Reincarnated With A Glitched System: Why Is My MP Not Running Out?

Chapter 109 A Small Dungeon


We waited until the boar family finished their feast. They ate for around half an hour, enjoying the sweet and sour berries the plants gave out. It seemed that these berries were all edible. If they ate them, then that meant they weren't poisonous. I guess this was how ancient humans found out what was poisonous or not without superpowers in my previous life.

But in here? I guess a strong enough person could eat even poisonous things… ah, I bet some still died either way.

I looked around curiously and saw that there were no more things, so we quickly made our way down without any problems.


"And here we are…"

I glanced at the dungeon entrance. It looked like an abandoned temple atop the jungle. It was mostly covered by moss and other plants growing all over it.

The entrance of the dungeon looked eerie… well, just a bit. On top of that, it emanated a strong presence of antiquity. I could see through it with my Heavenly Sight but it stopped at the wall in front.

But inside the place, there was a large room at the end of a corridor, which led to a place with a wall in front of it and then two corridors, one that led left and another right.

There were no dangers ahead, but by expanding my senses through the Mana Sense spell, which was a basic non-attribute spell that lets one expand a part of one's mana as if they were waves, allowing one to detect living things across physical objects, I was able to detect a few living beings down there.

I don't know how strong they were, but they certainly emanated a lot of vitality from them. Plus, they were crawling around doing something I had no clue on.

They say that although there were many monsters inside dungeons, there was also a lot of loot! If I could be a bit lucky, I might even find a treasure chest and get a special item from it…or even money!

It's because of these things that people seem so incentivized to head into dungeons despite their dangerousness… I guess that's the goal I should also have right now! Right?

"It looks a bit creepy… I don't know if we should go there, Sylphy…" Aquarina said.

"Yeah. Also, you said that we weren't going into the dungeon anyways, so map this out and let's head back," Zack added.

"Hehe! You two really have no knack for adventure! You can stay if you want to, but I'm going in!" I said in response as I began to step forward, heading deeper into the dungeon.

Wow, the entire place had such an ancient feeling to it… it feels like there were even ancient echoes of the past… oh, are these paintings?

"SYLPHYYY! W-Why are you heading inside?!" cried Aquarina.

"W-Wait! Come back! Agh…!" muttered Zack as he saw Aquarina rushing towards me. With that, Zack ended up forcing himself to follow me.

Of course, I wasn't just gonna stop here when adventure was calling for me right in front of me. I wasn't a pushover myself and I knew I could safely escape any time I wanted, so I just stepped inside and walked through the corridor. On the other hand, Aquarina and Zack followed me from behind and began to reprimand me, telling me to head out.

"Sylphy, this is dangerous! W-We're too young for this…" Aquarina told me.

"I-I agree! Let's go back, okay?" Zack persuaded.

"You two are such pushovers. I just want to explore a bit. Back in my home, I have yet to find any dungeon, so all of these are new things I want to see… don't you agree? Haven't you been wondering how the world is like outside? How things are? Even more, how are dungeons even made to begin with? Just entering here, I can already notice such a large amount of mana… I want to explore it! No way am I going out… At least let me explore the first floor!" I said.

I began to walk rapidly around the corridor, finding out paintings of letters and creatures of folklore, monstrous chickens with the tails of snakes, or even three-headed dogs with fire over them. There was even a massive dragon- oh, I've seen those before.

"B-But Sylphy…" Aquarina tried once more to persuade me. She was a bit scared of getting in here. Then again, what's a better way to beat her fear than by jumping straight to danger?

"You're being reckless, not an adventurer!" shouted Zack.

"Adventurers are inherently reckless," I countered.



For once, the two had joined hands into a single purpose, trying to stop me. But they had failed miserably because it's impossible to change my mind once I'm immersed into it.

When we reached the room, we found out it was pretty big. This thing was actually 30 meters tall.

In front of us, there were two corridors, to the left and right. A wall greeted the front, which was naturally immovable.

"Now… left or right?" I wondered.

"How about back and outside?" Zack said in response to my question.

"Sylphy, let's get out…" Aquarina said yet again.

"Come on… Oh?"

I suddenly noticed that the wall before us was hollow. If I hit it, it might break and show the dungeon ahead.

But could I break the walls? Maybe with Zack's help…

"Zack, help me break this wall. I feel like it's hollow," I asked.

"W-What? I won't!" Naturally, he didn't want to.

"Come on. If there's treasure inside, I promise you I'll give you a nice portion of it…" I replied, trying to bait him into doing it.


"Come on… don't you want some money?" I said while giving him a smirk.

"…Fine." Eventually, he relented. He really did want money in the end.contemporary romance

"W-Wait! Hitting a dungeon… that's kind of wrong, right?" Aquarina could not help but say.

"Calm down, dear. We'll be fine!" I told her.

"Okay…" muttered Zack.

The two of us charged our weapons with mana before hitting the wall in front of us with all our might.


"Nothing happened," Zack said.

"Is that so?" I asked in response.

Crack… crack!


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