Rejected Luna Queen

Chapter 79

Nesta’s POV

I fumbled with the phone the Queen Mother had given me, still hot entirely used to the device. The sleek, modern technology felt foreign in my hands, a stark contrast to the simpler tools I had been accustomed to in Crescent Moon Pack.

I was startled when the screen lit up with an incoming call, the name “ROWAN” displayed in big, capital letters. What the hell? Why didn’t she tell me she’s saved some numbers in there?

My heart skipped a beat. Why was he calling me? Hesitantly, I answered.


“Nesta,” Rowan’s voice came through, authoritative and composed. “I need you to come to my study. Now,”

There was no room for questions or delay in his tone. I swallowed hard, my mind racing with possibilities. What could he want? Had I done something wrong?

“I’ll be right there,” I replied, trying to keep my voice steady.

I hung up and took a deep breath, the phone still clutched tightly in my hand. Summoning my courage, I made my way towards Rowan’s study, my thoughts a whirlwind of anxiety and anticipation.

I made my way to Rowan’s study, hoping fervently that this meeting was about my desire to go back to college and study medical science.

The idea of staying idly in the palace, surrounded by the constant reminders of the past and present, was suffocating. I needed something more–something that would give me purpose and direction.

When I arrived, Rowan was seated behind his large mahogany desk, his piercing gaze fixed on me the moment I stepped inside.

As I approached, his eyes zeroed in on the mark on my neck, the mark he had left. The mark he had rejected soon after I had healed him. The ungrateful sons of a nice creepy queen.

It made me shift uncomfortably, a flutter of nervous anticipation swirling in my stomach. His eyes twitched, and his hands formed into fists, the tension in the room palpable.

What is going on? I wondered. Does he know about me being Nolan’s mistress now?

But he didn’t say anything regarding that. Instead, he cleared his throat and delved into the topic of my education.

“So, you want to go back to college to study medical science?” he began, his tone surprisingly neutral.

“Yes,” I replied, trying to keep my voice steady. “I don’t like staying idly in the palace. I want to do something meaningful.”

Rowan nodded slowly, considering my words. “I’ve been thinking about that. I believe it’s a good idea. You should start


A wave of relief washed over me, and I couldn’t help but smile. “Thank you, Rowan. That means a lot

to me.”

He continued, “I need to make sure you’re prepared. Let’s go over some basic science questions.”

He asked me a series of questions, ranging from biology to chemistry. I answered each one confidently, the knowledge flowing naturally. He seemed impressed, a rare look of amazement crossing his face.

“Elara taught me,” I explained. “She thinks I’m a badass student. A genius, even.”





Chapter 7

Rowan’s lips twin wil in a pall smule th right. You are a gyms,

derstanding and respect. For a moment, it felt like

The tensor in the gem and slightly, replaced by a sense of rust the old days when things were simpler, and the future seemed less daunting

Rowan teatril back in his chair, his eyes narrowing slightly as hestudied me. How has your stay in the palace been so far?” headed, his voice rady but with an undertone of curiosity.

“The queen mother mentioned she would arrange an art room for me.” I shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant.

The mised an eyebrow. “Are you an artist?

A blush crept up my cheeks, and I nodded. ‘Yes, I am”

A faint smile tugged at the corners of his lips. “Td like to see the art you come up with.”

There was something distant in his gaze, as if he were looking through me rather than at me. It was a look I recognized–a look that indicated he was mindlinking with someone.

The faraway expression in his eyes made me uneasy, like there was a conversation happening that I wasn’t privy to. I wondered who he was communicating with and what it was about

I fidgeted slightly, trying to read his expression “Is everything okay?”

He blinked, coming back to the present. “Yes, everything is fine. I’m just… thinking about a lot of things.”

His vague response did little to quell my curiosity, but I decided not to press further. Instead, I focused on the unexpected warmth in his tone when he spoke about my art.

“Thank you,” I said softly, feeling a mix of gratitude and confusion. “I’ll try to create something worth showing”

His eyes softened for a brief moment before the distant look returned. “I’m sure you will, Nesta”

I couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to this conversation, more to the way he was acting.

But for now, I chose to focus on the small victory–the chance to pursue my passion for art, even amidst the tangled emotions and complicated relationships that surrounded us.

Leaving Rowan’s study, I felt a weight lift off my chest. The prospect of continuing my education and pursuing my passion for art filled me with a sense of hope I hadn’t felt in a long time.

Yet, as I walked down the corridor, the thoughts of Nolan came rushing back, hitting me like a tidal wave. The memory of him taking me back to my room after our intense night together made my blood boil.

It felt like he had drawn a line, reducing me to nothing more than a body for him to use because of the mating bond. My mood soured as I replayed the scene in my mind, feeling the sting of his actions.

How could he be so cold, so detached, after everything we had shared? The anger simmered within me, threatening to ruin my newfound sense of purpose.

Just as I was about to be consumed by my dark thoughts, María appeared, her presence a welcome distraction. She hurried towards me, her expression a mix of urgency and excitement.

“Queen Mother is looking for you,” she said, her voice bright and soothing.

I raised an eyebrow, sceptical. “The art room isn’t ready, is it? We only talked about it yesterday.”

Maria shook her head, a knowing smile on her lips. “These are no ordinary royalties. They are the leaders of all alphas in the world. When they say something will be done, it gets done.”

Heyward pa me pie. She was right. This wasn’t just any palace, and the Queen Mother wasn’t just any queen. If she waured something done, it would happen swiftly and efficiently

My cursosity piqued, I followed Maria through the grand hallways of the palace, my earlier anger slowly being replaced by arttipation

As we walked, I couldn’t help but marvel at the sheer opulence of the place. Every corner, every piece of furniture, every painting on the walls spoke of power and history.

It was a reminder of the world I was now a part of, a world where things moved at a pace I had never experienced before. A world where I have no choice but to obey them.

We reached the art room, and I was stunned to see it already transformed. The windows were open, letting in streams of natural sunlight that bathed the room in a warm, golden glow.

The walls, once plain and bare, were now painted a pristine white, the perfect canvas for creativity. The room was filled with every art supply imaginable.

There were easels of various sizes, stacks of high–quality canvases, an array of paints in every colour, brushes of all shapes and sizes, and even a pottery wheel in one corner.

There were sketchbooks, charcoal sticks, pastels, and a variety of other tools that would make any artist’s heart race with excitement. Mine did.

1 stood there, taking it all in, my heart swelling with a mixture of gratitude and disbelief. This was more than I could have ever hoped for. I turned to Maria, my eyes wide with amazement.

“She really went all out,” I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

“She wants you to feel at home here, Nesta. To have everything you need to be happy and productive.” Maria nodded, her smile widening.

For a moment, I allowed myself to bask in the generosity of the gesture. Despite the complicated emotions swirling inside me, this was a bright spot, a place where I could lose myself in my art and find a semblance of peace.

But as I left the room, making sure everything was in place before I did, my thoughts inevitably drifted back to Nolan. The anger flared up again, but I pushed it down, focusing instead on the excitement of the new possibilities ahead.

My wolf, sensing my inner turmoil, grinned inside my head but remained silent, leaving me to navigate my conflicting emotions on my own.

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