Rejected Luna Queen

Chapter 3

Nesta’s POV

I had no idea where we were going until the girls started chattering about how they were going to impress the Alpha King. I knew the Alpha King existed, but I thought he was an old man niling with an from fist. Why were we being taken to see him?

The man who captured me didn’t give me time to ask questions and hauled me inside the car with the other girls. I could see the Alpha glaring at me for joining something that was clearly not meant for the slaves. I knew he would skin me alive when I got back,

For the first time, the girls didn’t notice I was there with them. They were all happy to be there while I kept wondering where on earth we were going. The Alpha King never visited our pack, and suddenly he wanted all the mateless young girls? Something was off.

We a

arrived at the huge palace with acres of land stretching beyond us. I got down from the car and looked around with my mouth wide open. There were several other huge cars like this one around here and some that were too small for any human

Everything here was extravagant, gorgeous, and even otherworldly. It was as though we had been entrusted into a world we never knewexisted. I wasn’t the only one gaping, all the other girls were doing the same thing.

We were ushered inside the palace through a back door, not the large oak doors at the front. All of us were cramped in a big parlor where we sat on the couches waiting for the ‘palace keeper to come instruct us

Iwas still lost, of course.

The palace keeper was a stout woman in her late fifties, her demeanor stern and unwavering. There was no hint of a smile as she addressed us, her voice commanding respect. I even sat straighter.

She informed us that we were there because the Alpha King wished to find a bride, and it was our duty to dress the part if we wanted to see him. Then she commanded us to follow her which we did.

Each one of us was given a nice dress, same everything but different colors. We took turns changing in the restroom

and some decided to strip right there in the room in front of everyone. I am not that confident in my skin so I entered the restroom and locked it behind me.

I don’t have nice shape like the rest of the girls. Hell, I’m not as good looking as they are with all those curves and beautiful skin. I barely have enough food to survive a day, there is no time to think of anything else.

The dress kept hanging around my shoulders trying to fall off. When I stepped out, they were all laughing and pointing at me with their fingers.

“You should have stayed back and made the bed for Olivia and Leon’s mating night.” One of them said something hard hit me in the chest.

Three maids entered the room, their whispers barely audible bu filled with scandalous tidbits. As they leaned in, they shared the shocking news that the Alpha King suffered from erectile dysfunction

The revelation sent a collective gasp rippling through the group of girls, each one taken aback by the unexpected revelation, Some of them started shaking their heads in disbelief.

“You mean he cannot. One asked with wide eyes and the maid nodded solemnly.

“What? That means he cannot have an heir! Another screamed but she was immediately shushed by the maids with a glare

Before anyone could speak further, the palace keeper reentered and announced it was time to meet the Alpha King. I followed along, unsure of what to feel or ask. The anticipation of meeting this Alpha King was palpable but not to me.

As we entered the dining room, the earlier tension dissipated upon seeing the handsome man seated at the head of the table. He remained aloof, his gaz

unwavering as the girls giggled and smiled around him.

I found myself pushed to the far side of the table, but I didn’t mind. I needed a moment to process everything that had happened in the past few hours. It felt like everything was moving at lightning speed and I wasn’t fast enough.

Just when I thought the chaos couldn’t escalate further, the Alpha King’s mother rose to address the room, only to be silenced by her son’s abrupt movement. He wheeled towards us, revealing his wheelchair, which elicited gasps from the girls, except for me.

Then, he uttered words that shocked me to the core. “If you can’t accept me as I am, feel free to leave.”

One by one, the girls stood and departed, grappling with the weight of their decision. But I remained seated, the sole remaining occupant aside from the Alpha King, his mother, and the guards. All eyes turned to me, awaiting my next move.

Despite the intimidating atmosphere, I had my reasons for staying. My own personal selfish reasons. It is not from the kindness of my heart though it stirred with compassion for this man before me. He needed me as much as I needed him.

I couldn’t bear the thought of returning to life in the Red Moon Pack, and something about this disabled man intrigued me. Like there is a path of life ahead that must be followed through him

“Why are you still here?” His voice held a hint of hostility, catching me off guard.

His mother intervened before I could say anything, admonishing him gently before turning to me with a smile. “Darling, do you wish to marry my son?”

I met her gaze steadily though my heart beat a mile per second. Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Perfect,” she declared, her grin widening as she glanced at her son, who regarded me with narrowed eyes. “Maids, prepare her for an evening with the King.”

Though uncertain of what lay ahead, I complied.

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