
Chapter CHAPTER 73

Chapter 73

“A creek desen de Wellen shed sheety. “How do you know Watt, why do you speak the rogue’s fangage 

Tun or had an towards the West alesity with Kaelan and jer Ever Moon’s anders following right behind her 

already anther solders 

Autrois was going at het full speed. The burning village quickly ended into the distaner and soon disappeared into the 

All the noises were fading out and gradually the sound of her pas hitting against the forest floor was the only thing she wild bras 

When Aurora realized, she had got separated with Kaelan and the others. 

The dense tree top blocked most of the moonlight. Aurora’s surrounding was a pitch black. 

so quiet. The quietness was almost unsettling 

Aurora slowed down her pace and strained her eyes, listening attentively for any strange sound. 

Her eyes caught a faint crack, like someone just stepped on a trig 

And just then, Aurora saw a huge, dark figure passing through woods and it streak away quickly like a ghostly shadow. 

Aurora immediately followed up. 

But that mysterious figure was gone again. Like it never existed. 

In front of her eyes were nothing but rustling branches of the trees, dim moonlight and the fog that started to roll over the 


She seemed to be the only living creature in this part of the forest, surrounded by eerie silence. 

Aurora took a deep breath. 

She reached into her pocket for her compass. She needed to make sure she was going to the right direction. 

Just when her fingers touched the mental cover of the compass, Aurora felt something on her neck. 

It was cold and moist, like raindrops. 

Was it starting to rain

Aurora touched her neck and looked up to the sky. 

And then she saw it- 

Squatting on the thick branches on top of her head was a huge black wolf! 

Its yellow eyes glinting hungrily in the darkness. Its mouth wide open, fangs exposed. 

What just fell on her neck wasn’t raindrops at all. 

It was blood. 

Dripping down from the wolf’s sharp fangs 

The wolf let out a deafening roar the moment their eyes locked. 


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Autosra a bowdy seacted before her mind did arat she leaped to the Her gut reaction saved her If she was a second late. the smit’s claw would cut right into her chest! 

the shifted into wolf as well. Two wolves went at each other fiercely 

This was a brutal battle, nothing like what Aurora had experienced in the training field before. The rogue was so large andd strong that it almost secined like another species. 

But Aurora’s fighting skill and her Alpha blood saved her. 

Abhough suffered a few deep cuts on her back, she eventually managed to trample on the rogue’s neck. 

She breathed heavily and bent down to hiss into the rogue’s ear, Where are the others! How did you cross our border!” 

Even though he was defeated, the rogue didn’t seem scared at all 

He grinned widely flashing his yellow teeth. There was a crazy, thrilling look in his eyes. 

What a beauty 

He giggled, licking his teeth hungrily. 

“A sweet little beauty like you should never come into t 

the forest alone.…..” 

Aurora added more pressure to her foot, “Answer my question! Or I will break your neck now!” 

The rogue’s twisted crackle grew louder. 

“Look around you, my sweet lamb! the rogue rocked with laughter, “Look around before you threaten me again!” 

A chill was sent down Aurora’s spine. 

And she looked up. 

There were at least 15–no–20 pairs of blazing wolf eyes staring at her through the darkness, like floating yellow light bulbs. 

Aurora had no idea when they appeared. 

Probably when they were in the middle of their fight.. 

One of the wolves moved forward and stepped into the moonlight. He was significantly larger than the others. There was a deep scar between his eyes, splitting his face into half

“Let him go,” said the scar icily. 

Aurora stood stiffly for a few seconds before slowly lifting her paw. 

She was ambushed and outnumbered. 

The wise thing to do was to play along. 

The scar’s eyes glinted viciously. This is new a she–wolf in the battlefield. What happened to your men? Did they all die?” All the rogues snickered in the darkness. 

“How does Damien like our little surprise to him the scar snorted, “He slaughtered so many of our brothers and sisters. I bet he didn’t see this coming, did he?” 


Chapter 7 


Aurora apal 

“You have the gut to come this deep into our territory and burri town our village. But you don’t have the nerve to face Alpha Damien directly?” 

The rogues agitated. But the scar shushed them with a bowl. 

“Quiet!” the scar snarled, “You can say all the pretty words you like. But we won. And we’ll keep ravaging your villages, towns, cities and women. Till the whole world trembled beneath our feet!” 

“No you won’t!” Aurora hissed. “You can kill me today. But you won’t stop the others. All the Alphas and Gammas are coming at you. And together we’ll-” 


The scar screeched, to a chorus of snide snickers. 

“You don’t have as many friends as you think, naïve little girl.” The Scar laughed, “People may appear to be loyal to you on the outside, but on the inside…they belong to us.” 

Aurora’s heart sank.. 

What did this mean? 

Was the Scar saying that there was a mole among them? Which confirmed her theory! 

“Are you the Rogue King?” Aurora stared at the Scar and asked. 

“Me” the Scar giggled, “No, no, no, no..And you will never have the chance to meet with the king ever. Because your life ends–TODAY” 

The Scar flung at Aurora

Aurora rolled to the side, narrowly escaping his attack. But the next second, her rare left leg got caught in a wolf’s mouth. A piercing pain shoot through her body. 

Aurora screamed and struggled to pull her leg back but failed. The Scar opened its mouth and was about to bite down on Aurora’s neck- 

A deafening roar echoed across the forest, sending birds flying off from the tree branches. 

With that sound came a series of heavy, steady footsteps. It sounded like a gigantic animal was at moving full speed toward them

“That voice sounds familiar…” one of the rogues cried shakily. 

“Damien I–It’s Damien..” another one barked, “RUN!!!” 


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