Rejected His Miracle Luna (Dorothy and Ignatius)

Chapter 44

Chapter 44 -Ignatius-

I was ecstatic to finally be homeward bound. I had spoken to Dorothy the moment she had woken up to let her know the good news. I wanted to tell her what I had learned from the healer hat I decided that would be a conversation best had in


Dorothy herself was overjoyed to hear that I was coming home could feel her excitement from where I sat in the car with my father, driving back home. I was at the wheel this time, and Elliot was dozing in the passenger seat.

I glanced over at my father. Elliot sat with his arms folded and his head nodding forwards. Even asleep, there was a frown on his face and his forehead wrinkled in displeasure. I wondered if he ever dreamed of his wife. Looking at his expression- whatever he was dreaming of, it wasn't pleasant...

While we drove let my mind wander where it may. I contemplated the healer's words and her advice. If there were other people like Dorothy out there, we would have to find them.

Surely someone had to know how to put an end to this curse. Rita had called it a blessing but I wasn't so sure. Anything that slowly killed you from the inside out, didn't sound like a blessing to me.

It was clear what the healer said was true. Dorothy herself had explained what had happened at her college that first day. She had drained that girl's life and replenished her own. But if that was the path she took, she would eventually become dependent on others lifeforce to keep her going.

And all of that energy passing through her b*dy would eventually kill her anyway. More than that, Dorothy sounded. mortified at what she had done. I couldn't imagine my gentle, stubborn mate resorting to draining others for her own personal gain. She would never allow herself to live like that.

I loved my mate for that. I was ready to do anything to keep her live but I knew Dorothy would not want her own life causing harm to others.

We were nearing Bielke territory when a strange feeling overcame use. It started out as subtle anxiety, growing in my chest and I ignored it at first. By the time we had crossed the border, however, it had grown exponentially and I was sweating my seat

Something somewhere had gone very wrong. Someone had betrayed us and Tor was growing infuriated. I didn't know exactly what had happened but I recognized what I was feeling.

Something was triggering a dangerous heat period. I had felt it once before when members of our pack had torn away from us and betrayed us by spilling pack secrets with an enemy force.

1 hadn't handled it very well then and Tor had gone wild in his drive to claim what has his. Apparently, staking one's territory was important in calming down the heat that sparked from a betrayal of one of your


An Alpha heat was not the same as a regular shifter. Ours was dangerous and sometimes it could overcome a person entirely. By the time I arrived at my father's house 1 was gripping the steering wheel tight enough to bend it. My lips were curled into a sneer. I wanted my mate. I wanted to mark her

I slammed on the breaks in front of my father's house and Elliot started forwards in his seat, waking up with a gasp at the jolt of my breaking.

"What the fuck kind of driving is that?" he exclaimed, turning to look at me with irritation.

"Get out," I snarled at hun. "Now"

Elliot didn't really respect me much but it was clear by my expression and jerky movements that I was serious. He shrugged and stepped out of the car

"Don't kill her. She's too pretty for that," he commented before slamming the door. I had already slammed my foot on the gas and sped away at breakneck speeds


Chase i

I drove up the washing walgo no home and the car screeched at every corner. I was struggling internally to control my urges but. Tot was cynsolable and had only one thing on his mind. I had no choice but to obey and allows myself to get lost mthe animalisis nature of my beat

1 tl my shan stang mins teams as t barreled the cat towards the house, swerving to the parking area and slamming on

breaks. I rolled my head back in my seat trying my best to breathe and stay calm but it was no use.

I didn't want to han Donits. But the moment she rossed my mund I drove myself wild all over again, rearing to get to her. I wanted her all to myself to devous, mark and claim her entirely Dorothy was the one person who was truly mine 1

oded to remind bot of that tact Incoded everyone to know.

I stepped out of the car, her scent already filling my nostrils and driving me wild.


I snapped my head up and there she was 1 teli ms pupils late and electricity pulsed over my skin at the sight of her.

Argic, Fac, and Galeon had tried them best in cheer nie ijs after the incident at the college. The girl who had bulled me. ended up being okay ater all which had helped case my nerves somewhat but I still found my sell deeply disturbed by what I had debe

All I had wanted was for them to stop tormenting me. It was like reliving an old nightmare. But Thadn't meant to hurt her.

that badly

Thankfully, her parents seemed pretry understanding and didn't ask too many questions about what exactly it was that I did that landed then daughter incapacitated for a day. Although I think their forgiveness came from fear of repercussion from iny. Alpha itate rather than any actual sincere understanding

Either way. I was still happy to hear that she was okay, I wanted to go to the hospital to apologize in person Int Angie told 111 was worth it she had been put in her place in the harshest of ways and no one would dare bully me again.

Angie was right on that last point at least. After a day to recover and regain my courage. I went back to college with the others. Aicir and Eie staved close at my side the whole time but the presence wasn't necessary

Nob*dy came near me or tried to bother me at all People acknowledged me in the hallways now with small nods or awkward smiles. I wondered if they were afraid of me. Angie told me that was a good thing but I wasn't so sure.

One good thing to look forward to at least was Ignatius's homecoming. He had told me through the mind-link that he was already on his way and that he would be arriving by the late afternoon. I was relieved to hear this, I couldn't go a day longer without my mate Not after everything that happened.

Twas excited to see Ignatius and I was rearing to show him how far I had come with my training. Rita had met in the forest. imvery morning, focusing on breathing and all that hun stuff. But we had also moved on to small shifting

I was now able to fully grow my nails mio sharp talous and my eyes were finally improving in the dark. My senses were better and I could hear a rabbit moving in the forest from a mile away.

I learned to identify different scents and how to differentiate them when they crossed and overlapped one another. One day, Rara had led me into the woods blindfolded and then left me there to find my own way home using only my scent and hearing abilities

It had taken a few hours and I tripped and tell me times than Ed like to admit. But I had stumbled oat of the woods and ripped the blindfold off as the sun was setting low on the horizon. I was met with applause from both Rita and Angie.

My combat training was going pretty well too I fell on my a ss less and managed to land more hits on Angic that weren't just cheap t it shots. My speed and stamina had moreased exponentially too 10:48 Fr,

Chapter 44


Even Fae was impressed with how far I had come in such a short span of time and she teased Gideon about this fact every morning on the way to college

He would get angry and their conversations would devolve into more bickering, but even he would turn around in his seat to congratulate me on my progress.

All that was missing was Ignatius. I yearned for him at night and I spoke to him through our link every morning as soon as I woke up. The last time we had spoken, that same morning, he told me that he had discovered some important information about my strange abilities

He had been concerned to hear about the incident at college and got angry when I described the crowds of students and their raised voices as they pushed me around.

I was curious as to what he had discovered but he told me that we would have to discuss it in person. He was trying to sound hopeful and lighthearted but there was an edge to his voice that told me it wasn't all good news. My heart sank right down to my toes when I thought about it.

I tried to stay positive though, and I busied myself with cleaning the cottage for when he arrived home. I roped Angie into helping me as I had managed to make quite a mess in his absence

Together, we swept the floors and washed the dozens of empty coffee and tea mugs that were sc attered around the house in every single one of my reading spots,

Angie was surprised to find Claire's study preserved exactly as it has always been and I explained to her that neither Ignatius nor 1 were very keen to talk about what to do with it. I was happy to just let it be and it seemed that he was too

Angie thought it was odd but she didn't say anything more on the subject and we continued on with our frantic cleaning,

"Geez, Dorothy."

She was red-faced and exhausted by the time we made it to the final room and began folding clothes that I had neglected to throw back into my cupboard

"Why is this place such a mess? I thought you were an organized person

"I am. I huffed, moving the large armchair away from the cupboard and back to its rightful corner. I had been using it to reach the top shelf that Ignatius usually attended to for me.

Tve just been super busy lately. There's training every morning and I have to catch up on everything I've missed out on in college. I haven't had time to clean!"

"Fair point, I suppose. Angie mumbled. "And why do you have a pile of sticks in this drawer!" "Those are sentimental.

I'm beginning to think you're sentimental," Angie said dryly. "And why is this draw filled with rocks?"

I managed to shoo her away from my precious collections when we heard a car pull up in the driveway. I could smell his scent before the ignition had even cut and I raced to the door and leaped down the stairs three at a time.

"He's here!" My ecstatic shout echoed around the house.

Angie followed me down the stairs, rolling her eyes as she did sa Dorothy he's been gone for a week. You're acting like he's been gone for years"

"It felt like years!" I yelled back at her as I threw open the door. Ignatius was getting out of his car. He slamined the door shut and my

heart leaped in excitement at the sight of his s haggy white hair and sloping, slender frame.

He must have noticed my scent too because his head snapped up to look directly at me

"Um. Dorothy Hang on a second."


Chapter 44

There was cautions in Angie'y voice when she saw Ignatius staring at me but I ignored her and bounded down the porch steps To greet my mate

1 hurtled towards Ignatius and threw my arms around him, yelling my excitement at the top of my lungs. His arms closed around me tightly, his grip like to "Doreths" he said.

Ammended old. He smunded hongos ravenous. This seem:

was tweeter, more enticing

Dangerously enthralling. I felt heat pool at my core at the same time that alarm bells unded off in my head I looked up at

The was staring down at me like a predator would regard their prey is pupils were pinpricks and h os fangs were elongated.

"Itu I whispered and tried to pull myself away. His grip on my hips was impossible to escape as he leerest or me. I Belt conflicted I was both completely intonated by his scent and filled with a dden urgent need, but at the same time his

expression hail me feeling the slightest pang of real terr

Ignaties Angie yelled from somewhere behind me and I heard the scrape of her shoes hitting the gravel Ignatius stop!

I was confused to by my contacting emotions but an understanding suddenly dawned on me

The seem bie wax expelling was a famífur one. It waxa sornt I myself had donned back in the clinic on Khall territory when we had first met. My traite sink int eat Only this wasn't a slir-wolf use with the need to be dominated. This was an Alphan looking to mark what was hits,


Ignatius gripped my arm and forced me to the ground, spinning me to land on my hands and knees in front of him. I tried to scramble away, even though a part of me was rearing instead to arch my back and let tum have his way with me.

I didn't get very far before Itelt h os hand grip my hair and pull me hack to lick his tongue along my neck, I couldn't hold back the moan that escaped my lips, even while my heart was beiting faster and my knees were shaking in fear

11 fenatus's teeth breaking my skin in a potent bite, just as Angie sla nted into him with full force and knocked Ignatias


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