Rejected His Pregnant Mate By Alexis Dee

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 

After Pat offered a deadly deal to them, they were in shock. Elmer took his father upstairs to have a discussion while Pat roamed around like it was his house now. 

“Why did you ask Elmer to accept me?” I asked Pat, who had now sat down on the couch. and asked an Omega server to bring him something to drink. 

“This baby is not just your responsibility. One of them has to step up to take care of it and all the mess is thrown our way,” Pat accepted the drink and smirked while drinking from the expensive glass. 

“But I don’t know Elmer, and neither is this baby his problem.” I tried to reason it out with Pat, but he was not going to step back from his decision. When he talked about making one of his sons accept me with Lord Knight, I saw how stern and annoyed Elmer looked. 

It is so wrong to expect the elder brother to accept his younger brother’s mate, who left me pregnant. 

“If you don’t want this baby to die, then shut up and trust the process. Elmer is, anyway, a better choice than Trace. That high school boy is worthless. Elmer is taking care of business and is soon to be Alpha King. What else do you want?” Pat smirked as he mentally enjoyed the luxuries that he could get once he forced them into accepting me. We shut up when Elmer and his father walked downstairs again. Pat has everything prepared, even when the answer is no. 

“We couldn’t get in touch with Trace,” Elmer stated arrogantly. His mood has changed for the worse. 

“The counselors will be coming to collect her in an hour. We can’t help but tell them the entire truth,” Pat said after getting to his feet. He gestured at us to get ready to leave. But I knew he was only pushing them with his threats. 

“How do we even know this child truly is Trace’s?” Lord Knight’s question filled my existence with disgust. The way he and Elmer looked at me was just humiliating. They were judging me. 

“Now you are calling my daughter a whore?” Pat responded a bit aggressively. He knew what he was doing and how to turn the situation in his favor. I was certain he didn’t care what anyone would call me. It was just a part of his plan to show aggression for his stepdaughter’s safety. 

“Isn’t she the girl from the video who left the room, wrapped in sheets only, and ran on the road after getting caught having s*x with that other boy?” Lord Knight then brought up the video that went viral weeks ago. I had to bury my face to avoid their quizzical glares. 

A mate is supposed to be one’s shelter. Sadly, my mate was anything but my shelter. He was the reason I was standing here and begging someone to save me from the angry counselors. 

“That was Trace’s doing,” Pat retorted. 

“We don’t know for sure,” Lord Knight agreed, bobbing his head to Elmer. I couldn’t stand there and watch them look at me as if I were a disgusting piece of sh*t. I bit my l*p and 

turned over to sob the pain away. 

“Then let’s go to the counselors and let’s tell them the entire truth. They will do a DNA test in four months and then we will see what they do to Trace for impregnating and abandoning a poor Omega she–wolf,” Pat kept going on and on to make sure they feel trapped. They weren’t the only ones suffering, though. I was in a worse condition than they were. 

“My daughter has told me everything from the start. She would never lie to me.” My mom must have seen me cry. She yelled while hugging me and giving me a shoulder to cry on. 

“You know what? Let’s go. They don’t care about their reputation. Let’s have a talk with the counselors. Anyway, it’s Trace’s fault. He lied to her about accepting her just to take her to bed. Pat raised his voice to be heard by everyone. I wasn’t sure if he truly gave up or if it was just a part of his plan at this point. 

He approached us and pinched my mother’s arm to make her release me from her embrace. Those minutes in heaven really helped me calm down1. 

Together we walked towards the exit, but Pat’s slow strides were a sign he wasn’t thinking about leaving. 

“Wait!” Lord Knight called for us, giving up on his stubbornness. He was aware of what would happen if the news got out that his Alpha son impregnated his mate and then. rejected her, abandoning the baby and the baby’s momma. 

“Elmer! Please assist us in getting out of this mess,” Lord Knight finally gave up and turned to his son, who couldn’t believe he was being asked to give up his freedom and the chance to be with his own dear mate. 

“But what if this baby is not even our heir?” Elmer instantly pointed a finger at me to prevent the deal from happening. 

Then you will divorce her, and we will present her before the counselors.” Lord Knight was the one talking this time. Pat has done a great job of cornering them. 

“We have no problem with that. But what if the baby is indeed a Knight’s heir, then what?” Pat smirked, enjoying every bit of their misery. 

“Then she will give birth to the baby while being married to Elmer, and after that, we can get her a divorce and force Trace to accept her,” Lord Knight confirmed that I will not suffer as long as the baby is Trace’s. The fact that he was ready to make such a nasty deal was beyond me. I wouldn’t be comfortable getting tossed around after giving birth. “That’s so ridiculous,” Elmer said, anxiously running his hand through his hair and shaking his head. Even I could hear my heart pounding in my head. 

“How are you agreeing with this? If you truly are Trace’s mate, doesn’t it bother you that your stepfather wants you to marry his brother?” After he couldn’t convince his father, he turned to question me. I wish I could yell my heart out to him, but I wasn’t in a state to make bold claims. Hence, I stayed there with my head down

“She is also very much pregnant and at the mercy of this deal. It’s not like she is left with many choices,” Pat came to my rescue. He would have never cared, as he feared Elmer would convince me to back down

“I will call the lawyers and witnesses here. It will be a paper marriage,” Lord Knight stated in a hurry. We didn’t have time before the counselors put me on a trail. It was like my whole life was getting decided in one hour, and my soon–to–be husband was furiously glaring at Pat and me. 

He had bowed down to his father’s wish just for the sake of his reputation. But life was going to be hard when I rejoined school and faced Trace and the others. 

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