Rejected by the Beta, Claimed by the Alpha

Chapter 12

Rowena forced a smile. It's been eight years, and somehow, she felt like a coward. Now, it was time to face her horrible pack again, even if it was going to be a short time. On the brighter side, she would get to see and hear her wolf again, but then, she did not have a best friend in the pack, and it would be quite boring without Gracie. With a still heart, gearing for a no, she asked seriously, "Are you coming with me?" "If you will go back, then I will be with you all the way," Gracie said, making Rowena's smile broaden. She pulled Tracy in for a tight hug before Tracy recalled something and asked, "What about our work here? "What if we died? Will the hospital close down because of us?" Rowena shrugged and asked rhetorically.

At the Snow Mountain Pack

Two weeks ago, Alice received a letter from the pack's mailman.

'Mom! You won't believe this. I just realized today that throughout my two years of practicing medicine, I have never had a patient die on me. All my patients heal faster than the average, and I have already been promoted twice. I am so happy, and to respond to your previous letter, no, I don't intend to return to the pack any longer. I found what I wanted with the humans, and that is respect. I can arrange for you to join me here. I also sent some medications and vitamins for you. They will help you to recover very fast. Love, from your only daughter.'

A tear slipped down Alice's cheeks recalling how Jaxon had become so cold and ruthless. He only smiled when he was with her, and she knew that he longed for his mate. Jaxon was now the most feared Alpha in North America, but he was so grumpy and easily irritated. Now, the old Alpha was also sick. He was just 58 and could live if he got the right help.

None of the pack doctors could detect his ailments. When Alice informed Rowena in the letter that she was sick, she listed the symptoms Jaxon told her the old Alpha was having. Sadly, even after giving the medications Rowena sent, his health was still deteriorating. Alice sent the letter to get her daughter to come and take care of the old Alpha.

It was a selfish and painful thing for her to do after all that her daughter had gone through at the hands of Charles and Clara. However, Jaxon had wiped the pain Alice felt, for which reason she could not watch him suffer so much for his father.

It was clear that Jaxon was not ready to lose his father, and his death might kill him. Without a Luna, Jaxon was already a dead man walking. There was no life in him. Surprisingly, Charles had not married Clara as everyone had expected. Clara insisted when she turned eighteen that Charles was her destined mate, but everyone knew it was not true.

Alice realized that Jaxon might be here any moment, so she went to prepare brunch since he only came after their morning training sessions. He even renovated Alice's small house and expanded it. Sometimes, he spent the night there when Alice was not well or when he was too tired to return to the pack house. Jaxon found a mother, but she could never replace the mate he longed for.

"Mom, how are you today?" Jaxon asked with his signature smile which only belonged to Alice for now, yet still, she could see the hidden pain in his eyes. The pain that came through his hopeless wait for his second chance mate. A pain as a result of seeing his father's health deteriorate and not being able to do anything about it. A pain that no one detected except Alice because she was the only one he opened up to every day.

"I am fine. How is the old Alpha?" Alice returned his smile and asked. Jaxon's expression dulled. He was still in his training outfit and looked stronger, even more handsome than when he arrived eight years ago. For the time he got to spend in the human world, he never trained like this and he never let out his wolf. Now that he did more of both, it was as if his years were being extended.

"Not getting better," he said honestly, making himself comfortable in front of Alice at the dining table. Alice wanted to take the pain away but did not know how. While she served the dishes, she felt that talking about Rowena would help. Every time Jaxon heard about her, his mood would greatly improve.

"I sent Rowena another letter. I told her I was sick and her medications did not work."

Jaxon's eyes lit up instantly. He perfectly understood the length Alice was going to bring back her daughter. She could have just gone to join Alice in Canada but kept giving excuses about how she would miss her wolf. Lies. Jaxon had done it before. They could live in both the human world and the pack.

"You did that?" Jaxon hugged Alice's small frame and kissed her on the forehead. If Jaxon had not gone through this length, Alice would have left the pack a long time ago, but for his sake, she stayed and was not willing to live. She had grown to love the Alpha as if he were her son.

"It's the least I can do, but I am not

sure if that will make her change her mind," Alice said, not wanting to give him false hopes, but Jaxon had faith. He had read some of

Rowena's letters and knew the


she had for her mother. He had even

used his connections in Canada to

find out about her abilities, and he was warmed by the news that she was one of the best. He only refused to go after her because he had not gotten approval from Alice.

"At least you tried, but if it would not trouble you, can you give me her location? At least I should get to understand her intentions. If she does not want me, I will understand," Jaxon pleaded. He had waited for so long that he was becoming desperate.

"Let's give it a week. If she does not respond or refuses in her response, I will give you her location. But are you going to leave your father?" Alice asked worriedly.

"Charles can take care of him and the affairs of the pack," Jaxon assured her.

"Son, I don't want to cross

boundaries, but I'm just curious.

Why hasn't Charles married Clara?" Alice asked the question that had been bothering her mind for years making Jaxon frown. From eight years ago when he put Clara in her place, she has stayed in her place and not caused him any more trouble. Jaxon never spent a lot of time in the pack house as much as in his office and the omega's community, for which reason he and Clara only crossed paths during training when Charles was there.

"To be honest, I don't know, and I don't care."

"Alright. What if Rowena returns and is not able to cure the old Alpha? Don't forget that we have had doctors from all the packs around North America to no avail," Alice asked worriedly. She would be saddened if old Alpha Clinton died after Rowena's healing hands had touched him, but Jaxon had other reasons. If Rowena returned, he was sure to not make her leave him ever again. That was something he could never tell Alice.

"I will just be happy that she tried," he smiled and spoke. The mighty Alpha Jaxon would terrorize everyone, but with Alice, he was always a humble soul. Most people had discovered their closeness but never talked about it. They felt that he just liked her. Only Charles and old Alpha Clinton knew that it was because of Rowena.

"One last thing. Should Rowena

come back, how will you protect her from her status? Don't forget that she is now a well-sought-after doctor who has the respect of great men. She is not ready to be treated like trash, and I honestly don't want to see her get hurt again," Alice said seriously. Jaxon smiled and held her hand to his chest, pledging, "Mom! I promise you that Rowena will be my Luna if I set eyes on her again. I already waited for eight years and will never allow anyone to hurt her ever again."

Alice smiled in satisfaction before they went back to eating in silence. They were in the middle of eating when Jaxon stopped, his eyes rolled to the back. Alice knew he was mind-linking with someone, and when he was done, he said, "I'm sorry, he's having seizures again. I have to go now."

Alice rubbed the back of his hand with a pitiful gaze. Things had improved, the life and status of pack members, but with an Alpha like this, everything seemed more lifeless than it was before. "I will do my best to convince her to return," she assured Jaxon, who smiled before running off in his training clothes.

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