
Chapter CHAPTER 59

Chapter 59 

The witness. Aurora wanted to talk to was M 

Although Baron hadn’t been very nice to Maxie, be trusted her very much. He brought her to the first between parks competition, and he even let her fill in as the substitute trainer while he was absent 

Maxor must know something about his shady deals 

The only problem was whether or not she would be willing to tell Aurora everything that die knew. 

It seemed that Maxse was terrified of Baron She didn’t even dare to say anything when Baron blamed her for the mad bear 


Baron must have found a way to control her somehow. 

Aurora needed to find out by what means Baron was controlling Maxic 

And she needed to win over Maxie’s trust. 

Maxie wa 

was flying in the central packhouse. Since she didn’t show up in the training field today, Aurora thought she might have the luck of finding Maxie in her room. 

Aurora arrived outside of Maxie’s room and gently knocked on the door. 

Nobody answered

Aurora didn’t give up. She knocked again. 

his time she heard a series of light footsteps approaching the door, followed by a guardedly tensed voice asking. “Who is 

“It is me. Aurora, from the Ever Moon Pack.” Aurora leant closer to the door and asked, “Can we talk for a minute?” 

“I can’t think of anything we can talk about,said Maxie warily

J: didn’t kick off with a great start. 

But Aurora didn’t leave. 

Instead, she held the doorknob and insisted, “Give me a chance to talk to you Maxie. This is important. You don’t need to come out. We can talk through the door if you like.” 

There was another long silence. 

And then, the door was opened up a crack, revealing a small part of Maxie’s face. 

“What do you need?” Maxie asked lowly. 

You were not at the training field today. I heard that Baron replaced you with Owen. But you were doing great training your soldiers. So what happened?” 

“Gamma Baron felt that Owen is a better fit than me. And I don’t mind that, really. I was temporarily filling in anyway-” 

“Nonsense!” Aurora snapped, raising her voice. “Both you and I knew that this is bullshit. Have you met Owen The guy knew nothing but waiving his fists in the air like a giant gorilla. And you are counting on a guy like him to train your 





Chapter 59 

Maxie’s face went pale: 

After a pause, she muttered, “This is Silver Blade Pack’s business And you are Ever Moon Pack’s Gamma. This doesn’t concern you 

She wanted to shut the door, but Aurora took a step further and put her foot between the door panel and the wall. 

And Aurora insisted. “But this is an alliance, Maxie. We are going to the battlefield together one day, I can’t stand aside and do nothing when a real capable person like you gets bullied and flismissed, while scumbags like Baron and Owen take the 


Maxie bit her lips and subsided into silence. 

Aurora stared at her and asked abruptly, “What happened to your arm?” 

Maxie was wearing long sleeves. But her sleeves rolled up when she tried to shut the door, revealing her upper arm. 

There were a few striking bruises on her skin. All seemed relatively new. 

Maxie panicked and quickly pulled off her sleeve to cover her skin. But it was too late. 

“Don’t botter. I saw it already.” Aurora said solemnly. “I get it. It isn’t easy for you to stand up against Baron’s tyrant. It took me a long time to learn how to fight for my own right as well. But you can do it, just like me. This is your chance now, Maxie! 

Maxic inhaled sharply. Her lips started to tremble. 

She still had the door half–open. But she didn’t try to close it. 

What do you want then?” Maxie asked eventually. “Are you trying to get me back to the training field? We both know that Gamma Baron won’t allow that.” 

“And that is why we can’t let Baron take control” Aurora looked into Maxie’s eyes and said, “We need to take down Baron” 

A look of shock flickered across Maxie’s eyes. 

“You are crazy!” Maxie gasped in disbelief, “Do you know who Baron is?! He is 

“A respected warrior’s son, right? And so what? His father won all those glories, not him. We can’t let him keep corrupting your army. Even your Alpha is with me on this. We have your back!” 

Maxic was still shaking her head, “Baron is too respected among the soldiers. You can’t kick him out of power. You will cause 

a riot 

“And that is why we need to show those soldiers that Baron doesn’t deserve their respect.” 

Aurora took in a deep breath and got to the gist, “Alpha Damien told me that there was an account book, documenting all the details of Baron’s shady deals. If you happen to know where that account book is- 

“NO!” Maxie snarled abruptly. 

at Aurora and cried, “Forget it! I am not giving you 

There was a mixed look of fear and anger on Maxie’s face as she glared at that account book!” 

“Calm down, Maxie. Let’s work it out—” 

“No, I am done talking to you. Goodbye

Maxie slammed the door close with a huge bang and shut Aurora outside. 



15:07 Tue, Jul 23 GG 

Chapter 30 

Aurora took a quick step back to avoid getting hit by the door. 

Then she frowned, thinking back to what Maxie just said. 

…So there was indeed an account book

And Maxic knew where it was.. 

Which were all great news. 

And Maxie didn’t seem to hate the idea of taking down Baron. She must resent Baron 100. 

But why did she react so strongly when Aurora asked her about the account book! 

Did Baron threaten her with something? 

Aurora knew that she wouldn’t be able to get Maxie’s trust unless she found out what Baron threatened Maxie with. 

Aurora turned to leave Maxie’s room while still pondering on these questions. 

When she reached the end of this hallway, she heard a series of conversation coming from around the corner. 

Two maids were talking in a cautiously low voice.. 

Miss Maxic was still in her room?” one maid asked. 


“Yes. She hadn’t eaten anything since yesterday. Poor thing. I was thinking maybe I should bring her 

g to eat.” 

“She won’t touch them. She won’t even open the door. She is always like this after–you know.” 

“Shush!” the other maid snapped, “Are you crazy? We are not supposed to talk about it! Do you want to be expelled? Or do you have a death wish?” 

Aurora narrowed her eyes standing in the shadow

It seemed that these two maids knew what happened to Maxie. But they were too scared to say a word about it. 

“I just feel terrible for Miss Maxie! She didn’t deserve to be treated like this.” the maid cried with an aggrieved voice. 

I know. But what can we do about it? We are only maids. There is nothing we can do to help her.” 

The two sighed and were ready to walk away. 

Just before they left, Aurora stepped out of the shadow and cried out, “Wait!” 

Two maids jerked around in panic. 

“Gamma Auroral” one gasped, “When did you- 

“I have heard everything.” 

Aurora walked toward them and surveyed their pale and frightened faces, “So tell me what happened to Maxie. And why did she lock herself inside of her room.” 

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