
Chapter CHAPTER 70

Chapter 70 

Hearing Aurora’s proposal, Owen couldn’t help bit burst out laughing. 

“You want to do a one on one with me! 

Owen stepped forward, cracking his knuckle, there was all arriz ant smile on his lips 

“Forgot how I used to punch you like a sack of potato when we were little? Missing all those bruises and wounds now, little Aurora Owen teased. 

Aurora stretched her neck a little and raised up her fists, getting into her fighting pose. 

“Bring it in, Owen,” she said

Owen snorted and pulled off his jersey, revealing his rock–hard muscles. He spent 20 hours a week in the gym to build this body. He was very proud of his huge biceps and firm chest. 

Aurora was like a skinny chick in front of him. He could crush her into crumples with one thumb. 

“Go get herson!” Hellen cried by the side, “Kick her ass for you sister!” 

With a loud roar, Owen raised his fist and jumped at Aurora. 

She dodged sideways and waltzed to his back, quick and agile like a cat. She raised a leg and kicked on Owen’s butt and sent him staggering a few steps before falling on his knees. 

“Looking for something on the floor there, Owen?” Aurora laughed 

Maxie chuckled as well and started clapping and cheering for Aurora 

Owen’s face became tomato red. 

He let out a furious roar and scrambled back onto his feet. He turned and charged at Aurora again like a crazy bull. 

This time Aurora didn’t dodge. Instead, she remained firmly on her spot and raised a single hand. 

Even Hellen couldn’t help but widened her eyes in shock: Aurora was going to take his punch barehanded? But that was impossible! She was so tiny! 

“Punch her son!” Paul cried excitedly, Crash her skull!” 

Owen howled and smashed down his massive fist. 

Yet the next second, his hand fell right into Aurora’s firm grip and froze in the air. 

Owen tried to pull his hand back, but he couldn’t. 

It was like his hand was clamped by a pincer. 

Aurora looked up at Owen’s red face and grinned: 

-My turn now.” 

She balled her hand into a fist and caught Owen on the chin with a perfect uppercut. Everyone present heard a crisp crashing sound–the sound of breaking bones. 

Then Owen let out a painful cry and dropped on his knees, holding his dislocated jaws



Hellen and Paul conilan’s believe their eyes–it was less than half minute and Owen was already defeated! 

Asd Amora slready snuck again. She kicked on Owen’s fare belly and knocked his huge holy to the ground 

Hellen Inerally saw a banken tooth fly out of twen’s mouth 

Owen cried desperately and tried to get back up on his feet. Yet Aurora stepped on his shoulder the next second and pinned him to the floor. 

You think I am still that little girl who couldn’t fight back?” Aura snorted. “This is for looking down at women. Especially for looking down at me! 

She grabbed Owen’s collar, aiming at his nose and punched agdn. 

Hellen couldn’t watch this anymore. She wanted to rush forward and stop Aurora but Pull tugged at her sleeve. 

“Let’s wait till her finish,” Paul whispered into her ears. “If Owen is injured severely, she will have to pay us a shit load of medical fees.” 

5 minutes later. Aurora finally dropped Owen back on the floor, who had passed out already. 

She casually wiped the blood off her knuckle onto Owen’s jersey and turned to the Ravenwood couple, smiling: 

“If you don’t want to end up on the floor like your son, now is the time for y you to fuck off. 

Hellen was shivering tremendously in fear. She gulped and asked in a shaky voice, “Y–You abused our son! Isn’t that against the law? We won’t leave here until you send him to the hospital and pay for the medical bill!” 

And our emotional trauma!” Paul added quickly, “Write us a check!” 

Aurora rolled her eyes. 

Maxie spoke up with a cold voice, “The duel has clear rules. Each participant is responsible for their own life and death. Aurora doesn’t need to pay you a damn thing even if she kills your son right here today” 

“What?” Hellen cried. “We never heard such rules! It doesn’t count!” 

“It is written in the Pack’s law,” Aurora shrugged. “If you have a problem with this, maybe I should send you to the person who made the rule. Say…Alpha Damien?” 

Hellen and Paul both quivered 

Their tax problem hadn’t been sorted out yet. The last person they wanted to see right now was Damien. 

Then we should probably take him home and treat his wounds. Hellen said weakly. 

“You son already missed the training this morning. He will stay here as I see through his daily practice, Maxie said icily. 

“He passed out already! How do you expect him to train like that” Paul cried. 

“Don’t worry. I have plenty of ways,” Maxie glanced at Owen’s direction as though looking at a dead corpse. 

“Well, I should probably get going 

Aurora grabbed her coat on the couch and winked at Maxie, “Can I leave Owen with you?” 

Maxie grinned, “Certainly. He will be in very good hands.” 

Aurora laughed and walked out of the office. She could still her Hellen and Paul’s voice pleading for mercy when she 


reached the staircase. 

Aurois knew that she best Owen a little too hard today 

But that waA DIVYAMIX 

On the one hand, she did want to get back at him for how he alosed her in the past; on the other hand, she needed Owen to steps causing drama one thing for all

She and Maxie were studying the map before the Ravenwood walked in. The alliance had decided to send troops to the boarder toon. Both Aurora and Maxic were in the advance force leaving in a few days. 

A war was happening. 

And they couldn’t afford to have a mole in their troops. 

So she needed to make sure Owen was docile like a kitten. 

Aurora left the building and went to meet with the other 3 Gaminias. The four of them nailed down a couple more details of this deployment of troops. They even went over their program of defense one more time. 

None of them knew when the rogues would attack. 

All they could do now was to get ready. 

When the meeting came to an end, it was already midnight. 

They came out of the training field and headed back to the hotel together. 

Jeff, the Gamma from Black Water Pack, yawned widely on their way back, “God, I am exhausted. All I want to do is to pass out on my bed right now.” 

Get ready to the life with no sleeps,” Steven from Crimson Peak Pack told him, “Because you ain’t getting any of those on the battlefield,” 

“I know, I know! Which is why I need to get as much sleeps as I can before I’m forced to spend the night in a pond of icy mud or on tree branches…Hey Glen! Where are you going?” 

Jeff called out to Glen, who was walking to the opposite direction from them. 

“I got a call from the girl I met in the bar last night,” Glen waved his phone and chuckled. “Later, boys!” 

His long hair flew as he marched down the pavement in long strides. 

Jeff stared at his back jealousy, “I envy his energy. Never missing out the fun in life even at a time like this… This dude is legend.” 

What about you, Aurora?” Steven asked. “Are you going back to the hotel with us?” 


Aurora looked back to him and smiled, “Why don’t you two head back first? I think there is someone I want to see as well 

She was gazing into the distance when she found that the light in Damien’s office was still on. 

And she was suddenly in the mood for a glass of wine. 

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