Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 54

Chapter 54 You Really Don't Give Up, Do You? "The way things are going right now, I don’t know if I can still get back to Calthon
I-If I do unfortunately die here, please give the role back to Howard.” If death was inevitable, then she would like to die for
something worthwhile.
‘It is Howard again.
How dare she follow me to Athadale for Howard and cause all this unnecessary trouble?’ Gilbert’s chest heaved violently with
anger and a touch of unknown emotion.
He paced to the window with his arms akimbo.
He then took a deep breath, turned around, and sneered at her.
"You really don't give up, do you?" "I will give up if you give him back his role.” “Heh!” Gilbert laughed.
"Why should I give it back to him? Do I owe him anything?” “What does it matter if you grant me this small request when I'm now
suffering from an unwarranted disaster because of you? Also, you also said that if I die, you will return his role to him." "Then
let's wait until you are dead," Gilbert said, walking over to the bed.
“Get out.
I'm going to sleep." "You " "If you say one more word, I will throw you to Anthony.
He tortures people in ways you can’t think of.
There is nothing he can't do." Kisa shut up at once.
Judging by the situation, she knew she could not talk about Howard with him.
She put her hand to her awful feet, then got up from the floor with difficulty.
She looked at the man on the bed and saw that he was sleeping under the covers, so she silently walked outside.
When she got to the door, she said, "Think about what I just said; returning the role.

to him is just a lift of a finger for you, but for me, it is the last wish I have before I die." She did not want to die owing something to
"Get out!" Gilbert was so furious that he had a headache and pulled the covers over his head, ‘I have gone to great lengths to
save her life, but she only thinks of other men.
If she is so whorish, why did she go to such lengths to set me up, marry me, and even do so many bad things for this?' The
thought of his grandmother, who was still in a coma, and Sara, who had not been heard from, washed away the last bit of feeling
he had for that woman.
'Yes, I protect her just because of Andrew and Ada.
Hadn't the two children liked her so much, I would never have bothered with her.’ The living room was large, and so was the
Kisa felt quite comfortable lying on it, but unfortunately, there was no blanket.
The winter in Athadale was not as cold as in Calthon, but the nights were still freezing.
She curled up on the couch and could not sleep because of that.
She couldn't help but get up to look for a blanket after tossing and turning for a while.
After searching around the living room, she stood outside the bedroom and hesitated, not daring to go in, not sure if Gilbert was
She still pushed the door open cautiously after some hesitation-she could not sleep tonight without a blanket.
Kisa first opened a small gap.
Seeing no movement on the bed and hearing no sound inside, she thought Gilbert should be asleep.
Fearing that the light from the living room would wake him up, she darted into the room and closed the door behind her as gently
as possible.
She tapped on her phone screen and tiptoed toward the cabinet by the faint light of her phone.

But after just two steps into the room, a bitter voice sounded.

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