Refusing my Alpha mate

Chapter 38


That same week we sent the mating and pack union request form, we knew it would be time-consuming, bureaucratic, and tiring, but it would be necessary and I was sure it would be incredible for our people. Even before the Council made the union official, we had already started preparations. It would be our mating, and the induction ceremonies of Arthur and I as Alphas, and Monica and David as our Betas.

Annie, Renne, and Monica helped me a lot with the organization, and within less than a month the official approval from the Board came and we set the date. Danna was the head of legal for Arthur's Pack and Jonhson was the head of my legal, and the two worked together and worked a lot of overtime to get all the documentation together. After all, everything would need to be ready by the date of the ceremony, to then have the official union of the Packs. Arthur and I spent long nights working with them, my father and Annie also helped, and finally, everything was ready and the big day arrived.

The ceremony would be in the courtyard of the Troffenholl Pack House, as mine was larger, we decided that there would be the administrative headquarters, but we would keep the Hausen Pack House as support, mainly for the guard.

Arthur was downstairs getting ready with David and my dad, and Monica, Annie, Renne, Brianna, Tiffany, and Erica were in our room with me. We spent the whole day together laughing, drinking mimosas, and getting ready, the time was approaching, and Annie came with my dress in her hands, she helped me put it on, and while she fastened each pearl that served as buttons, I analyzed myself in the mirror.

The dress was big, the skirt was voluminous and shiny, at the top it was tight and really marked my waist, in addition to being covered with lace and pearls, the hairdresser had made a romantic bun, with some looser strands, and my makeup was light and subtle, I don't remember feeling so beautiful in my entire life.

But she was missing, spending the day with all those women made me think about what it would be like if my mother were there.

"What's wrong, honey?" Annie's question brought me back to reality and only then did I realize that a tear had run down my cheek.

I quickly wiped it off while answering her.

"I just wonder what it would be like if she were here." I sighed after saying it and sat down on the bed.

Annie sat next to me and put her hand on my shoulders.

"I can't tell you what it would be like if she were here, I believe she would be beaming and running back and forth trying to adjust the final preparations." Annie smiled. "But what I can tell you is that wherever she is, I'm sure she's watching over you, loving, protecting, and immensely proud of you."

Annie hugged me tight, and there I felt what it would be like to have a mother, and there I realized that she would be that figure for me too, she had been like a mother in the last few months, she was now and I knew it would be forever. And I mentally thanked the Moon for giving it to me as a gift.

"Clair, come on, it's time," Monica said towards us, hurriedly, she brought my shoes, waved them in the air, and helped me put them on.

And there I was ready, the girls left first, and Monica went to check if everything was okay, Annie stayed with me, but seeing my father arrive, she kissed me on the forehead and said goodbye, as she would enter with Arthur first, but when she met my father at the door, she smiled and said before letting him enter.

"She looks beautiful, Ethan," Annie said casting her last glance at me and patting my father twice on the shoulder.

And then his gaze lifted to meet mine, and immediately I saw a tear form in the corner of his eye, and for the first time I saw him let it fall.

There I saw my father cry for the first time.

"You look stunning, Clair." He said holding me by the shoulder and looking at me deeply. "And you look like your mother on our mating day." He smiled through his tears. "You know she would be proud of you, don't you?"

I just nodded and hugged him tightly, we stayed there for a few seconds, just hugging each other and enjoying each other's presence.

"Shall we go, my daughter? Shall we marry you to the love of your life, and make you Alpha officially?" My father told me, letting go of the hug, holding me by the shoulders, and looking into my eyes.

"Let's go," I responded smiling, linking my arm with his, and heading towards the outside of the Pack's house.

The Hausen Pack had navy blue as its standard color, and the Troffenholl had maple as its color. The union of the two colors gave purple, so we defined it as our new united Pack color, the Hausen-Troffenholl Pack. And for the decoration we chose white and lilac with some red and some bluish flowers, to represent our union as well.

When I walked outside with my dad, all the decorations that and we planned it was even more beautiful than my imagination had predicted, but nothing compared to seeing Arthur in a tuxedo waiting for me at the altar.

The tight black tuxedo on his arms showed how strong he was, and his hands were crossed in front of him, I knew he was nervous, and his bright green eyes stared at me.

He was the most beautiful being I had ever seen, inside and out, and it was as if the whole world stopped, and there, only he mattered. I looked away and faced my father, he looked back at me smiled, and gave a short wave for us to follow, we walked together along the carpeted path, decorated with candles and flowers, surrounded by loved ones. And then Arthur's gaze caught me, and I saw him purse his lips trying to contain his emotion, and exactly as we rehearsed, he went down the two steps that were on the altar of the pergola, to meet us. My father then turned to me, held both my hands, and kissed my forehead saying.

"My little warrior Clair, it was the two of us against the world for a long time, now it will be the two of you." He said the same phrase when I was born, it was just me and him, and now it would be me and Arthur. I felt a tear fall, and my father let me go, turned around, and opened his arms to hug Arthur.

"I couldn't be happier, or choose someone better." He said, still in Arthur's embrace.

They let go and my father walked to the side, while Arthur stood in front of me, looking at me, I looked back at him, and we took all the time we wanted as if there was no one else there, and then he smiled, those pleasant smiles where you close your eyes and shake your head as if he was trying to convince himself that all this was real. I took a step forward and extended my hand to him, he took it, pulled me lightly, and kissed my fingers, before placing my hand on his arm, and then his other hand held my neck and pulled it lightly for him to kiss. my forehead too.

"You are wonderful." He whispered against my skin.

"Thanks," I said back smiling. And we walked down the aisle together.

At the altar it was as if I was anesthetized, it was as if everything was a movie and I was watching, the triad came to perform the ceremony and it was beautiful.

"I declare you officially mated." Jonathan, one of the triad members, said smiling and closing the small book with the moon symbol he was carrying.

"Now let's make the Alphas official." Julius, another member of the triad, said, approaching too, and it crossed my mind every time I dreamed of this moment.

Me, becoming Alpha.

But something I didn't expect happened, Arthur held my hand, took a step back, and knelt down next to me.

"Her first." He said loudly for the triad to hear. "You didn't do all that so you didn't become Alpha first." The second part he said more quietly, and made me look at him with my lips open in astonishment.

I still couldn't process how lucky I was to have such a man by my side.

"Clair Troffenholl, I officially declare you, before the Council, your people, and the Moon. Alpha of the Hausen-Troffenholl Pack." Jonathan said, slowly, and I absorbed every word, every vibration of his voice, and I was flooded with thoughts and memories of everything I had to go through to get there, all the laws, training, and obstacles. The emotion that took over me came out of control, and the tears fell slowly.

I felt Arthur stand up, and I turned to him, he held my face with both hands.

"This is so you never forget the Alpha that you are. You have me by your side to help you, not to cover you. You are not a Luna, you don't come after me, you come by my side, my equal. " He said giving me a light kiss. And then turning forward.

"Arthur Hausen, I officially declare you, before the Council, your people, and the Moon. Alpha of the Hausen-Troffenholl Pack." Jonathan said again.

And there, we were officially mated and Alphas.

We stepped aside, and Monica and David approached the altar, and Jonathan said.

"Monica Hint and David Copper, I officially declare you, before the Council, your people, and the Moon. Betas of the Hausen-Troffenholl Pack"

We walked out of the ceremony site with screams and howls, and Arthur dragged me outside, David followed us with a wrap in his hands.

"Here." He handed the envelope to Arthur.

He barely took the envelope in his hands and handed it to me.

"Your wedding gift." I stared at the white envelope for a few seconds. And he continued talking while I slowly opened it, taking out some documents from inside. "You told me that you wanted to make a difference, that the law wasn't meant to be yours alone, that you wanted all women to have the opportunity to be Alphas on their own if they wanted or need to. Danna and I started working on this as soon as we submitted our request for union, your law extends to all women, and the decision came out this week. From now on, the Clair Troffenholl Law guarantees that any female Alpha can take over her Pack, without needing a man." He said and I read the official law, completely in disbelief, my eyes went up to meet his, and I jumped into his arms in disbelief.

"It's the best wedding gift in the world," I said as Arthur laughed and twirled me in the air.

And at that moment, it was everything, the purest happiness.

Until I saw some guards run towards us, they were in a hurry and I didn't really understand what was happening.

"Alphas, we have a problem." One of them said stuttering, and I closed my eyes anticipating what could happen.

"We sent Veronica to the Council prison yesterday, but there was an accident on the way, and they sent us a statement now that she escaped." They tried to speak in a low tone of voice, but that didn't alleviate the shit that was happening.

"You guys have got to be kidding me." Arthur's voice was hoarse and almost broken.

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