
Chapter CHAPTER 85

Chapter 85 

Steven shouted out the question that everyone had at heart. 


Why did Glen betray them and choose the rogue’s side? 

Glen stood on his feet and let Steven punch him. He groaned lowly after the first punch but didn’t choose to move away from the upcoming attack. 

Steven grabbed Glen’s collar and kept hitting his former friend. 

His knuckles were white with anger. 

A storm of emotions brewed in his eyes. 

Steven thought that they used to be friends. If not friends, at least they were on the same side. 

Yet their bond was now shattered with betrayal. 

Steven felt stupid for defending Glen fiercely in front of everyone before! 

“You…fucking bastard! Why!” 

Steven growled, throwing another punch directly at Glen’s nose, knocking him to the ground. 

“Just fucking give me a reason! Are you a rogue? How did you manage to become a Gamma if you are a rogue!” 

Glen knelt on the ground and coughed. The corners of his mouth were ripped with blood. 

“No, I am not a rogue.” 

He wiped away the blood and answered coolly. 

As for my reasons….Well, it doesn’t matter now, does it? I lost and you caught me. And that’s it. I am ready for whatever punishment that in mind.” 

Glen raised his head and looked at Damien. There was no fear nor regret on his face

You can execute me right now, Alpha Damien. I have nothing else to say,” he said calmly. 

Glen’s attitude rendered everyone speechless

They just got betrayed by one of their closest friends! 

How could they let this slide? 



At least give us an excuseor make one up for fuck’s sake!” Jeff cried loudly, “I don’t believe that you would choose the rogue’s side without a reason! You saw clearly how they slaughtered those civilians! So what is it? Did they blackmail you? Did they threaten you?” 

Glen shrugged. 

“Maybe there is no reason,” he said with an indifferent tone. “Maybe I am just purely evil.” 

Jeff let out a frustrated growl. Apparently, he found this hard to accept

“I think I know about his reasons,Aurora said abruptly, 

Glen frowned at her. 

His eyes gleamed with suspicion. 

Aurora walked to the tent entrance and talked briefly to the soldiers outside, “The girl that you caught last nightYes, bring her here.” 

Moments later, a slim figure appeared by the tent entrance

It was a pretty girl in her early twentieth. 

She looked tired and messy. Her hair was all tangled, and her eyes were red and puffy from the tears. Her clothes were dirty and worn out from running 


Chapter 85 

Yet even though she looked rough, you could still see in her eyes that she was determined to keep going despite everything. 


Glen swooped up and rushed towards the girl. She burst into tears and rushed towards him as well. 

They hugged each other tightly, like holding on to the most precious thing in their lives

Veronicawhat are you doing here?Glen gasped, “I told you to head south and never come back. Why didn’t you listen to me!” 

The girl named Veronica sobbed, “How can I leave by myself knowing that you are risking your life for me? I…I have to check on you…and make sure that you are OK…” 

“We caught her in the woods last night. She was sneaking and poking around. My men thought that she looked suspicious and bought her back,” Aurora said

Glen held Veronica in his arms and stroked her messy hair, whispering some comforting words into her ears. 

Steven, Jeff, and Maxie exchanged a look of perplexation. 

Umm….what is going on here?” Jeff starched his head and asked, “Who is this girl again?” 

“She is a rogue. And Glen’s lover. I think that she is also the reason that Glen brayed us,” Aurora said. 

Is that true, Glen?Maxie asked. 

PEP FR 3 2 3 5 P 9 F G S F 5 PE 5 P2P S 

Glen’s face was pale. 

Veronica wiped her tears on Glen’s shoulder and turned around to face everyone. 

“It is true. Glen did everything…all because of me.” 

She was quivering with strong emotions. 

“We met each other at the border when Glen came to fight back rogues… It was love at first sight. Glen wanted to take me away to his pack…but I can’t go. Not with my families still in the Rogue King’s hand.” 

She took in a deep breath before continuing: 

So I went to see the Rogue King and ask for his mercy to set my families free-” 


Aurora gasped

You have met the Rogue King?” 

Veronica shook her head, No…not in person. The Rogue King was giving orders behind a curtain. But I can tell from his voice that he is a man.” 

A man

Aurora and the others exchanged a look of frustration. 

Well, at least now they knew about the Rogue King’s gender

But that didn’t help to narrow it down. 

So what did the Rogue King say?Aurora pursued, “I bet that he didn’t let you go without a cost.” 

You are right.” 

Veronica let out a bitter laugh. 

“He heard that I was in love with a Gamma, and he was thrilled… He made me an offer. He promised to set my entire family free if Glen agreed to be his source of information during the war.” 

Glen dropped his eyes

It was the first time that a look of shame appeared on his face

Veronica continued in a low voice, So with my family still in the Rogue King’s hand, I traveled to Silver Blade Pack and became a waitress at a local 


Chapter 83 

stripe club. Glen would 


club and pass on the information, and I would send it back to the Rogue King” 

Aurora suddenly remembered something. 

Before the war broke out, the 5 Gaminas had many long meetings in Silver Blade Pack. They were all exhausted after those meetings. 

Yet somehow, Glen could always find the time and energy to go to the bars after the meetings. 

They thought that Glen was just hyper guy, 

But the truth was, he went to see Veronica at those times. 

“So that’s it?” 

Steven cried out abruptly, 

“That is your big reason? You betrayed all of us for a woman?!” 


Maxie tried to calm Steven down. But he shook her hand off roughly. 

“We lost lives in this war! Countless lives! Have you fucking thought about that?! And what about your Alpha? Your own soldiers? They trusted yout And what did you do in return? You were fucking leading them to hell! You piece of shit!” 

Steven was losing his temper again. 

He raised a leg and kicked on Glen’s stomach fiercely, Glen groaned and staggered back. 

Veronica shrieked covering her mouth. She wanted to come forward and help Glen. Yet Aurora stopped her. 

“You will make it worse by going in there,” Aurora said to her. “Now, Calm down. It is OK now. Can you tell me more about the Rogue King?They found out about the mole, 

But that was so not enough. 

If the Rogue King could implant the first mole among them, he could very well do it again. 

He was cunning and calculating beyond imagination. 

To win this war, they needed to gather more information about this man. 

Aurora could tell that Veronica knew more about the Rogue King besides his gender. 

*Tell me, Veronica. This is important,” Aurora demanded. “We will help you rescue your families back. As long as you give me the truth” Veronica’s lips trembled. 

“The Rogue King is cruel, powerful…almost charismatic. He has a certain quality that can make you obey his order automatically… And he is also a man of his own words…” 

Veronica stared deep into Aurora’s eyes, with tears welling up. 

“He told me that if we failed, he would skin my families alive..le meant it 

Aurora took a small step back. 

A sudden thrill of foreboding hit her. 

But it was too late. 

sorry I can’t fail him…” she sobbed desperately, 

A dagger appeared in Veronica’s hand. The blade shone with a greenish light, indicating that 

With a sharp cry, Veronica raised the dagger and stabbed at Auroral 

In a splitting second, someone shoved Aurora aside. 

Aurora stumbled sideward and jerked around in panic. 

Her eyes fixed upon the dagger. 


WAN poisoned. 

Chapter 85 

It had sunk deep into Damien’s chest. 




Chapter 86 


Aurora cried desperately. 

Her voice trembled as she rushed at Damien. 

She wished that everything was just a bad dream, that Veronica didn’t try to attack her, and Damien didn’t shove her aside and take the hit for her. 

Yet it was true. 

The dagger was still deep in Damien’s flesh. 

And the blood was pouring out from his wound, painting his white shirt into red. 

Damien held the dagger and swayed on his spot. He had to put all of his weight on Aurora’s shoulder to stop falling. 

His face was quickly turning grey. 

Everyone in the room was shocked by this sudden turn of event. 

Maxie acted first. She pulled over a chair and helped Damien sit down. 

Then she examined his wound. 

“His blood is changing color!” she 


an urgent voice, “This dagger is poisoned!” 

Aurora looked closely at the wound. 

Maxie was right. 

The blood oozing out was turning into a deeper shade of red, which almost seemed black. And the flesh around his wound was rotting at a speed visible to the naked eyes

Aurora’s hands trembled violently. 

She considered herself a calm person, capable of handling any urgent crisis. 

Yet at this moment, her mind was a complete blank. 

She didn’t know what to do. 

Without thinking too much into it, Aurora held the dagger and tried to pull it 

But Damien stopped her by holding her hand. 

Hey, don’t do that.” 

His voice was feeble, but still steady

If you pull the dagger now, I might bleed to death,” he said softly. 

“Then what are we supposed to do! Let it stay there?!” 

Aurora’s voice was so high and shrill that it didn’t sound like her normal voice

Damien tightened his grip on Aurora’s wrist. 

Longingness gleamed in his eyes. 

“Are you worried about me?he asked with a faint smile

Aurora couldn’t believe his nerve. 

He still got time to make jokes? Was he fucking serious?! 

She jerked around to the others and snapped, Someone get a doctor!” 

Jeff was finally snapped back to reality, and he said urgently, O–On it!” 




Chapter 86 

He rushed out of the tent

Steven let out a deafening roar and rushed at Veronica, “Where is the cure you fucking bitch!” 

He seized Veronica’s throat. One move and her neck would be snapped. 

Yet oddly, Veronica didn’t look afraid. 

She looked beyond Steven’s shoulder and stared at Damien. A frantic look appeared in her eyes. 

“You are Alpha Damien…the person that the Rogue King feared the most… Yet you are willing to sacrifice your life for her.” 

Veronica gasped, half–crying, half–laughing. 

“Did you all see that? That is the power of love! Now how can you still blame Glen for betraying his own men for me?!” 

Steven ground his teeth, “Quit yammering and hand in the cure!” 

Yet Veronica ignored him. 

She rolled her eyes and stared at the sky, whispering in a low voice, “Rogue King…I took down Alpha Damien for you….so please forgive my mistakes and give my families mercy…” 

Her voice faded out. 

Then she bit something hidden inside of her mouth. 

Glen had been watching her closely. Now seeing her did that, he roared desperately and rushed over, grabbing Veronica’s jaw to force her mouth open. 

“Don’t be silly!” Glen cried in tears, “Spill it out, Veronica! Spill it!” 

“What is happening!Steven growled. 

“Rogues hid poison in their tooth so that they could commit suicide in emergent times! Now help me, hurry!” 

Together, they forced Veronica to open her mouth. Glen reached his two fingers under her tongue and took out half of a white pill. 

She had swollen down the other half. 

Painful tears streamed down Glen’s face as he held his lover. 

She had passed out already, her face and lips losing all color. 

“What do we do now?!Steven stomped his feet anxiously, “Where should 

we get 



Just then, Jeff was back with the doctor. 

The doctor rushed to examine Damien’s wound. Moments later, he wiped the right away.” 


away from his forehead, “It is poison…I need to operate on him 

And then he will be fine?Aurora asked worriedly. 

If the person being stabbed was a regular werewolf, they would be dead by now. But Alpha Damien had a strong wolf. I think he will be fine after the operation…But we still need to wait and see.” 

Aurora breathed out shakily. 

Damien smiled and gently squeezed Aurora’s hand, Told you that I will be fine.” 

“Don’t get cocky,Aurora warned him lowly and then turned to the doctor. Shall we do something about the dagger? Can’t let it stay there like that” 

“Of course, Let’s lay Alpha Damien down. I will operate right now. I will also scrape off the rotten flesh. It might hurt a bit.” 

Aurora immediately helped Damien stand up. The doctor hastily laid a plastic wrap on the table and instructed Damien to lay down on the table. 

Jeff was pacing back and forth anxiously outside of the crowd, Are you seriously going to operate here? Can’t you at least find an aseptic room?” 

“There is no time for that.” The doctor opened his surgical kit

Chapter 86 

“Well then, give the poor man some pain killer! You said it fucking hurts!” 

“There is no need,” Damien said abruptly. 

He reached over and interlocked his fingers with Aurora’s. 

“I will be fine as long as Aurora is by my side,” Damien smiled. 

Aurora replied with a smile. 

The doctor took his scalpel and started the operation. 

Aurora could feel Damien’s muscle tensed up immediately after the doctor made the first cut. His face was white as a piece of paper, and a cold sweat broke out on his forehead. 

Aurora felt her heart ache. 

If it weren’t for Damien, she would be the one lying on this table. No. She probably wouldn’t last long enough for the doctor to arrive. She would be dead already. 

It was at this very moment that she realized that Damien really cared about her. 

So much that he was willing to take 

bullet for her. 

Mer chest. 

Some strong emotions surged up in 

Aurora couldn’t help but plant a soft kiss on the back of Damien C 

Damien’s body suddenly jerked as he loo 

up at Aurora slowly. His 

“You made this stab seem so worth it,” he said in a husky voice. 

eyes were 

lit up 

by joy. 

The doctor pulled out the dagger and clogged the wound with some cotton balls. 

He wanted to go ahead and wrap the wound with lines, but Damien stopped him. 

Gamma Aurora can do it,” he gave a small nod at Aurora. 

The doctor hesitated and then handed Aurora the lien resignedly. 

“Please keep an eye on the Alpha tonight,” the doctor said to Aurora. “We don’t know much about the rogue’s poison. It looks like that Alpha Damien is getting better. But there might be some post syndromes.” 

“Like what?” 

“I am not sure,” the doctor shook his head. 

Now that Damien’s wound had been treated, the others wanted to give him and Aurora some spaces

Maxie asked soldiers to escort Glen and Veronica out and lock them up. They would be sentenced after Damien got better. 

While the Gammas were leaving the tent, Kaelan appeared by the entrance. 

He gave one quick glance at Damien and his pale face, and then called out to Aurora, “Gamma Aurora, can I see you for a second?” 

Aurora nodded. She placed the lien on the table and was about to head out. 

Yet her hand fell into an iron grip the next second. 

I need you to stay here,” Damien said icily. 

His lips were pressed into a thin line. He still looked very intimidating even with the wound. 

I will be back very soon,” Aurora comforted him. 

“Stay,” Damien strengthened. It was basically an order. 

Yet Aurora simply smiled and broke free from his grip and then walked out of the tent. 

Karlan was standing outside. He seemed very tensed. 


Chapter 86 

“I heard that Alpha Damien was poisoned by a rogue?” he asked hastily. 

“Yes. Do you know anything about that poison?” 

Kaelan choked. 

An awkward look appeared on his face. 

After a long pause, he put his hand on Aurora’s shoulder and said urgently, “Don’t…stay by his side tonight.” 

Aurora frowned, “Why?” 

“Just listen to me!” 

“I won’t unless you give me a reason.” 

“Because-” Kaelan hissed, gritting his teeth. “-The poison will make him go in heat!” 




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