Rejected Luna Queen

Chapter 77

Nesta’s POV

I sat in the dining room, trying to focus on my ineal, but my thoughts were a chaotic whirl. The events of the previous night and the morning’s reflections weighed heavily on my mind.

The aroma of roasted meat and fresh bread filled the air, but I found little comfort in it. I am mainly going to eat because I can’t starve my baby,

I picked at my food, the door to the dining room opened, and Nora walked in. She seemed startled to see me, her eyes widening slightly before she quickly composed herself.

The last thing I wanted was to face her now, not after the way she had witnessed Nolan and Rowan rejecting me those months ago. The memory still stung, a raw wound that had barely begun to heal.

She wasn’t as beautiful as I initially thought. She was just average and that is not my jealousy talking. It is the whole raw truth.

I averted my gaze, focusing intently on my plate. Maybe if I ignored her, she would leave. I couldn’t deal with any more confrontations or awkward encounters today.

But to my dismay, Nora didn’t turn around and walk out. Instead, she hesitated for a moment before slowly making her way to the table.

I could feel her presence as she sat down a few seats away from me. The silence between us was thick with unspoken words

and unresolved emotions.

I kept my eyes on my food, trying to get myself into some semblance of calm. But the tension in the room was palpable, and it was impossible to ignore. I don’t want to talk to her, isn’t that obvious?

“Nesta,” Nora finally said, her voice soft and tentative.

I glanced up briefly, meeting her eyes for just a second before looking away again. I can’t get over the fact that she is the reason Rowan rejected me.

“Nora,” I acknowledged, my voice clipped and cold.

She shifted in her seat, clearly uncomfortable. “I… I didn’t expect to see you here.”

“Neither did I,” I replied tersely, wishing she would just leave.

The silence stretched on, growing more awkward by the second. I could feel her watching me, waiting for something, but I had nothing to give her. I was too tired, too hurt, and too angry to engage in whatever she wanted to discuss.

After what felt like an eternity, Nora sighed softly and stood up. “Well, I should go,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

I didn’t look up as she left, the sound of her footsteps fading away. A part of me felt a twinge of guilt, knowing I had been harsh. But I couldn’t help it.

The pain of rejection was still too fresh, and seeing her only brought it all back to the surface. I don’t want to go back to that ugly hole I’ve buried most of my memories in.

With a heavy sigh, I pushed my plate away, my appetite completely gone. The day was already proving to be more challenging than I had anticipated, and it was only just beginning

As Nora walked away, I couldn’t shake the feeling of shock that lingered. I had heard the maids gossiping about how rude she could be, how imperious and rold the often was to those around her.

Yet here she was, speaking softly, tentatively, almost as if he were trying to be kind. Why the sudden change

The inside had always described her as aloof and haughty, someone who carried the weight of her status with an unyielding sir of superiority.

I had never paid much attention to the whispers (going through my own probleme), but now they echoed in my mind, clashing with the reality of the encounter 1 had just experien

I watched her retreating figure, still trying to process the unexpected gentleness in her demeanour.

Was it genuine, or was there some ulterior motive at play? My mind churned with possibilities, each more perplexing than

the las

Has something happened to soften her edges? Or was it simply that the dynamics of our situation had shifted so dramatically that even Nora couldn’t maintain her usual facade!

I sighed, leaning back in my chair. Whatever the reason, it was clear that things were changing, and I needed to be prepared for whatever came next. The palace was a place of secrets and hidden agendas, and 1 couldn’t afford to be caught off guard.

I sat there, lost in thought, the dining room felt emptier than ever, the silence more oppressive. The food on my plate remained untouched, a stark reminder of how out of sorts I was.

I had to stay vigilant, to keep my wits about me. Nora’s unexpected kindness was a puzzle, and I couldn’t afford to be tänded by it. Not when there was so much at stake.

I summoned Maria to accompany me to the garden, hoping that some fresh air might clear my mind. As we walked, the familiar crunch of gravel under our feet was soothing, but my thoughts were anything but calm.

“Maria,” I began, trying to keep my tone casual, “what do you know about Nora?”

Maria glanced at me, a flicker of surprise in her eyes. “Lady Nora?” she asked, as if needing confirmation that we were speaking of the same person.

“Yes, her.” I confirmed. “What’s she like?”

Maria’s expression turned wary, and she hesitated for a moment before speaking,

“Well, to be honest, she’s she’s not very kind. Most of the maids find her quite rude, She has a way of making, everyone feel.. beneath her” She shuddered

1 felt a jolt of surprise at Maria’s words. This was the same woman who had spoken to me so gently in the dining room. So the maids weren’t wrong 1 saw it wrong

“Really?” I asked, trying to keep the disbelief out of my voice,

Maria nodded. “Yes, indeed, She can be very demanding, and often doesn’t show much consideration for others. It’s strange to hear you asking, about her like this. Has something happened?

1 shook my head, my mind racing, “No, nothing, in particular, I just… noticed she was different today. She seemed almost…


Maria’s eyebrows shot up. “Nice? That doesn’t sound like the fiots we know?

1 sighed, feeling more confused than ever. “I don’t understand. Why would she suddenly be so different with me? is it some kind of game she’s playing

Maria’s face softened with sympathy but she was not going to talk badly about her Alpha Queen. That is a taboo

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