Rejected Luna Queen

Chapter 1

Nesta’s POV

“Have you. Nesta Kistler, accepted the rejection from Lcon Randey to not be his mate and future Luna?” The Elder asked, standing in front of the crowd, staring me down.

My eyes quickly found Leon’s, but he was staring up at the girl he rejected me for. I shouldn’t have had my hopes up high when he growled out I was his mate in front of the entire pack at the mating ceremony.

He waited until the entire attention of the pack was on us, then he laughed because I was smiling like a fool. I thought I had hit the jackpot and I wouldn’t ever be bullied again, having the future alpha as my mate. Someone untouchable.

How wrong was I! How could I even think Leon of all people would accept someone like me? A nobody he has bullied for not having a real identity since I was five. A bastard called me when I didn’t even know the meaning of the word.

I was looking at him for a long time, not saying anything to the Elder, until he turned around wondering why I hadn’t accepted the rejection yet. Everyone is wondering the same thing as they stare up at us.

If I don’t accept it, we are going to be shackled together forever, but I know I can’t do that to both of us. Especially to myself.

Besides, he is the alpha’s son and will get away with everything that includes cheating, having a harem like his father. mistresses of his choice, and even refusing to mark me. Leon is a heartless devil and I want nothing to do with him.

“Why are you not answering the Elder, freak?” Leon growled at me, his eyes shifting colors to show his powerful wolf

I think hard about what will happen to me in this pack after I accept his rejection. My life is going to be more than just the nightmare I have been living, and I want no part in that. At the same time, I don’t have any other option.

I swallowed remembering the threat Leon’s girlfriend and probably the future Luna of this small pack, Olivia. She had. intentionally matched on my barefoot slaves do not wear shoes and leaned in.

“If you don’t accept that rejection, freak, I’ll make sure the life you’ve lived so far is the only best days in your life. I’ll make it worse, then she twisted her foot on mine, making me wince as her heel pierced my


“Yes. I accept the rejection.” I said through a dry throat, and the Elder grinned.

He also knew I was not fit to be their Luna after all. A slave? That has never happened, and surely it won’t start with me, the most hated slave for some reason, Leon smiled cruelly at me, then turned to Olivia, who forced a blush to her evil face.

“I want to take Olivia as my mate and future Luna” Leon announced with a large smile on his face, and being the Elder’s daughter, the Elder applauded and the whole pack took after.

I slowly walk down the makeshift stage while trying hard not to get noticed. It didn’t work. Some of the pack members started throwing their shoes at me while calling me names. Tears sprang from my eyes as I fell trying to shield myself.

“The freak thought she could rule us.” It was one of Olivia’s best friends that started, and everyone joined.

It was a long time after they had all thrown what they could find at me when the Elder and Alpha brought their attention back to the stage where Olivia and Leon are about to take one another as mates.

Beaten, bruised, and wounded, I dragged myself away from the crowd while limping the whole way to the hut I shared with other slaves.

They were of course not invited to the pack ceremonies, so most of them are inside the hut, but they didn’t turn to acknowledge me or my wounds. This ain’t the first time anyway. No one cares about anyone here. We all want to survive.

I wasn’t invited to the mating ceremony too, but I sneaked there just when Leon saw me and called me his mate; I got

| caught because of that. Now Jiere Lam.

I lay down on the tattered matress given to us. We took turns using it and today is my day, but as soon as my eyes closed, ready to rest them, then deal with reality later, I was yanked awake by a violent shake,

“You cannot sleep on the mattress all bloody. Get down one of the slaves said through gritted teeth.

“What?” I asked groggily because I could barely see at this point

“You heard me right. Get on the floor” she said with her arms crossed in front of her.

It was

Reggie and she is known for her violence due to her muscular build, so I slowly got down from the bed to the floor. I don’t want to get beaten again.

I tossed and turned but couldn’t sleep anymore, so I went to the river to take a bath and clean myself. I could hear the whole pack rejoicing at their future alpha and Luna.

My entire body ached and because I was not allowed to change into my wolf for a long time, I didn’t feel the pain nor felt her. She would sur in my head, but then disappear a second later. She doesn’t help with my wounds anymore which is the whole point. They don’t want us to heal.

The Red Moon Pack is an extremely small pack that is often forgotten about. I have never left this pack my whole life. I grew. up as a slave, till date none of that has changed, I thought I could find my mate at eighteen, and everyone would love me. I have found the mate, but it only brought me more hatred.

Dipping inside the river naked, I took many laps in the murky water we are supposed to bathe and wash in. I was leaning over the edge trying to wash off my bloody wounds and soothe my bruises when sounds of something unfamiliar filled the place.

What are cars doing in the Red Moon Pack?

Quickly getting out of the river, I got dressed into my unflattering gray uniform and left the river to see what was going on. On the way back to the main pack, I saw three huge cars with their backs open. Not even the alpha has such a nice car.

I hid behind a tree watching two men hop down from each car and moved towards the ceremony, I followed through the bush. Alpha Randey looked flustered, shocked, and frightened at the sight of them, then they exchanged a few words and he smiled.

He turned and addressed the crowd, but I couldn’t hear a thing he was saying from where I was hiding, only the cheers that followed his words.

Few minutes later, young girls started filing into the car, happily waving at their beaming parents, What is happening? I stayed hidden watching some girls crying because they weren’t allowed to follow. Even Olivia is pouting.

“Why are you hiding here?” A voice said behind me and I jumped, my soul literally leaving me.

Turning around, I found one of those huge wolves I saw wearing black outfit getting down from those cars. He had a large scar around his brow down to his jaw, a seriously scary face that is making me sweat despite leaving the cool river minutes ago.

“I–I was just about to leave,” I stuttered out, taking steps backward.

“Do you have a mate?” he asked, tilting his head like a predator sizing up its prey.

“N–no. 1 d–don’t.”

“Then you are coming with us,” he seized my arm and started dragging me towards the car before I could protest.

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