but lately, things have been too colorful.

With each piece of gear I strapped on, my resolve hardened. I couldn’t stay here, couldn’t risk the vulnerability that came with having her so close.

I needed the thrill of the hunt, the distraction of chasing prey through the woods. It was the only way to clear my mind and regain control.

I glanced back at Nesta one last time before slipping out of the room. Her peaceful expression tugged at something inside me, but I forced myself to turn away.

The crisp morning air hit me as I stepped outside, the chill a welcome shock to my system. I took a deep breath, letting the familiar scents of the forest ground me. I started to run, my feet pounding the earth in a steady rhythm.

The woods enveloped me in their embrace, the towering trees and rustling leaves a stark contrast to the chaos in my mind. I pushed myself harder, running faster, needing to outrun the thoughts that chased me.

As I ran, my senses sharpened, the thrill of the hunt awakening within me. I spotted movement ahead and slowed, my body tense with anticipation.

A deer grazed in a small clearing, unaware of my presence. I moved silently, my instincts taking over as I closed the distance. And it was all over.

The hunt was quick and efficient, the adrenaline rush providing a temporary reprieve from my thoughts.

I knelt by the fallen deer, my breath coming in heavy gasps. The act of hunting had always been a way to regain control, to centre myself. To make sure I feel grounded.

But as I stood there, blood staining my hands, I realised it wasn’t enough this time. The memories of the night before flooded back, and with them, the undeniable truth: Nesta was more than just a mistress.

She had a hold on me that I couldn’t break, a connection that went beyond physical desire. This mating bond is probably the most powerful bond I have ever known and I HATE it.

I leaned against a tree, the rough bark pressing into my back as I struggled to steady my breathing. I needed to find a way to reconcile these feelings, to navigate the complexities of our relationship without losing myself in the process.

For now, the hunt had given me the clarity I needed, but I knew it was only a temporary fix. Sooner or later, I’d have to confront the emotions I’d been avoiding.

But today, I’d let the woods be my sanctuary, my escape from the tangled web of desires and responsibilities that awaited me back at the palace.

I ventured deeper into the woods, the familiar rhythm of my footsteps against the forest floor began to calm my racing thoughts.

The cool air filled my lungs, and for a moment, I felt a semblance of peace. But it was short–lived.

I saw movement up ahead and slowed my pace, realising it was my brother, Rowan. He was in the middle of his usual morning run, half–naked and glistening with sweat.

His muscles flexed with each stride, and the sight of him brought an unbidden memory crashing into my mind: Rowan and Nesta, entangled in a passionate embrace, their bodies moving in synchrony.

The image was vivid, the sounds of their pleasure still haunting my ears. That blessed morning they woke up earlier than I did but I joined them as soon as I woke up.

I clenched my fists, trying to dispel the unwanted vision, but my body betrayed me.

My dick, already hard from seeing Nesta naked in my bed this morning, twitched with an unwelcome excitement. What the hell was wrong with me?

This was my brother, for fuck’s sake. It didn’t matter that we had shared a mate in the past. Those days were supposed to be over, and yet, here I was, struggling with conflicting desires.

Rowan noticed me and jogged over, a grin spreading across his face. “Morning, brother. Didn’t expect to see you out here so early.”

I forced a smile, hoping he couldn’t see the turmoil in my eyes. “I need to clear my head. Figured a hunt might help.”

He nodded, his expression sympathetic. “Yeah, I get that. Sometimes you just need to escape for a bit.”

He paused, studying me more closely. “Everything okay?”

I hesitated, not sure how to explain the chaos inside my head. “Just… dealing with some things. You know how it is.”

Rowan’s gaze softened, and for a moment, the bond we once shared seemed to surface. “If you ever need to talk, you know I’m here.”

I nodded, swallowing the lump in my throat. “Thanks, Rowan. I appreciate it.”

We stood there in silence for a moment, the tension between us palpable.

I could see the concern in his eyes, the same concern that had been there when we were younger, navigating the complexities of our bond with Nesta

But this was different. This was a new kind of confusion, one that I wasn’t sure how to handle.

“Well,” Rowan finally said, breaking the silence. “I should finish my run. You take care, alright?” “Yeah,” I replied, my voice rough. “You too.”

He turned and continued down the path, his silhouette fading into the trees. I watched him go, my thoughts a tangled mess. The image of him with Nesta lingered, fueling the fire that I couldn’t seem to extinguish.

I took a deep breath and started running again, pushing myself harder, faster. I needed to escape the feelings that threatened to overwhelm me.

But no matter how far I ran, I knew the truth: I couldn’t run from myself, from the tangled web of emotions that connected me to both Rowan and Nesta. And that realization scared me more than anything else.

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