Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 669 Unlocking The Eighth [Monthly Bonus 1]

Unnamed Mansion.

Jine-Alora Duchy

Beta Continent's Elven Empire

June 13th

Year 1053

Agnes woke up with a start.

She coughed up a mouthful of blood, staining her white dress as she breathed heavily.

For a moment, she went into a daze as her memories updated and arranged themselves. Once all the gaps had been filled, the light in her eyes returned.

"Such a Supreme Soul…I've never seen anything like that."

Blood dripped from the sides of her eyes as a slightly deranged smile manifested on her lips.

"I want to see more of it! I NEED to see more!"

She tried to get up from the bed she was on, but she was someone who just had a portion of her soul destroyed.

It was a miracle she was even fully conscious right now.


Agnes fell flat on her face as her legs had failed her. The loud noise attracted the attention of an attendant outside, and the person opened the door to ask what was wrong.

"Priestess, is there a pro—!? Priestess?!!"

Naturally, the sight of Agnes on the floor with blood all over her white dress shocked them out of their wits. Without hesitation, they raised an alarm and the dozens of guards and servants rushed up to her location.

They scurried around trying to get a doctor to come over, while some of them used healing magic on her.

However, the injuries were soul-based; Unless they could heal her soul as well, there was nothing a doctor or their healing magic could do.

The blood they saw was just a physical representation of those soul injuries.

While everyone around her was clamouring about, Agnes' ears tuned out their noise into the background, with only a single train of thought going through her head.

'I NEED to see it again! I HAVE to…such power…such purity

I HAVE to see it…to UNDERSTAND it…to COMPREHEND it completely…

I WANT to see him again; I HAVE to see him again…I have to see EVAN again'


A bell-like sound rang out in her head, similar to the sound of the Level Up notification she was very familiar with.

The contents of the notification that appeared in her field of view, were very different from this, however.

|Scanning Completed.

Unique grade 'Ocular Ability' detected. |

The 'Devour Class System' on Aidos seemed to search her existence for something, and after confirming it was there, it sent another notification.

|Conditions Met. |

◇ ◇ ◇

Unknown Location

Unknown Dimension

Valmone Universe

Month and Day Inapplicable

Year Inapplicable

It was a location not on Aidos, nor in the Orithyia Galaxy or its parent Galactic Supercluster.

It wasn't even in the 'Third Dimension'.

Not many in the Universe knew where this was.

In the 'middle' of this 'place', a supernatural construct floated.

It was an enigmatic amalgamation of millions of geometric shapes that defied conventional understanding. Its form seemed like an ever-shifting tapestry of intricate patterns, with every conceivable geometric entity seamlessly interwoven into a mesmerizing dance.

Spell circles, like luminous glyphs, adorned the construct, whirring and spinning around the ethereal framework at an almost imperceptible speed, casting radiant beams of light in every direction.

This construct appeared to be in a constant state of metamorphosis, a kaleidoscopic fusion of angles and curves that seemed both ever-changing and perpetually unchanging.

Through some parts of the construct, multiple lines ran like intricate circuits on a motherboard, pulsating with energy. These pathways glowed with a subtle luminescence, weaving through the geometric forms.

Despite the perpetual transformation, an underlying harmony anchored the construct, a silent pulse resonating through the energy of this higher dimensional space that existed beyond the confines of time.

[Level Up]

[Proficiency has reached the required level.]

[You have become a Master Realm Existence]

[Lack of Celestial Body Signatures Detected: Confirming Planet Thade X86's Lifespan has come to an end.]contemporary romance

[Acquired Unique Skill: Spatiotemporal Destruction.]

[Experience has reached the required level.]

[Created Skill: Cataclysmic Devastation]


[Anomaly Detected in Sector 42B: Activating Causality-based Defences]

[You do not meet the required level.]

[Congratulations, you have surpassed Transcendence.]

[You have Died]

[Evolving to Ancient Breed Frost Giant.]

[Grade 3 Irregular/Singularity Activity Detected. Scale of Disturbance = Grade 4.

Summoning 'Causality Guardians'.

Granting Clearance: Please proceed to Permanently Eliminate the Irregular.]

[Akashic Page #7483769337699354 has been located: Summoning Enforcers to retrieve it immediately.]

A cacophony of a mechanical voice echoed and overlapped endlessly in this space, each word ringing out in tune with the construct's rapid transformations.

Different system messages, from different planets, across different galaxies of the Valmone Universe.

From some of them, it could be seen that pretty scary things were happening on those ends of the Universe.

And underneath all of these constantly overlapping messages, was a group of messages Evan certainly wished did not exist.

[Detected Partial fulfilment of Conditions from Orithyia Galactic Sector: Proceeding in accordance with Established Universal Laws.

Prime Planet Aidos: Hero Slot #8 = Unlocked.]

Right after saying that, the 'Devour Class System' of the Valmone Universe continued its work like normal.

[Level Up]

[Created Ski…]

◇ ◇ ◇

It was an inexplicable feeling.

A chill ran down his spine, accompanied by a low warning from Danger Sense.

Evan racked his brain trying to figure out the source of this very bad feeling he got, but he could not get an answer.


Suddenly, this bad feeling increased exponentially, and he felt that something that SHOULD NOT have happened just did.

'Why? What just happened?'

Evan could not figure out what was going on even after using Time Difference to analyse a lot of possibilities.

He did arrive at the answers to his questions, but since he believed the probability of those events occurring was abysmally low, he ended up dismissing them.

In his earlier battle, Evan had attempted to pierce Agnes' heart, but while he didn't succeed in doing that physically, he had succeeded in doing so in a manner he definitely did not want to.

The events that followed capitalized on that, increasing Agnes' 'obsession' towards him and his soul.

Evan also could not guess that the second terrible feeling he had was due to the fact that an Extra Hero Slot had been unlocked on Aidos.

Meaning that it was now very much possible, for the 'Seven Heroes', to become 'Eight'.

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